Wednesday 8 March 2017

Be Bold For Change | Karina Elle


  1. May i post a link to my facebook profile? I absolutely LOVE this blog and it fits in with my version of feminism

    Please, feel free to send me a friend request. I love connecting with like minded people

    1. Glad you like the blog :D. Yes of course you can add a link. Always happy to have more sisters on board. I'm actually not active on fb, but please feel free to join the blog, this will allow you to PM me directly should you want to - always looking for collaborators and inspiration for new material...

    2. Wonderful! And thank you for your kind words. I did look at somewhere to register but didn't see anything, however. Perhaps im doing something wrong?
      Zeh's x

    3. Hi Zeh's

      Oh that's odd let me look into it....and I'll get back to you. Do you have a big following on FB?

  2. Lol not really a big following on facebook, just lots of like minded people as well as a mix of personal friends and family. I try not to be too radical in case it puts people off and they think im nuts!

    1. Hi Zeh's

      Ok, are you sure you want to link here then, there is some pretty radical stuff here and some of the New Amazon Nation artworks are not for the faint hearted...?

  3. Such perfection and power!

    1. so much more elegant and vibrant looking then any man.

  4. Okay. I managed it now i think! And my name has been removed which helps! Lol

  5. Karina makes some great points here.


    1. yes she does and women like her are a great rolemodel for girls nowadays to start working out too.

    2. Starting to work out is one thing, keeping the pace up against fit-shaming is another...


    3. People who fit-shame aren't worth any attention. Keep doing your thing, don't listen to them. Many have had their go at fit-shaming me, but all they 're biting is my dust. Constantina

    4. You 're too gentle to them if they can still bite. You definitely can do much more than you choose to do as I can tell from how you express yourself here. Silvia

    5. That is how it goes with most women: what we choose to do is very often far below what we can do. Elise

    6. True, few women fight for honour. Most women fight for domination, especially over men, the easiest opponents we can get to fight against. I see no serious reason for fighting a man unless I have no other options. Men fight like little kids, no technique, no accuracy at all, just "jumpscares". They don't help me work on my flaws, so I prefer better opponents. Silvia

    7. Hi Silvia,

      My wife holds a black belt in karate and she says the same thing. If she wants an easy victory, she spars against a man. If she wants a challenge she challenges the other woman who has a black belt. tasslehoff

    8. It should be obvious from my previous comment that I see no point in easy victories. The only reason I may fight a man for is the lack of other options as I very clearly state. Punishment though is a different story, it isn't like legitimate fighting. Silvia
