Monday 23 January 2017

Fit shaming....

You have probably heard of "Fat shaming" the process of shaming of individuals who are overweight in order to persuade them to lose weight ....for their own good btw. Well that's the theory anyway, of course it could just be good old-fashioned bullying....But I want to discuss a variation on this social phenomenon - Fit shaming...that's right, sounds similar and works the same way, but instead of the problem being fat, apparently the problem this time is with being fit...(I know).

Amazons will more than likely experience this phenomena on a regular basis and not always just from men

Yes, there are still a good many people stuck in their conventional patriarchal mindset who think that a female being physically fit, somehow carries the same social stigma as being overweight. On the surface this appears to be puzzling, I mean, everyone wants to be fit right?? Well yes, but socially there still seems to be some strange resistance to females being fit, active and physically capable. Amazons reading this will be familiar by now with some of its manifestations. Sometimes they are overt and obvious, but more often they are subtle - little comments and asides that you overhear and sometimes don't even realise until later....that was a dig..

I think there are two main reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly it is seen as a threat to the traditional, conventional family construct where the subservience of the female is crucial. Fit and physically capable females are less likely to want or need to bend to the male will and that notion upsets certain  people (a lot of them women) on a subconscious level. Secondly I believe that there is an inherent fear of female supremacy in men and any sign that a female is achieving any kind of physical capability is to be discouraged and is often met with disdain and criticism.

I remember an example many years ago where a female friend of mine was describing another girl who was making a name for herself in the local town - basically because she was getting a lot of attention from the local boys. Any way she said she was "Tall, blonde" and then she leant forward covered her mouth and said in a kind of whisper "Big thighs". When I eventually saw the girl in question, she had what I would now describe as an Amazonian physique not unlike my own -  but my friend had said "Big thighs" as a way to disparage her. I didn't say anything at the time, but on reflection I felt offended because I had big muscley legs too. Mine were the result of a lot of hard work and exercise and it really bugged me that anyone should think that was a bad thing.

Women's biggest muscles are in the lower body and we should be proud of them just as men are proud of their upper body muscles. You wouldn't hear anyone criticise a man for having big biceps now would you?? If anyone criticises you for having a strong or fit body, then it can only be because they feel threatened and envious. Don't listen to them, jut re-double your efforts to become the thing that they are so scared of and make sure you have the last laugh....


  1. Well said. My Mistress is clearly the leader of the household and, although most people around us seem to think that we 're doing it wrong (some guy even asked me straight off "Why don't you put her in her place?", to which I answered "She is indeed in her place!"), the whole thing feels normal and works just fine for both of us. And, mind you, she is about 20cm shorter and a whooping 30Kg smaller, yet she outpowers me by far.

  2. It is sad that such a thing exists. It can only be due to the long running effort of masculinist and patriarchal myth makers to squelch the reality of female physical superiority. The overwhelming inner shame males feel just for being inferior to women as biological organisms is turned against women en-masse throughout history to create as society which exaggerates male strength and convinces women that it's unfeminine to be physically powerful. Fewer and fewer women are falling for this anymore.

    Shame is innate in the male psyche. we cannot deal with it so we turn it around.

  3. My wife is already working out since her teens and during that time she had to deal with a lot of ridicule and negativity. Especially when she just started working out as a teenage girl. And surprisingly, most of the negativity then came from other girls/women. Probably because it was not accepted for women to be strong 20 years ago and women then wanted to look as was socially acceptable. Gradually this changed and nowadays my wife and her friend get a lot more positive feedback and only little negative comments. The difference now is that most negativity is coming from men instead of women as if men nowadays fear the rise of strong, independent amazons. But truth be told, these men are a minority. Most men at their gym praise them and younger girls look up to my wife and her friend and want to have bodies like them.

    My wife feels that the fit-shaming part happened more often in the past then today as it is now commonly more accepted for women to be independent and strong.

  4. Fit shaming is quite simply a psychological attack to put strong women down and instill doubt committed by those who are jealous and scared of powerful women. It used to work but the results we see from our chosen lifestyle weaken their underhand attack and empower us more. Polegirl

    1. Big thighs are our weapons for overpowering and destroying men!! Zaha

    2. And very powerful, effective weapons they are.

    3. It's simple: Human perfection is best exemplified by the female in all ways.

      She is the smarter sex and the stronger more resilient sex. Compared on a pound-for-pound basis, the muscles of women are much stronger and resilient than the male's. Men instinctively know this but can't handle it so they set about to trick women into denying their own power and perfection. As Polegirl so aptly says, women are now responding to this old trick by coming back even stronger!

    4. not at all, women were cute when they practiced aerobics and ballet which they should stick to, women don't need to become so powerful when men can do it. you all gloat that you can surpass us and seem to take delight when you do, encourage each other all you like zaha to use your legs to hurt us because you think you have an anatomical advantage but you wont beat us
      yboy don't be enticed by their allure the female is not human perfection because they are emotionally weak, it may well be well documented how well females do academically and the pound for pound performance of their muscles, but women still naturally shouldn't have the amount of muscle of men its not tricking women we just state the obvious and thankfully women are so emotionally fragile they don't disagree
      by choosing an amazon lifestyle the result is men and women will turn against you and patriarchy will get stronger than ever, and thats boypower!!!!!!

    5. What is your opinion on Donald Trump's emotional stability?



    1. He looks very formidable, strong and muscular, but she squeezed him unconscious in seconds. Bet he wakes up with a headache.

    2. Yes. It just shows that the appearance of male strength is an illusion. As described in the "Women's technical advantages" post on this blog, male muscles are truly feeble compared with the overwhelming potential of female power.

    3. The video actually shows just the start and the end of the bout (so we don't really know how long it took her to impose order), still it does make its point.


    4. Woah the size of him and his muscles complete he man, yet she practically killed him without hardly breaking a sweat!! Terrifying! Paul

    5. She definitely would have done him some serious damage if the coach hadn't intervened. Looks like he deserved the lesson he got. Maybe after that it was clear to him how his big muscles are feeble when confronted with a skilled female opponent. But probably he just continued to be in denial only to have to learn the same lesson again later.

  7. I knew a guy who used fit-shaming on women. Now he cannot swim...

    Raffaela Cosanostra

    1. Sounds like he got on someone's nerves quite a lot...


    2. Indeed, you don't want to piss a Godmother off...

      Raffaela Cosanostra

  8. Yep. Ive come across this. Reading the posts on here is interesting. The comments on the Octopussy thread struck a chord. And comments on here, too, i can relate to.
    I also have a background in gymnastics, and went that stopped i carried on training in the gym, 4 or 5 days a week. We can be female AND strong.
    Zehra x

  9. Check this out Alicia napoleon former wrestler world champion boxer and muscle women and why women's muscles are beautiful and for women dispelling the myth they are for men :)

    1. Thanks so much for this Anonymous - really great find! So good in fact I'm going to give it its own post....Please support The New Amazon Nation by joining the site and the conversation....Thnx


    2. Don't you mean they are for everyone?

    3. I knew a guy who purposedly missed points that didn't suit him. Now he cannot walk...

      Raffaela Cosanostra

  10. I haven't had to lie senseless on the ground, but She can definitely make me do so if for some reason I have to... But I don't know how She will choose to do it. She is easily capable of lots of different stuff.
