Saturday 17 March 2018

This girls' football team just topped a league for boys in Spain


  1. Cool :)

    From the article:

    "To push these girls, we felt they had to play against boys because you need strong opponents to make real progress," Jose Maria Salmeron, the director of AEM Lleida told the New York Times.

    Seems ironic considering it turns out that it's the girls and not the boys who are clearly the stronger ones.

    ... and ...

    "If you're technically better, you can compensate for being perhaps physically weaker."

    How about "if you're technically better you can add that to being physically stronger even if you're smaller"

    The article seems to brush over the fact that the girls were better in every way, not just "technically."

    Too bad that the boy's moms had to resort to calling the girls names, but then they probably knew that their boys were toast and wanted to do their best at being supportive moms, i suppose. :/

    1. The Women's teams' Female parents should merely have responded by referring to the disheartened defeated male team players by exaggerated 'feminized' versions of their little boy names.

    2. Actually, whyguys, you bring up an interesting subject. 'feminizing' males is based on the mistaken perception of female as weak and inferior, so 'feminizing' a male name is intended to diminish and humiliate. But "Female" with an upper case "F" is the essence of true strength and power, so do males get the lower case "fem" and Females, Women, etc are capitalized?

      Anyway, not to overthink this, but i suppose that adding a femme suffix to a male name doesn't elevate the male to the superior Female level, but rather reveals the already inferior condition of the male. The male 'version' of 'fem' is a mere shadow of the true Female.

      Either way XX > xy

    3. Understand what you say yboy... but feel eventually the 'softer', meeker' and 'weaker' nomenclature previously used to denote Females and in the past used to control and misdefine Women shall evolve to usage for the coming race of secondary status male sex.

      It may even be that terms such as "Female Masters" and 'male girls', although at first disconcerting my be found useful in fully reversing past definitions of the sexes until full corrected reversal of the Female sex as primary is established.

      i may be way off base (heck - there's that y-chromosome problem of mine), yet it's oft seemed to me to have been going in that direction since the mid-20th century. With eyes shyly downcast, may any Women here offended forgive me....

    4. Yes. That makes sense. i think language will probably evolve so that words like "masculine" will be accepted as denoting inferiority, weakness, imperfection, etc. Perhaps "Master" will only be applicable to Women as there will be no "male masters." As for "male girls" ... i find that interesting because i accept the idea that all males are in fact essentially a variation of the original Female biological form, so in that sense all boys are "male girls" and men are "male women" which is to say that we males are a lesser version of the species.

      Also, you might find this blog interesting ... it's a radical perspective on the relative biological superiority/inferiority of the sexes on a genetic level:

  2. I looked to articles in Spanish to find further details like this one

    They say the team played 22 matchs,lost only one, scored 93 whereas their opponents scored 25. So that means the average match was won 4-1. That's a lot ! Angela

    1. Defences are not very strong in the part of football that sees the light of mass media. 4-1 actually is more suitable for water polo, handball or maybe basketball. I and my friends play football every now and then, but the scores are never that big. More specifically here is our exact record separated by opposition as of now:

      Female opposition
      12 wins, 192 draws, 15 losses
      13-17 goals
      Most-goal records: win 1-0, draw 1-1, loss 0-2

      Male opposition
      355 wins, no draws, no losses
      427-0 goals
      Most-goal records: win 2-0

      We sometimes play handball too. Here is our record:

      Female opposition
      13 wins, 35 draws, 12 losses
      36-36 goals
      Most-goal records: win 2-0, draw 1-1, loss 1-3
      Broadest loss other than 1-3: 0-2

      Male opposition
      48 wins, no draws, no losses
      152-5 goals
      Most-goal records: win 4-1
      Broadest win: 4-0

      Men versus men of course get much more ridiculous scores such as 3-1 in football(!) and 32-26 in handball(!), but defence is what gives titles, believe it or not. Alexia

    2. No kidding, these girls didn't just win against the boys, they completely dominated

    3. Yet one has to note males took 47 of the 50 positions in the national baking contests... and all but ONE of the 111 "Gold MAYBELLINE Make-Up Clutch Awards for 2017" !!!

    4. Those records are incredible Alexia. I would expect the guys to get lucky and pick up a win at some point, but over four hundred games later and they still haven't managed to, not to mention that they've never even scored one goal in football while playing against you (I'm guessing you're on an all female team?) The girls put up similar numbers when they wrestle us. I know they would probably want to compete in other sports too, but I'm afraid of our matches ending up just like yours.

    5. "They say the team played 22 matchs,lost only one, scored 93 whereas their opponents scored 25. So that means the average match was won 4-1."

      A 4 to 1 ratio is about right. It's about the difference in female over male strength. ;)

    6. Those stats are the reason why I say girls and boys shouldn't compete. The girls COMPLETELY slaughtered the guys. Guys are supposed to be better at sports but you girls destroy us. It's completely unfair and it's humiliating. To make matters worse, society still views girls as the underdogs, even though they always win, which is complete bullshit. Stay out of sports, or at least stay in your own leagues. Brandon

    7. Those stats are impressive Alexia. One or two are really quite incredible. Are you really claiming an all girl soccer team played all boy soccer teams 355 times and won every match without any of the boy's teams scoring a single goal? To be honest that is hard to believe given the law of averages. But even if we take that one with a pinch of salt, the other results are very interesting.

      The high number of draws against female opposition in soccer is an interesting one. It backs up my theory that girls don't really like beating other girls in sports. But when to comes to male opposition however, the girls don't hold back and really go all out to crush them!! This is such an important female characteristic and one that spells doom for the patriarchy. Girls are learning there is no better feeling than beating guys!!!

      It's not just wrestling where we dominate them. This shows that other sports, thought to be the preserve of males, can and will one day be dominated by women, as will society. The new Amazon Nation is coming girls -Get involved NOW!!

      Thanks for sharing this Alexia and keep up the good work! Suze x

    8. At the time of competition, we don't care what gender our opposition is. We simply go in and play our game, expecting our opponents to put up their best efforts as well. I posted our stats (we are indeed an all-fem team) because I wanted to show people how crazy a 4-1 score is in football. Take a careful look at what I mention before and after the stats and you sure will see what I mean. Alexia

      PS: Brandon, you 're not in position to tell us what to do. We 'll compete against any opposition we get the chance for. Our interest is to stay as fit as we can, so stop bitching and sit fuckin' down. I decide we won't tolerate your shit anymore. Fullstop.

    9. I think your theory is right Suze, I've brought up before how girls celebrate with each other after they beat one of us boys in wrestling, even if they're on opposing teams, but I've never noticed them act like that if they beat another girl.

    10. 21st, what happens after competition doesn't define what happens during competition. I think it goes the other way around.

      Well said, Alexia. If we want equal rights, the right of free choice is an utter must. Men make choices and nobody ever attempts to tell them anything about them (just because they 're aggressive, I presume). Though now we realise that their aggression tries to step on our rights, which we obviously have to defend exactly as we see fit (the knockout bitchslap you offer as an example sounds effective enough). Athena

    11. But how is it fair that you girls get to come into OUR sport and beat us? Girls don't wrestle for the love of wrestling, they do it to prove that they're better than guys at it. It's not right. I don't care if girls are better wrestlers, it's still a guy thing. Brandon

    12. I get what you're saying, I just think girls rub in their victories against boys a lot more.

    13. And who are you Brandon to tell us what is right and what not? Are we serious now? You have no right to tell us what to do, what is right and what is wrong - as if it were VERY right when we were kept out of sports just because everyone was LYING. I 'll never forgive your gender for its wrongs. And 21st you 're wrong. Boys make much more noise after any win they get, regardless of opposition gender. Statistical fact. Alexia

    14. You're right Alexia, I didn't mean to compare the genders, I meant more for a girl with male opponents compared to female opponents.

    15. Some girls do put more emphasis on wins against men, but some other girls don't. I respect both cases and totally understand the reasonability of this emphasis difference in the cases it happens, as boys are still much worse, though I personally don't feel the need to celebrate wins that much. The main reason why I strive to do sports is that I want to be fit. I don't care if this will hurt some male egos or not. I want my health intact and nobody has the right to use cheap excuses against it. Alexia

    16. Agreed Alexia, not all girls will care as much about beating boys as others, I'm basing it off of personal experience. Whatever reason you do sports for is fine, but I think you could understand where the hurt male egos come from. Winning against a boy may not mean much to the girl, but losing to a girl always affects the boy, even if she shows no signs of wanting to prove her superiority over him. The fact that it's proven is enough to hurt us.

    17. I understand where the hurt male egos come from, but I don't see any significance in them. We need to ensure proper understanding of the fact that health is much more important than any sort of ego. This matter here is not about superiority of this gender over the other gender, it is about priorities. No ego can be more of a priority than health, regardless whose ego and whose health we may be looking at. When someone defeats me at something, I congratulate them. I don't swell them the genitals to quit on what they defeated me at, like some others in here do. Alexia

    18. But even if you don't care about what gender your opponents are, there's no denying that girls are winning pretty much all the time. I have yet to beat a single girl and it's incredibly unfair and frustrating to have to wrestle against girls. My point is that since girls are clearly more physically built for wrestling, it shouldn't be fair for us guys to have to compete against you. Brandon

    19. How many girls have you wrestled? have you ever had a significant age/weight advantage on one? You ever try teaming up with a friend to try and beat one?

    20. Sport is about effort. If you do it just for the dry results you 're not a proper athlete. Athena

    21. Bravo Athena, exactly this is the point missed by guys who want to throw us out of sport. But you know what, we are the more capable gender, this world is our own field and we can do what we fancy - obviously, this includes doing sport, regardless what men say. Alexia

    22. Nadia, yes I have wrestled girls as young as 13 while I was a senior in high school (17-18). Doesn't make any difference though, still always lose which is super frustrating. Me and my friend tried for years to get a win off of this one korean chick cause she was a huge bitch on taunting every time she won. Never ended up winning. Also,
      Athena i don't think you understand what it's like to wrestle a girl as a guy. It feels literally impossible to win cause she's just so much more flexible and quicker than you. They have an innate advantage as wrestlers which is why girls should only wrestle girls. Brandon

    23. You forgot to mention stronger Brandon! We always win because we are stronger than you too! Something guys just can't bring themselves to admit, which is exactly why I love forcing them to admit it!!

      In a way I can see your point and I do have some sympathy, it must be an awful experience for you guys sometimes, but ultimately I don't care. The important thing for me is that girls get to compete against guys and show their complete dominance in public. I know many girls (myself included) who took up wrestling as opposed to other sports precisely because it meant we could compete with boys. I love that we are dominating the guys even young girls are defeating practically grown men! And we are still going from strength to strength, increasing our dominance every day. I hope more sports will eventually become mixed so that we can show our awesome female abilities to the world! Jess

    24. I feel like the majority of girls who take up wrestling are like you Jess. There are lots of girls I wrestle that could win faster if they wanted to, but instead draw out the match just to show how easy it is for them. Some girls seem to care less about dominating us boys now compared to when they started, but I think that's just because they've gotten so used to it.

    25. Don't get me wrong, Jess, I already know girls are stronger than guys, and I admit girls are better at wrestling and sports. I just think that since girls are so much better, you should show us a bit of mercy and not dominate us so hard. You have no idea how humiliating it is to lose to a girl let alone a girl who is so much younger and less experienced than you. Brandon

    26. We don't care how it is for men, Brandon. I thought this thing was clear. Trying to tell us what to do is idiotic and I am being VERY polite.

      Jess, of course you 're right about strength. Even a 1,70m/60Kg girlie can easily overpower and dominate men definitely larger than her (sort of 1,90m/100+Kg). Consider that the average woman is 1,85m/90Kg and that one day you may meet a 2,12m/166Kg woman and tell me what conclusions this leads you to. Alexia

    27. I guess you're right Alexia, honestly I just can't get over the fact that us men are getting destroyed by girls. It pisses me off how girls are so in-your-face about it too. Like we get it, you're better than us. Is there really a need to rub it in our faces? Brandon

    28. Keep trying to get over it. Getting pissed off is very expectable when you feel that you 've failed to meet the expectations. So the best way out for you is to sit down and think about those expectations. Who the fuck has set them in the first place? The most likely answer to this question is "social majority", also translated as "how we 're raised". If the women around you know their stuff and have you for the kicks, you can't be setting those high expectations genuinely on your own - unless your reasoning needs to be checked by a specialist. Anyhow, each next question you 'll have to ask yourself about those expectations depends on the honest answer of the question right before it. Do yourself the favour, think about this with proper maturity. Alexia

    29. Interesting how many replies to that article seem to admit matter-of-factly that girls, at least at those ages, are stronger and have better stamina than boys, and some mention other cases where girls have slaughtered their male competition.

  3. quote: "If you're technically better, you can compensate for being perhaps physically weaker."

    Note the word "perhaps" -interesting!

    Might the usage be editorialization to quell injured frail male ego?

    The time is evidently approaching when the soon to be proven delicate xy-chromosomed sex may have to accept its inadequacies. Yes... a hard new permanent reality and sex roles finally corrected, but in time the perks of sleek new feminine cheering outfits to catch the eyes of Female Athletes breaking past records on the field of sport (industry, business, entertainment and government)may be enough to assuage the coming 'male girl ego' as they root on tomorrow's Wonder Women...

    1. Agreed, whyguys. The use of the word "perhaps" is very revealing. Indeed there is growing awareness that male physical superiority is indeed a myth. The "delicate xy" is failing as the more durable and more capable XX is surging ahead to restore the proper balance. It is inevitable.

      Interesting take on the future supportive role of the weaker sex.

  4. Something similar happened a few years ago in my country. An all girls team became champions in a league where all the opponents were boy teams. I tried to search for the URL but wasn't able to find the article. These Spanish girls did a really good job with only 2 draws, 1 defeat and 19 wins.

    Reminds me of a judo tournament in a nearby village a while ago where in a poule of 6 ( 3 boys, 3 girls ) the girls claimed the top three places. They were all in the age of 10,11 so one could say that at that age their is not much difference, but I know better. More and more boys will learn the truth when they are the losing to girls.


    2. Nice gif yboy. Seems he didn't like losing to a girl. :-)

    3. The truth is hard for the male ego to handle. I love the smile of glee on the girl's face as she stands up victoriously.

    4. ROTFComO (as we all may soon be,

      "Rolling On The Floor Crying our 'manhood' Off)

      Actually, there the sweetie lies on the mat in a position likely proper for the future male to take in life before the Female.

      Don't you LOVE the Women in the background cheering and clapping!!!!!

    5. Especially since the males are either trying to ignore what's happened, or the big guy in the chair with his arms folded ... looking like he's in shock as he sees his illusions of male strength turn to dust as his "champion" boy wrestler gets destroyed by the Girl!

  5. This is a great article but hardly surprising. My 14 year old niece is goalie for her soccer team, and it is incredible to watch the girls on both sides play at a level that would put boys teams to shame. Certainly technically superior, but also sustaining energy and power. My niece can kick the ball farther and with more accuracy than any boy I've seen. They have not played any boys teams yet.....but her sister's softball team has. My other niece is a catcher who can nail any runner trying to steal second, and when she connects, can hit the ball far over the fence with ease. I watched them play a 'friendly' game against a boys league team , and they demolished them,15-3, with my niece hitting two home runs. They just overmatched the boys in fundamentals and power. The boys were all trying to hit home runs, and mostly struck out or hit lazy fly balls. I loved watching the girls celebrate with high fives and cheering, tho I did feel a little sorry for the boys who just gathered up their stuff and walked away with their heads is an exciting time to live, with girls realizing their superiority and proud of their muscles and strength.

  6. Oh the poor defeated 'mansel' remnants of the delicate sex being replaced by Victorious Womankind, quote:

    "...loved watching the girls celebrate with high fives and cheering, tho I did feel a little sorry for the boys who just gathered up their stuff and walked away with their heads is an exciting time to live, with girls realizing their superiority and proud of their muscles and strength."

    *sigh* suppose the soft little darlings could at least go home and with teary eyes tell of the solace of their crushed and sissy male forlorn feelings to their tutu attired Ken dollies. Such good practice for their future real roles in life...

  7. Great to read all the recent comments. When this blog is active it is the best place on the Internet. It is incredible to see how far Women have come in a short time to taking their rightful place as the stronger, more capable superior gender, in spite of the fear and obstruction of the failed patriarchal society. I only wish I could be alive 100 years from now when Women will have taken over and men have adjusted to their proper role as the weaker sex. The good news is it's happening right now.

    1. In spite of a percentage of women still wanting to keep a subhand role, because they think it is convenient as it requires less effort. Damn gender traitors. Alexia

    2. I think that percentage is shrinking rapidly, Alexia, though not as swiftly as we would like. There has been a seismic shift in just a couple of generations , and I can not imagine anything stopping Women anymore. My two teenage nieces are strong and athletic, excelling in soccer, softball, and shot put. The older one lifts weights seriously and has beaten me armwrestling, which is a lasting memory in itself. They would laugh at the belief that girls aren't strong ,or that men are better in any way. It is no accident that Women are taking over most of the strong heroic roles in films . Even in the Black Panther,it is the Women who are in charge and who audiences cheer for. Supergirl overpowered superman on her tv show, and he wisely humbled himself before Her and acknowledged Her superiority. I tried watching an old James Bond film the other day and was struck at how primitive and sexist it was, with Bond coming across as almost pathetic . Women today would crush him and take his silly toys away. Anyway, the point is , popular culture does affect the way young people look at themselves, and Girls are now growing up in a world where their strength and abilities are celebrated. It can only get better.

    3. Maybe not traitors Alexia, maybe they are unknowingly suffering from centuries of male doctrine. The man has always played a role in society and now that the roles are shifting, maybe a lot of women have to get used to it as well.
      Maybe it takes a few generations for everyone to accept matriarchy.

    4. Some women refuse the idea even after having seen the evidence that supports it... Those women I call gender traitors. Uninformed women are a completely different story, Tasslehoff, of course those are not traitors. But this world contains all sorts of people. Alexia

  8. That's true Alexia, there are all sorts of people in the world. And some women will indeed refuse the idea but I think that the percentage of women who think that way will become less and less over time. When girls like you continue to proof that women are the strongest sex and strong women has become the standard then there won't be many "gender traitors".

    1. If anything there will be more male gender traitors than Female. I would say being a male gender traitor is the most honorable role for males.

    2. What is there to compose betrayal, if the supposedly "betrayed" side just asks for too much? The discussion topic of this blog is very plainly our right to stay as healthy as possible. Patriarchy wants to risk our health just for the sake of male egos - therefore men that go against patriarchy are not traitors. They actually are social workers. Give this some thought. Athena

    3. I have never thought of myself as a gender traitor. Just what would I be betraying ? A sexist, failed patriarchal system that is terrified of Women . It doesn't really matter whether I believe or 'approve' of Female strength or their clear superiority. The ascendancy of Women is happening whether males accept it or not. No one is seeking my approval. I do feel it my responsibility to support Women, and to understand my proper role as a male in a world where Women take their rightful place as the stronger sex. I am successful in my field, and proud of it, but every day I note new positions are largely filled by Women, and nothing I have done is anything a Woman couldn't do as well or better. I love that Women are becoming proud of their physical strength, and do take satisfaction in having known the truth about Female physical superiority since my early childhood. I admit that whenever I see a Woman outmuscle and humble an arrogant man, I am thrilled . I am in awe of Female strength.

    4. Very well said, Athena and Clark. Few men realise this for the time being, but men's obedience to women will work for both genders' good. The other way around has caused all the social problems currently known. Alexia

    5. Athena, I see your point about 'social workers.' That's a much more positive way of looking at males who are working to dismantle patriarchy. Patriarchy is indeed an unhealthy condition ... it really is a kind of illness.

    6. Yes, yboy, a look at what it has caused to the world is proof enough. Alexia

    7. Well said, Alexia, thank you. Athena

  9. The enactment of Title IX in the USA ensures that if schools have boys/men's teams, then girls/women will either have their own teams, or be allowed to participate in the male sports. This has been great for female athletes, as they have continued to improve in skills and raw power, since Title IX became the law way back in 1972. But I look forward to the day Title IX becomes obsolete. Then there will be no girls' sports team...just sports teams. I foresee females excelling. As it is now, boys participation in wrestling and football is rapidly decreasing whereas girls' participation in those two sports is skyrocketing. It is easy to envision the day that a girl in these sports lets her non-athlete boyfriend wear her letter-jacket because she thinks it looks cute on him. And there will be boy and girl cheerleaders, often because of her strength the girl will be the base and the boy will be the flier. She will lift, toss, and catch him and he will be fine with that, knowing he'll always land safely in her strong arms.

    1. Our accuracy, reflexes and strength consistency can help a lot as well. On the other hand, look at what happens in figure skating pairs, where the man throws the woman and she always has to save it because he throws her as if she were a sack. Women don't fall so often when on their own. Men on the other hand fall significantly more frequently. Sure we have better balance, but it somehow occurs, it is not some kind of "magic"... Athena

    2. Very good observation point, Athena. Figure skating is a beautiful yet extremely difficult sport that demands great strength all over the body - in proportion to the athlete's weight, that is, hence the thin, "weak" looks. Graceful athletes such as Carolina Kostner and Evgenia Medvedeva possess mind-boggling strength even though it supposedly doesn't show in their looks. They can easily break those powerlifting records posted by that supposed powerlifter on another thread. This does not necessarily go for the men of this sport though. Aside of their significantly more intense visual tone, they show a large lack of stability, as evidenced in their comparatively larger tendency to fall, as well as how carelessly they throw their partner in the air when in pairs. The women's ability to save landings under these terms is... women's ability, whether we like it or not. Alexia

    3. It's no surprise that Women are the real stars of figure skating and gymnastics for that matter, already leaving the males in the dust in those sports for some time now. For the males it's all strain and effort which some are fooled into believing signifies greater strength, but the Women make it look easy by comparison even though they typically do much more difficult moves requiring even greater proportional strength and much better balance, not to mention the courage it takes for the Women to be thrown by a male considering his relative lack of precision and stability.

    4. I would love to see Women lifting the men in figure skating become the norm, but I don't think men have the ability to perform the moves as the liftee, being awkward and often clumsy,due to the male structure. Women have the grace,discipline, and muscular strength , to carry the performance in whatever role,as Athena and Alexia vividly described. Still, it would be awesome to see Women lifting, throwing, catching,her male partner. It conveys a symbolic message as how Women and men will live in harmony in a Matriarchy. As the man learns he can trust the Woman to catch him, and to compensate for his shortcomings physically, he will excel as the weaker partner, learning that acknowledging , trusting, and yes ,loving, Women as the stronger sex is beneficial to him.

    5. We will certainly be seeing the male role in athletics being revised as Women take on the more dominant positions and males simply prove unable to keep up with Their advances. Who knows what amazing techniques and skills Women will display when their full potential is realized. Interesting to imagine males being tossed and caught by Female skaters. As you say, Clark, the clumsy male structure will be less able to do the moves that Women excel at, so perhaps it will be more about showcasing Women's ability to actually manipulate the male body as She throws and catches him. But we will also see Women's pairs which will completely redefine the sport as two strong superior Females will can combine their skills unencumbered by the drawbacks of the male body.

    6. You 're exactly in my words, yboy and Clark. Men are in no shape or form good lifters so they must become the liftees. This will improve throw technique, so men will have easier landings to perform. If improvement in throw technique isn't enough for the men to succeed with their landings, there is an alternative, thanks to the woman's accuracy and stability advantage: when she throws him, she then takes position to catch and land him. It will definitely take tons of work for the current athletes of figure skating, but it is doable thanks to my gender's overachiever nature. Alexia

    7. Good idea, yboy. Woman-woman pairs will open entirely new possibilities for any sport that can be done in pairs. In figure skating this is going to mean better throwing technique paired with the usual landing skill we already know women have. This way, the landings are obviously in for big improvement. I mean if women can save it after such bad throws done by men, nothing can stop them from successfully landing from a much better throw done by a woman. (Note that yboy's comment with this idea wasn't visible when I posted my previous comment.) Alexia

    8. How could I not agree, yboy? Sport is by far the most direct way for us to let people know of our advantages. There is something else as well: real women have curves formed by a good musculature. Many tell me that I ought to be weaker, but you know what, I adore my body and its ability to hand out KO bitchslaps where necessary. There is absolutely no better feel than genuine (emphasise on GENUINE...) power. Alexia

    9. A woman-woman pair in ice-skating would indeed be much nicer to watch. The strength and superior skill will ensure a show worth watching. It would also be fun if the woman would throw the man but then he would likely ruin their chances of winning something because of his terrible landing skills.

      A woman-woman pair would indicate that women don't need men, that men are only a nuisance and that would really be a blow to the male ego. But let's face it, women don't need men, we need women.

    10. Tasslehoff, I have to agree with your observations. Perhaps the male role in such events would be more suited to comic relief than pure athletic skill, which will be more and more defined in Female terms ... though it does take a lot of talent for males to even that. Paul Hunt is a good example ... ...

      I also agree that we males need Women much more than they need us. I think Women certainly can find uses for males, our best use is to take care of things that free Women up to excel and to stay out of Their way. But Women are absolutely indispensable to males. They are the ones who keep the whole society together. Many studies have shown that in any organization, more Women = higher quality and better results. A 'male only' group will be less productive than a 'Female only' group ...,1)/Gallup-Poll-Female-Managers-Outscore-Male-Managers-56aa16085f9b58b7d000ca36.jpg ... There are so many studies that show this to be true it's simply foolish to doubt it anymore.

    11. It is so true, yboy, that we need Women much more than they need us. Women have proven that they are more capable than men in every traditionally male dominated field. Women make better doctors, lawyers, business people. Even in physical labor jobs, I would hire a Woman to dig a ditch, or move a house. It would be done more efficiently and faster.

    12. You guys need us even for the simplest things, like to carry a 3-seat sofa two floors up. Of course you have to use the stairs for this kind of job, as putting a big object in a conventional lift is not the best of ideas (space management basics are obvious enough, I think). The average woman can do this job on her own, you guys need a helping hand xD Alexia

    13. Hi Alexia,

      When heavy lifting needs to be done in our house, it's usually done by my wife and her friend.

    14. I suspect women lift the heavy weights in more houses than we happen to hear of. Alexia

    15. All my life I have seen that it is Women who do the heavy lifting. Currently my teen age nieces are demonstrating who the stronger sex is on a regular basis. Recently I was helping plant a potted tree in their back yard and it tipped over. I could not lift it up, and my older niece told me to move, and effortlessly righted the tree. They see me struggle with heavy bags, and just take them from me, with an assumed acknowledgement that they are stronger than me. The one time they rubbed it in was when I was goaded to armwrestle my older niece during a pizza party with her softball team. She won easily and just rubbed my hair while her teammates laughed, shouted girl power, and ordered me to go get more pizza.i don't think I could have beaten any of the girls ,and they knew it.

    16. Many girls, in spite of doing some sport, are still not aware of the true strength hidden in the female body. Maybe your niece wanted to make sure her fellows are aware? If you think they were aware in advance, explain what makes you think so. Alexia

    17. I was helping at an after game pizza party. A few of the girls were arm wrestling , and my niece was winning her matches. I was delivering pizza to the table when one of the girls said my niece should arm wrestle me. That brought cheers and laughing and I was being goaded into it. My niece looked at me smiling and put her arm up, and I felt I had to go through with it. I know she was confidant she could beat me. As I have said, she had seen in the past that she could lift stuff that I had trouble with easily, and she was feeling confidant at the party. I gave it all I had, not wanting to be humiliated. I even moved her arm half way down, until she really got serious , gripped my hand harder and forcefully slammed my arm down. The look in her eye as we sat facing each other told me she knew she could win, and I know she enjoyed beating an adult man in front of her teammates. It was humiliating to lose and to endure the laughing, the girl power chants, and the smugness of my niece as she rubbed my hair and flexed her bicep. I was ordered to go get more pizza and one of the girls slapped my butt as I left . I don 't think my niece set out to show me up, it just worked out that way. I was embarrassed , but proud of her at the same time.

    18. Your niece might still have thought "Now is my chance to let my teammates know which is the stronger gender for real". It definitely wasn't something personal, I am sure she loves you, you simply happened to be the only option available for lesson time. Tough luck you can call it. Alexia

    19. Clark, Sounds like your Niece and Her friends were really having fun enjoying Their Female superiority. I can imagine She let you bring Her arm halfway down just so She could enjoy watching your false sense of confidence being broken as she "got serious." I would find the situation humiliating as well, but I would also be proud to be part of helping Girls enjoy Their power.

    20. I have no doubt my niece enjoyed demonstrating her physical superiority to me in front of her friends. She has never held back from proving that. I was helping carry softball equipment and wrestled with a bag of bats that was awkward and heavy. She casually took them from me and easily hoisted it on her shoulder and walked off. She was bragging about being strong and flexing her biceps even when she was little. She has largely lived free of the constraints society has traditionally put on girls, and simply takes it as natural that she should be really strong. Her sports teams are so athletic and well coached that I am certain they would easily beat any boys team , and they know it. Still the joy the girls convey when they can prove that the male is really the weaker gender tells me that they are still wrestling with a culture that needs to be educated with first hand experience. I can still see the look in my nieces eyes when she challenged me to arm wrestle. She stared at me with her arm up, and continued to stare and bring as we locked hands and wrestled. The cheers from her friends only made her enjoy it more, and I do think she was toying with me when I moved her arm down a little. I will never forget the moment when she forced my arm down with a big grin, while her girl friends erupted in cheers.

    21. Clark, If only all Girls were fully aware of Their strength. They have been convinced to hide Their power for the sake of the male ego for generation after generation. We know this is changing, but not everywhere, so you are lucky to be among those who see it happening first hand. Perhaps your Niece's team will indeed have a chance to trounce the boys! Or maybe even a "men's" team.

    22. Why "maybe"? One of my... teammates in the stats I 've posted on this thread is 9 years old and can already hand proper beatups to adult guys. Just a few days ago a male opponent of ours threw a verbal attack at her with no apparent reason. Little did he know about her kickboxing prowess... She loaded him well well. It is not just wrestling and armwrestling and football and handball and critical thought that we surpass men at. We can do it at everything we set our eyes on. Alexia

  10. even IF it was real that women outperform men, it does not give the right to u to write things as : men should be on their knees. this is a highly offensive blog...a misandric one.

    1. First, it IS real, as are the hurdles we 've had to get over before we could get an idea of the fact. You can doubt it for all you like, at your own peril - don't you dare tell us we didn't warn you. And second, just as you 've used violence to control us throughout history, we have every right to use our newproved advantages as a defence against that violence. We have rights to defend and will forgive NO offender. Do you not believe me? OK, wait till you give such shit to the wrong woman. Alexia

    2. Misandric??? Not sure about that word, but we don't hate men. Just as the men that have routinely treated us badly for centuries didn't necessarily hate us. They just did it because they could and we allowed them to.

      Now the shoe is on the other foot, you men expect us to be held to a much higher moral standard - your hypocrisy is astounding! We will forcibly put men in their place, on their knees and on their asses if we feel like it! And there's nothing you can do about it! Girl Power!! Jess

    3. so u will be as bad as the men. from victim to torturer

    4. You shouldn't have been torturers in the first place. Stop it with your pathetic whining. Alexia

    5. Hell yeah, why not?? Jess

  11. Thank you Alexia and Jess for the no nonsense response to the negative comment. Please understand that there are some men like myself and yboy that totally support and welcome a new Female world order....not that you are looking for our approval. I love this blog. There is no question that Women are the stronger sex in every way, and especially gratifying to live in a time where Their physical superiority is no longer allowed to be denied. It is sickening what Women have had to put up with for centuries, and I would understand if they did hate men for it. All I can say is some of us are in awe of Female strength and are committed to doing all we can to help make things right by supporting Women in every aspect of life.

    1. i do love female muscle and strength myself but....can't we live in peace with each other? not all men are violent pieces of shit.

    2. I'm all for that, and realize we are not talking about all me. I think black people would be justified in being angry based on history. If the roles had been reversed and it was white people that had been enslaved, I am not sure if they would ever get over it. There is no question that until recently, women were hardly encouraged or had the opportunity to excel in every aspect of life. If I were a woman, I don't know how that could not make me angry. Peace and harmony will come when women have absolute equality, and men are not intimidated by their abilities and strength.

    3. We 'd also like peace and harmony, but first of all you have to let us make it happen. If you 're going to keep pushing for noise you 'll also have to face the consequences. Action and reaction is how nature works. We won't beg to differ. The matter ends here. And how are you not going to be intimidated by a 2,12m/166Kg woman in top physical condition? Maybe the key is in channeling your fear into admiration instead of hate, as yboy has also stated elsewhere? Alexia

    4. I think I get what you're saying Clark246, but that's a poor analogy. We are not mad and struggling to get over horrors that ended over 150 years ago. Barriers to our supremacy exist everywhere today as well as throughout history. Luckily we are learning how to break them down and yes it involves physical force. What makes you think equality is our goal? Jess

    5. I think societal equality of the sexes will happen ... and it will be a temporary matter which will soon be followed by total and permanent Female superiority and supremacy over males. The world will be ab better place for it.

    6. I hear you Jess. Frankly ,I got in over my head and did a poor job of expressing myself. I certainly am not going to presume or try to explain what Women 's goals are. I am totally aware of Female superiority physically, mentally, in most every way, and welcome a world where Women are in control. I guess I am still seeking to understand my role as a male....not trying to mansplain the relationship between the sexes is a good place to start. Thanks for setting me straight.

    7. I don't know whether the transition will be as smooth as you think, yboy, but peace and harmony will be much easier to achieve as soon as our rights are properly secured. Alexia

    8. Peace & harmony will only be achieved once men accept their new roles as subservient & obedient to their female superiors. These rights are ours to secure and every young female needs to do her bit. Men will fight us all the way and the transition will be a tough one, but be in no doubt sisters, we will be victorious! Thyra

    9. As you may have read in previous posts of mine, there are two physically very powerful, intelligent women in my life. Equality is not going to happen because women are so much better in practically everything. And I've accepted my role as a subservient & obedient husband to my female superiors ( thanks Thyra ) and as it was difficult at first, I must admit that I'm much happier now. Like yboy and clark I fully embrace female superiority, I welcome it because I truly believe that women will do a much better job at ruling the countries. Keep on fighting girls, the more you show men who are truly the superior sex, the sooner men will accept this undeniable truth.

    10. I would love to know more about your wonderful marriage, tasslehoff...and am curious who the other powerful Woman you refer to is. It sounds as if you are living the life I aspire to. Maybe the men here need to have a tea and cookies group where Tips on living in a Female controlled world is discussed and tips are shared.

    11. Hi Clark,

      I've posted quite a lot about my marriage at the "girls on top" topic from 2015.

    12. Alexia, you keep talking about that 2,12m/166Kg woman. I suspect she might be you. Don't take me wrong, I do love the idea of such a tall and strong woman showing up all of a sudden and scaring the fuck out of all the unlucky men around... Athena

  12. Clark, the men's tea and cookie group is a great idea.

    It's clear that we males still all have a lot to learn about the coming Femocratic world. Naturally most of our education will come directly from Women, but it does make sense for boys to share our thoughts with each other about the superior sex in a supportive way. So many males are confused about the ascendency of Women.

    So much of traditional outmoded masculinity is about being on top. It's very freeing to know that one is not alone in fully believing in the naturalness of male inferiority to Women. I think our strength as men comes from being able to accept that fact proudly.

    Tasslehoff is indeed lucky to belong to powerful Women and serve them.

    1. In Greece we call it the Frappe' group, though it does not work well without the moderation skill of a woman. Based therefore on experience, I decide that any such groups must have female moderators who will ensure that the basics at least will be kept. No objection allowed, my decisions are non-negotiable. Alexia

    2. "No objection allowed, your decisions are non-negotiable." Sounds a bit like my marriage. :-)

    3. Alexia, of course You are naturally absolutely correct. It would be highly likely that any group made up entirely of males would drift away from its function and deteriorate into foolishness. That's really lesson number one for males in the Female world ...

      Thank You for your wise guidance.

    4. Nice to read that, Tasslehoff. We are better at making decisions, so why bother with the potential of having to listen to excuses? Time management 101 for ya...

      I am not talking about likelihood, yboy. Examples of my statement happen pretty much all the time in here. Otherwise I wouldn't make that statement. Alexia

    5. Alexia, It's all too easy for us males to convince ourselves that we really know what we're doing ... we compete with each other to become the "alpha" and then along comes a Woman and shows us all how it's really done ... suddenly the so-called alpha male is just another boy, our best efforts are always beneath what You can do. Perhaps when we all accept that we will not waste so much time struggling to show off and "prove" ourselves.

    6. I don't know of any facts to suggest whether the male showoff tendency will be reduced to a certain level or completely abolished (very obviously the latter is the most preferable). Trying for the best is the only way to get to know what the best possible is. And if the best isn't good enough we 'll get to know too late, on the other hand though I don't trust predictions that aren't based on solid facts. Alexia

    7. The male is an inherently unstable and inconsistent biological entity. This is a well documented biological fact. Some of the most important Female biologists have made great strides in revealing the facts about male biological inferiority.

      There is always going to a significant percentage of males who will exhibit disruptive and destructive behaviors. History has shown us this. But as described in this article: : there is hope that some males can be improved by accepting the benefits of working with Women in the learning process.

    8. Tasslehoff, you 're a lucky guy. A solid female leader is the ideal protection a man can be under. Alexia is indeed a great example of this, as evidenced in her sheer confidence in her decisions ("We are better at making decisions, so why bother with the potential of having to listen to excuses? Time management 101 for ya..."). Alexia, I love you:)

      Yboy, I know what you 're saying. I 've done my fair share of reading, I know testosterone is a stress hormone and I do realise what this means. Athena

    9. Awww, thank you for your kind remarks, Athena:) I feel so honoured:) Alexia

  13. As much as I like to think men could handle this on their own, I realize a Female moderator is essential. Not only are Her communication skills and intelligence needed to direct things, but Her commanding presence will keep men focused. The desire to not face being reprimanded verbally, or at times physically , will also keep us on topic which will make discussions meaningful. The very presence of a Female leader sets the right atmosphere. Men tend to withhold feelings and are not as verbally fluent as Women. The Female moderator knows how to draw males out of their private shells, which is much of the point of doing the meetings. Your wisdom and experience is more than we deserve , Alexia. Thank you for leadership.

    1. You guys can't even handle assembling a bookcase on your own, I wouldn't expect you to handle better a much more delicate matter, you 're simply too clumsy with anything I can remember seeing during my life so far. And there also is the problem of you always ignoring the safety precautions. Caution is neither weakness nor shame, it is a vital necessity. Alexia

    2. Here's some interesting research showing that male college students in study groups benefit from studying alongside Women. Really makes it clear why our boy's "frappé group" must have at least one Female moderator, possibly more, or it will be a useless exercise.

      From the article:

      ... Throughout the entirety of the course the students were assigned to sit at a specific table, which sat eight to nine. For the larger class, "We designed each table to have a gender ratio of all women, women majority (75 percent), gender parity, women minority, or all-men," ...

      ... "As the percent of women in each group increased," they report, "student performance increased relative to the classroom mean, regardless of gender."

      In other words, all male study groups fared worst. All Female study groups were best and both males and Females did better when studying with more Females.

      Another way to put it is that males have a negative effect on learning and the more males in the group the worse the results.

    3. At most, this research suggests that we either are more methodical or have better memory. There are much better ways to properly prove (rather than simply suggest) who is better at what. If you 're looking for evidence on actual intellectual differences, you 'll have to keep looking. School is supposed to prepare people for adult life, practically though this goal is not achieved, so school marks don't really mean much. Alexia

    4. Alexia, I'm curious what You mean by "there are much better ways to properly prove who is better at what."

    5. I mean the obvious, yboy. The only reliable way of proving a given fact is to test that fact itself. How else would you expect to prove a not-random fact with the necessary reliability? In the example of studying, an appropriate way of proving which groups did better could be to judge what depth each group went into the matter in question. Technically difficult way to judge any sort of homework, but surely worth choosing over that lazy "parrotisation" practice which is absurdly common, at least in Greece, and has had its role in most people thinking of science as "just a pile of ready knowledge". Science is a method, through which our "ready knowledge" is discovered. Alexia

    6. Alexia, I think I understand what You're saying. I believe this study is quite scientific. I've gone to the source of the original study. It's very thorough and technical.

      Some excerpts:

      "... the inclusion of women may accomplish more than simply addressing gender diversity. We found that overall, women judged themselves and others more critically than men ..."

      "... Our results show that men also benefit from female-dominated groups. We discuss two possible reasons: first, improved group cohesion in female-dominated groups may have reduced barriers to discussion during the problem-solving sessions which resulted in better understanding for all ..."

      I think it can be taken as good news that larger numbers of Women in an academic setting is beneficial to everyone. I'm sure there are lots of reasons why this is true.

    7. I just gave the full study a careful read and it seems to promote the retention of men in leading roles in mixed-gender groups, in spite of acknowledging that we are more critical thinkers, which directly means that we are better at making decisions. Here is the logical flaw you "forgot" to present: "Alternatively, mixed-gender groups might provide learning benefits to men when they adhere to masculine gender stereotypes, such as asserting opinions, taking leadership roles, and displaying confidence in responses to questions". For some reason they never mention where they base this except those stereotypes themselves, but hey, they do their stuff in a university, we the "dumb outsiders" cannot judge their statements. Fuckin' fuck. There is something else as well: high-stake exams still got a whooping 41% of the final grades, but nobody has cared to tell us about the sort of day each student was on when taking part in the high-stake exams. Exam grades depend a lot on momentary physical and psychological condition, how come this factor was not even mentioned in the entire study? Theoretically of course, factors of this kind become less significant as the sample size grows, but in practice I don't think we can be sure the average student will be on their average day. It is all random and needs measurement before any sort of conclusions can be drawn. I decide that you rethink this more carefully. Sure the study compliments us as more judgemental, but then goes back to the mistakes of the past when the ball starts to burn. Very much as "the best" men's football teams do: when the opponents are easy, the ball stays down on the grass, but give them tougher opposition and they instantly start the hoofs. This has been happening almost 40 years now, statistics prove it does not work, move the fuck on from it and try something new... Alexia

    8. Alexia, Thank you for your observations. You have identified aspects of the study that eluded me. Perhaps in my efforts of look for Female-favorable information i sloppily overlooked some of the masculinist information. Ironically i suppose i'm guilty of relying on your Female acuity to help me better comprehend the complex details of this study.

      You clearly have a better grasp of statistical data than i. I do know that i see examples of Female superiority daily in my life even without reading studies and research papers. Very often it goes unrecognized in favor of pandering to the fragile male ego. I did notice the part about "Alternatively, mixed-gender groups might provide learning benefits to men ..." etc, which i was a little confused about what it meant.

      I'll try harder.

    9. Of course you will try harder, yboy. You have to. I actually can't believe that you found this study to contain "complex details". The paper roll at my toilet describes the matter in more detail than this failure of a study. Alexia

    10. Perhaps complex to my male brain but utterly simple to You Alexia. Thank You. :)

    11. The complexity of a given matter does not depend on what kind of brain will try to perceive it. It is objectively comparable to the complexity of any other matter, so I do have the steppings to conclude that you would hate to deal with truly complex matters. Try to avoid rushed characterisations. Alexia

  14. She still posts under different aliases...

  15. This is quite a shock if true. If she 's one of us, why hide under different aliases? Athena

  16. Good question. It is easy to change your identity on internet forums. It's not so easy to remember to change the type of words and sayings you use...It's a bit of a giveaway...
