Don't think I have posted this one on here before...
John runs a large successful Archetectural practice, but despite several warnings he has failed to promote enough female staff to senior positions this year. The penalties are both financial and physical......Whilst working late one night, he has an unexpected visitor....
I have to say, being a male in this world is pretty terrifying. I'm a decently big guy, but I know for a fact that ANY girl I see is able to dominate me however she wanted, I have no real way to keep my body matter what. I've tried to lift weights, learn martial arts, etc...They don't so anything to help.
ReplyDeleteits...hard to go out sometimes, I've had some mean girls in my life, and now there are some...triggers, whenever I see girls with certain attributes or preforming certain actions I get short of breath, knowing this terrifying creature is parading her strength in front of me
What do you mean by "mean girls"? Are there girls who start fights? Because I know men start fights and women finish them. I 've finished countless fights started by men, but have yet to see a woman start a fight, so you cannot prove me wrong. Alexia
DeleteNot necessarily even fights, but they'd love to grab me, throw me around, and frighten me. They loved upshowing the boys and reminding them any female could do whatever she wanted to them any time, and some other bullying behaviors.
DeleteYou must have somehow provoked them. From experience I know that we never attack without provocation. We 're not aggressive like you are. Depending on their own experiences, provocation could be anything. Never jump to conclusions, there can be factors you know nothing about. Try to reduce the aggression in your thoughts and, sooner or later, you 'll see difference. Alexia
DeleteI had one girl who lovd to grope my various muscle groups...grope may be wrong, she'd squeeze them harder than I thought a human hand could, and ask me why they were so bloated and oversized if they were so weak. others woul slam me into lockers, make me kiss their feet...and other stuff.
Delete"Harder than I thought a human hand could": perhaps your thoughts are a bit loud sometimes? This could be the provocation that makes those girls be "mean" with you. I mean how can they sit down and do nothing, if on all tones you disregard their strength? Come a bit to their position... Alexia
DeleteI love this image! This is how it should be; girls putting the hurt on any guy who steps out of line! YESS!! Thyra.
DeleteExactly Thyra! This wonderful image is an inspiration to girls and women everywhere!!! Crush your male oppressor wherever you find him. Take him down and use your powerful legs to punish him. Show no mercy!!! Grrrl power!!!!!
DeleteWe can use our powerful... pretty much anything for that matter. Athena
DeleteWe were pretty much just flexing in the mirror, she'd always make a point to show off her own muscles, and if we said ours were also impressive she'd start squeezing and bullying, it was not fun
DeleteSounds about right!
DeleteI 'll swing with yboy here. She has every right to "show off" her muscles as long as you show off yours. Telling her that your muscles are in any way comparable to hers is an insult to her. Athena
DeleteAnother great pic in which the superiority of women is depicted perfectly.
ReplyDeleteHi Gnome mage,
Deleteyeah, it is. One of the reasons why I choose that one.
The caption tells a compelling story. Would love to know what happens to him. Perhaps he is replaced by a Female CEO and is demoted to janitor working in the new all Female architectural firm. :)
ReplyDeleteThat would be an entirely righteous outcome, although he wouldn't be a very efficient janitor with that broken arm ha ha!!! Megan
Deletethat guy is getting what he deserves. I would love to see this scenario played out in thousands of offices around the world. It would certainly hasten the Female controlled world that is inevitably coming. By the way, next time you're at work, just notice how weak the male bosses look compared to the Females rising in the company.
ReplyDeleteEvery Woman I've known who has risen to a high position in a business has told me how She had to spend years working behind the scenes propping up Her male co-workers, picking up after them while doing as much work as three males and of higher quality than any of them before They finally got the recognition They deserved. I know one Woman who actually got her male boss fired for being an irresponsible slacker who tried to promote a male based on work that She had done. Eventually she became the supervisor and has replaced most of the staff with Women. She gave the boys a chance to beg Her not to fire them, not that it would have done any good, but She enjoyed making them beg.
DeleteTons of this kind of examples in Greece, except the woman is laughed at instead of getting the recognition she deserves. Despite us working much better than men, on the one hand we hear all the dumbfuck excuses you can imagine about us "only being suitable for the bed and the kitchen" and on the other hand we have to deal with men's outrageous backstabs upon us. But we won't be stopped. We 'll dominate everything. Alexia
DeleteYes!! Grrrl power! the art in this poster and the meme in the post before that shows a a young girl wrestler kicking the butt of an older tough guy with a Mohawk male wrestler - with documented recorded and real life occurrences of females physically outclassing men on the wrestling mats soccer pitch American football pitch the weights room strength sports not too mention academically men are in fear of our awesomeness and sadly we need posters and memes like on the post before to empower girls to fight back against misogynistic chauvinists people like the ‘meninist’ who has commented on this blog need to know they can’t push us around sometimes using the only language they understand, the threat of violence and it works the vile male roosh the douche who thinks girls should be considered as possessions and thinks rape should be legal, well when he wanted to go to Australia kortney Olson sent him a message she says ‘jokingly’ but it was no joke and he fled in terror!!! Yes no man is innocent enter the man beaters it gets results, grrrls rule!!! Xxx
I would also expect him to shut his dumbfuck blog down. Kudos to Kortney, no matter what. Alexia
DeleteIf by Roosh the douce you mean Roosh Valizadeh, the man is a defender of society and mens rights against the tyranny of feminism. It’s sad that yesterday’s masculinity is today’s misogyny Where is freedom of speech when a man can’t even visit a country to speak out against injustice towards men for fear of getting a beating by female supremacists! As the writings on this blog make clear the real face of feminism is unashamed disgusting misandry! You even have the audacity now to admit you are no longer campaigning for equality but demanding power over men taken by force if necessary something obviously you-go-girls liberal feminists have drooled about for decades! You just have penis envy which is why you put yourselves on pedestals above men. So what if you are beating us in sports its sick the way you girls in general and the wrestlers in particular look down and gloat at fine male wrestlers such as Brandon, zak 21ststarter who have been reduced to begging for mercy taking away their masculinity because they are getting creamed by girls wrestling teams. What are these fine men, who see and experience the female, outclass and overpower their best athletes supposed to believe about the abilities and roles of both men and women? Beating us proves nothing, yes it is well documented but the female body matures quicker and it is without a doubt an abuse of biology to condition yourselves to be able to do this. Your bodies are designed to bare children hence have the resilience and ability for physical prowess, but to use this factor to surpass men in our fields goes against nature and prevents your ability to be real women because you are not supposed to be able to do this. You are also making the ability to be a man—as according to nature—diminish as you females invade all spaces that were traditionally and should be male
ReplyDelete30 years ago penis envy amazons actually tried to achieve this by adopting masculine looks and quite rightly you won no support but it is so insidious now that you are adopting the strategy of retaining feminine figures and slowly changing cultural views on female muscularity by infiltrating and winning beauty pageants with female weight lifters and American football players. A woman’s value depends solely on her fertility and beauty. It has been proven that Feminine beauty ranked in order of attractiveness depicts a female body with a BMI of 19, slightly underweight. Women should be thin and fragile not muscular amazons. Men should be masculine as once before and women should be feminine. In fact if you look at history and the writings of the greeks and romans an amazon matriarchal empire omce ruled most of the world and subjugated men keeping them in slavery, but this society didn’t work, they crumbled in on themselves and were replaced by the greek and roman empires and a golden age of patriarchy. A patriarchy that evolved alongside humanity and served a net benefit to society and the world!
Matriarchy cannot be allowed to happen again, the neomasculine movement is not wrong or bad like SJW feminists say. We understand the true nature of women and the chaos that would ensue if patriarchal rules were dismantled by allowing women equal opportunities. We are genetically different, both physically and mentally. Mens traits: dominance, independence, intelligence, rationale, analytical thinking. Women are just hormonal. So a man’s word is more credible than a woman’s, since female rationalizations are solely based on the feelings and emotions she’s experiencing. So in a nut shell men are the sex that knows more about how to structure society, so not wanting to hurt the feeling of you menstruating females, girls cannot be allowed to outclass men in the physical arena you should be kept on your toes, backs, and knees where you belong. But women are welcome to join our cause and plenty have! So I tell you girls now listen to what I say, no your limits, apologise and become submissive females again as nature intended.
Nature intended Females to be superior to males. Nature is full of examples of Female superiority. In spite of what many believe, it is the Female and not the male which is the larger and physically stronger sex in the vast majority of species. Animal species in which males are larger than females are the minority ... mostly mammals. The largest females of some species are literally thousands of times bigger than their males. Many species do not even need males to reproduce, so "equality" of the sexes is an illusion.
DeleteMales who cannot accept the truth of Female superiority often resort to incoherent rants about the way things "should be" but there is no real substance in such arguments, just toxic testosterone driven blather. It's really the male who is "hormonal." Female hormonal cycles are logical and predictable, male hormonal spurts are random and chaotic.
Fortunately the age of chaotic male dominance is coming to an end. I am a male who welcomes this. We males will be better off once the world has returned to its natural condition of true Feminine dominance. Women are the true leaders and will do a much better job of it than any mere males ever could. Your "golden age of patriarchy" is a lie. The patriarchy was built on the prior achievements of Matriarchal cultures and every supposed patriarchal achievement has been done by feeding off the genius of Women and hiding the truth that it has always been Women who are behind the greatest achievements.
The old saying "behind every great man is a great woman" is an understatement.
There is indeed a battle of the sexes going on. One which males will eventually lose decisively. Naturally some male egos will get hurt.
But yboy we are mammals. The standard theory among evolutionary biologists is that competition is usually greater among males than females (because females provide more parental investment and don't have time for competition). Species with more competition in one gender (including humans) will thus display sexual dimorphism, with the more competitive sex being larger. Women are here to breed and look after the home. Men provide through their competition and work while women nurture and raise children. It’s likely due to patriarchy that humans did survive various threats to their existence. Patriarchal systems must therefore be regained as the primary organizing structure of modern societies. Females behaving as the model of femininity in a system with conditions favoring males will behave quite differently in an environment with conditions favoring females. The nature of women is therefore not static, and takes the shape of the container of her environment. By allowing women to be as competitive as men by allowing females to stand and fight and compete against men. By allowing a battle of the sexes it will end with (and we are already seeing) females becoming bigger, stronger, fiercer, - soon then then girls will become merciless predators. This is downplaying females true state of submissiveness, dependence, emotional nature. Female cycles are not logical a female with PMS capable of doing real bodily harm to a male is not conducive to a healthy society. How can you as a man stand for that? Perhaps you are hormonal yboy, an effeminate SJW who lacks testosterone and drive and therefore submits to females surrendering to and allowing the development of their power. Men may be becoming hormonal because feminists have changed our diet to start naturally suppressing testosterone in men to have easier control over us. Changin our society to one that’s increasingly lacking a positive masculine identity. Testosterone is what makes a man, a man. Men with the highest levels of testosterone are the most socially adept amongst their peers – the alpha male. And those with with lower levels of testosterone? They are the ones who fail most in their work and are unpopular with their peers. We must fight to stop the rise of the alpha female, and resist becoming beta males. I fear it is too late for you yboy, but you are correct about one thing we will lose decisively if amazons are allowed to rise again I know how powerful the enhanced female body is and can become, but we must stop it. I dispute my golden age of patriarchy is a lie the ancient amazon culture before brought nothing but slavery and misery and destroyed itself before being mopped up by the heroic greeks and romans of antiquity who writings show the disdain we must have to the idea of female power!
DeleteI’ts funny seeing 2 men argue about women’s place in society, your opinions don’t matter any man who tries to endorse or justify the vermin that is roosh needs a slap, period. Love that fact that he (it) is running scared of Kortney ;) and I can smell the fear of our anonymous friend here as he witnesses girl victory after girl victory lol
Yboy is correct in many ways, but equally who are you to judge us on our nature and how we should be or behave on a certain way for your gratification?
Thank you for sharing my memes (Y)
so its ok for women to discuss beating men up, but when 2 bro's debate it, it is not ok? It proves nothing that Roosh cancelled kis australia visit after kortneys post. you are so misandric you even have a pop at a male defender of yours!
Deleteyboy is this really your superior? i notice you reply to her but not my arguments? and you apologize to her for being rude to you!!! surely you can see neomasculinists are right now!!
i've just looked at paula's profile its just girl power and scorn to men, on your id you even admit you are crazy and a witch! trying to look intimidating in your picture, Yboy you think her memes and she's wonderful?!
Men's rights activists: Sorry but men have no rights as long as they want to rape and objectify us.
DeleteSelf-defence against violent men: Totally agree with this one. Strength is our territory, not theirs.
Rise and overcome: The "future" part is actually very much present for several women, very rightly so.
Girls can't what: Great motivation quote by all means.
Good girl: "Good" and "bad" are relative terms as this meme indirectly points out.
As further addition, I 'd like to mention the song I happen to be listening as I type this comment: it is a Greek song, titled "Στο ξέσπασμα του φεγγαριού" ("At the moon's outburst"). Here is the second line array sung by the woman:
Κι εμένα πια δε θα με δουν-And I won't be anymore seen
Του πόνου οι Συμπληγάδες-By the Sympligades of pain
Να σέρνω το βαγόνι σου-Dragging your wagon
Σε σκουριασμένες ράγες-On rusted rails
I take this as a direct reference to how we must force consequences upon the wrongs of patriarchy... Athena
Anonymous MRA ... I replied to your first comment and didn't reply to your second one because i didn't think there was any point. You are clearly deeply convinced of your patriarchal beliefs, so nothing i say could change your mind.
DeleteMy response to Paula was what i consider an appropriate reply to a member of the superior gender. I have great respect and admiration for Women and i accept my place as subordinate to Them.
I am not, as you say "an effeminate SJW who lacks testosterone and drive" ... but whatever "I" am or am not is irrelevant in this discussion. I will not stoop to the low level of calling names ... the issue is the power balance of the sexes not the petty squabbles of a few strangers on the internet.
It bothers me not at all if a Woman points out the absurdity of males in any regard. She has every right to express Her opinion. I can see Her point. I'm sorry you can't.
This is hilarious. I guess it's our friend "proud meninist" again? I can tell by his dislike of women and clear paragraphs.
DeleteHe claims the "Amazon culture before brought only slavery & misery" but previously stated that women "should be kept on your toes, backs, and knees where you belong". Sounds like slavery to me?? So slavery is ok for women, but not ok for men? OK gotcha.
The problem for you is that you are right about a few things. The enhanced female body is indeed a powerful and all conquering thing, females will become merciless predators and you will lose decisively in the battle of the sexes. Actually the ancient Amazon societies were very successful and were around for a good long time. It is unclear why they disappeared, but even the great Roman & Greek civilisations came to an end eventually.
I sense a fell founded fear in your commentary The time will soon come for a new Amazon age. It is already in progress. Liberalism is causing western societies (hence patriarchy) to crumble through weak leadership. Mass immigration from backward cultures is fuelling a rise in misogyny, all the while western women are excelling academically and discovering their true physical abilities. When western civilisation collapses, it is women who will step into the void to restore order and create a new kind of society, one that works - a female dominated society.
This may well mean a return to slavery for men who refuse to accept female rule, but don't expect us to feel bad...
We 'll win the battle of genders and still be... discovering our true potential, I feel. Athena
DeleteAfter Women have won the battle, we males — the weaker sex — will be looking at our larger but weaker bodies in the mirror wondering what went wrong, as the stronger sex continues to move further and further beyond us.
DeleteMost men don't even have the mind for this. I assume you 'll just blame each other as you always do after losing at something that has to do with more than one of you. Athena
DeleteLOL ... Well, we (most of us) will be in denial about the nature of our weakness and inferiority.
DeleteHi Xaan,
Deleteyou say that when western civilisation collapses women will step in and create a female dominated society. I can understand a lot of men who fear the rising power of women but I truly hope that women will indeed take over and safe humanity. I truly think that women are better rulers. I know a female dominated marriage is not the same as a female dominated society but I see a bright future ahead of us which will benefit both men and women.
DeleteYour closing observation seems inescapable:
"When western civilization collapses, it is women who will step into the void to restore order and create a new kind of society, one that works - a female dominated society.
This may well mean a return to slavery for men who refuse to accept female rule, but don't expect us to feel bad..."
However, have You any predictions on exactly what form of society this shall have to develop into or be? One would see in the statement that nearly ALL of our previous misconceptions on what 'femininity' and 'masculinity' may have in fact have to be reversed. Are You then saying/predicting future male behaviour may have to be that almost mirroring that of past acquiescence once expected of Females... and in that those males who rebel against the growing truth of Female power are the ones who shall be constrained in slavery? Please do not construe this as resistance to what is evidently to be, but more as a question of what the Female Sex or You require of us in roles in the coming Gynarchic Female Age.
After all, it IS frightening and confusing for us on how Females shall expect of us.
We will expect obedience, humility and servitude. Men who display these qualities will be able to live peaceful and productive lives, relatively safe from harm. We do not seek to reverse masculinity or femininity, but enhance both and utilise them in the correct and natural way, for the good of society...
DeletePaula, if i may.
ReplyDeletei apologize if i seem to be judging or in any way overstepping the place of a humble male. You honor me by mentioning me favorably at all. Even so i try to understand the absurdity of being a male and expressing an opinion regarding the superior sex. It is not for my gratification that i do so, but to honor and respect my superiors.
i've seen Your wonderful memes on deviantart. They are wonderful. The messages are reminders to me of male insignificance. Any male can really only speak for itself and never assume to fully understand the far greater truths which the superior sex embodies. Thank you for the reminder.
Hey Xaan I still have this picture on the wall in my kitchen! :) I thought he was a wedding guest not an architect though ;p but loving the thought that I am the model for this amazon, hope you are well, Ace :D
ReplyDeleteWelcome back at last, Ace:) There are two questions for you to answer. One is on the thread about strongwomen (November 2017) and the other on the "Feedback required" thread (June 2014). Elise
DeleteHello Elise and thank you :) so to answer the answer the feedback required question, the first thing to realise is that even though testosterone is commonly called the male (androgen) hormone and estrogen the female, hormones per se do not actually have a gender and all are required in the correct amounts in the human body for both genders to function. There are many aspects to gender, but in its simplest terms gender is determined by what is called the xy sex determination system (a DNA cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes the 23rd pair are called allosomes and consist either of a pair of x allosomes resulting in a female or a pair made up of 1 x and 1 y chromosome giving rise to the male. Now the male y chromosone contains a gene (SRY) that causes the male body to overload on testosterone into quantities that result in the development of male genatalia which is why it is called an androgen. But it has other functions too. Without the sry gene a female body still produces small amounts of testosterone in the ovaries, adrenal glands and fat cells balanced for bodily purpose. In the right amounts it actually has around 200 uses in the female body mainly bone strength, brain function and assisting HGT in muscle development. Women with inadequate amounts of testosterone for a woman will suffer brittle bones, brain fog, low libido etc. A woman who works out and develops her physicality even though she has less testosterone than a male, because it is a perfectly cyclically balanced hormonal system will have stronger bones, sharper brain, stronger muscles stronger libido than males. (Similarily estrogen is vital for mens health too and is produced in the male body by an enzyme called aromatose).
DeleteI spot 2 questions in the strong woman post, one about the technical advantages of breasts and 1 about fluid difference in muscles between male and female and dehydrated male look. I will start with the fluid differences and dehydrated look. First remember thanks to estrogen female muscles (and fat) are better equipped for dealing with the dietary fuel intake of carbs, fat and protein making the female better suited for everything related to fitness and physical performance and strength. Now in terms of fat women naturally carry useful healthy (in the right amount) subcutaneous fat between the skin and the muscles. Men tend to have more visceral fat (fat stored around the organs) and less between the skin and muscles. Visceral fat is a bad kind of fat that increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, inflammation in the body etc
Now as well as the higher estrogen levels in females, which largely explains how female muscles function better. Female muscles with estrogenic assistance also handle fat better. Fat tissue nutritive blood flow and volume, and thereby water content, are enhanced compared to men. As men cannot utilise their body fat so well including subsutaeneous fat men, between the skin and the muscle there is less nutritive blood and hence water content giving rise to this look you describe. This is why women’s bodies as well as superior in performance are more beautiful visually, enhanced by smoother, softer (yet with a stronger more resilient cellular matrix) skin and nice curves. As a note relevant to both questions/answers we also observe that trained male athletes compared to untrained men have enlarged lipids in their blood specifically to utilise as much of the scarce estrogen present in their bodies as their muscles can since it is vital for muscular performance. This bloats the male muscle and helps to reduce strength to size ratio compared to women’s muscles even more, but is needed to enable male athletes muscles to work because they do not have sufficient enough quantities of estrogen to perform to the level required otherwise. Ace
The question about breasts and sports bras, absolutely the type of bra worn matters for performance! Absolutely Breasts are a technical advantage when properly supported! Rather than boobs v brawn description which I think is a bit cheapening and would prefer to pit it as comparing mammaries with pecs. In the first case it is important to note breasts are an impressive network of milk glands, ducts and sacs, all suspended from the clavicle in twin masses held together by fibrous connective fatty tissue which has no effect on physical strength per se, but they add weight to the torso. An A cup typically weighs 0.25 Kg while DD breasts have a mass 1.2Kg. And when they get moving, the nipples on a C- or D-cup breast can accelerate up to 45 mph in one second -- faster than a Ferrari. In an intense burst of activity, a pair of breasts will bounce several thousand times. As breasts get bigger, they accelerate quicker, move faster and bounce higher. Men might like the idea of this say watching Pamela Anderson in bay watch running to the rescue, but unsupported swinging breasts due to the randomness and uncontrolled nature of the swing unfortunately increase stress on the body and can lead to decreased performance and even injuries. Poor breast support has been a serious challenge for women in nearly all corners of competition. Gymnasts push themselves to the brink of starvation to avoid developing them. For the female athlete, the question has been how to stop breasts getting in the way, The first sports bras marketed for women was actually in the 1970’s where a sports bra made our of 2 male jock straps were used by female tennis players. Only really now in modern times has research now gone into to properly developing sports bras and how the breast is supported (compression or encapsulation – interestingly warrior women of old used compression methods – look closely at the amazon image in the speaking of attire post and also this film version which although Keira Knightly is no amazon is a very realistic battle dress . Modern science now suggests a mixture of both but the amount varying with size and the individual) And now with the right fabrics and developments in smart materials what you call ‘sping loading effect’ is becoming realised. The as sports bras become more efficiently stretchy and tight. They have characteristics which as well as helping support the back muscles and decrease injury potential. They stabilise the motion and line up the fatty fibres so they stretch coherently effectively adding a simple harmonic motion to the torso that aided by the torque from a woman’s wider hips does indeed by simple laws of physics greatly improve the power output in the same way as a fly wheel. Good examples of how top quality sports bras increase the power of women are Gina Carano one of the most dangerous mma fighters ever and measured to be one of the hardest hitters on the planet was extremely well endowed as is Serena Williams who is one the most physically powerful tennis players ever. New developments in sports bras have been shown to considerably shorten the times of female runners across all distances (so yes this combination will greatly enhance female performance in dynamic sports) And there is a question whether this technology for women amounts to technical doping and give an unfair advantage over men and women who do not have the same quality attire. Personally I think this technology is essential for the health and FAIR performance of women athletes. The bras themselves aren’t doing the work, it is the amazon wearing them. It is only in conjunction with a dedicated, elite, talented female athlete that we will see stunning performances (like your excellent description of the lfl v nfl) and sporting outcomes that both enthral and amaze and inspire women and girls and leave men in the dust. XX>>XY Ace x
DeleteIt is also worth adding although it may seem a joke (but actually far from it) is breasts can and are in fact a uniquely female deadly weapon
DeleteThe model on this cover of sports illustrated, I don’t know her but she has the build of a wrestler is wearing a beach bikini that may look nice and display her assets for all to see but actually hinder her in running, striking, javelin throwing etc, will not affect her capability to wrestle in close. They create space and make the female grappler much more efficient as she doesn’t have so much in the way between her opponents. But also she can use her breasts to smother something any woman can do easily from B-cup upwards, but A-cup can also perform this effectively. A move that is not only extremely effective but most importantly the female absolutely has the advantage if she is to face a man in the majority of situations. He is missing a very useful piece of anatomy. For those of you sceptical about the power of a breast smother it’s no joke. It’s a lethal move! And men have actually died in combat against women who have used this move
As you can see it's a highly devastating wrestling move that can kill, especially when combined with a grapevine. But even on its own, the combination of struggling for a breath, and the psychological aspect if being trapped in the mammaries, cause real panic and disorientation, not to mention severe humiliation. The key to the breast smother is in wrapping your arms around the man’s head grasping the elbows and clamping tight. Like a strong headscissor delivered by a girl, no man can withstand a girls correctly applied breast smother. Once this move is on and secured a woman will beat any man in the most enjoyable (for her ;) ) way. The lack of air makes it clear immediately that he’ll have to tap out to get out. There is no pretending that he is not in pain. The breast smother can also be used as an effective takedown, in the clinch you pull the man's head down into your breasts. Put your arms around the base of the man's skull so that he cannot pull his head out. Lock the man's head in place between your breasts by gripping the opposite elbow of each of your arms a described earlier. As soon as he realises that he is trapped, and cannot breathe, take him down to the ground by simply twisting the man around to the side across your hips to unbalance him (where the head goes the body follows) and lower him down to the ground, to follow through with the very dangerous Breast Smother combined with a Grapevine. Let him know Girls rule!! Ace
Welcome back ACE!!! We have missed you! Thanks for your amazing posts, they really make for an enthralling read. I never really thought of my breasts as lethal weapons in that way, but I suppose they are and after reading your advice on how to apply a breast smother, I really can't wait to give it a go! Suze
DeleteThank You Ace for your thorough and precise description of the true difference between the "perfectly cyclically balanced hormonal system" of the Female in comparison with the testosterone overloaded imbalanced inefficient male. It was not really clear to me before that the real reason for the largeness of male muscles is due to compensating for the imbalance between testosterone and estrogen.
DeleteThe fact that Females can easily hypnotize males is only a small part of the arsenal of Feminine advantages. Certainly the power of breasts has been not fully explored as strength advantage giving the female body greater momentum and speed. Of course Women have a huge advantage in the water as Female swimmers, who are more buoyant than males, have always far outdistanced males and swim faster in proportion to Their size.
DeleteI was aware that a woman's breasts is good for a lot of things, nurturing a baby for instance. But I wasn't aware of the power to kill. As with a lot of posts here, thank you Ace for opening my eyes.
DeleteTasha just shattered countless fragile male egos to dust.
DeleteIndeed, welcome back Ace! Your posts are always so insightful, well researched and educational. This is so inspirational and also great practical advice. Men are extremely intimidated by our breasts and we should take full advantage of this fact. As you correctly point out, the reasons for this are not just psychological. Our breasts can present a very real physical danger to men too.
ReplyDeleteOur physiology means that we have an innate ability to smother and this is a physical advantage that we must all learn to use to full effect in combat situations. Perhaps the smother tactic that people are more familiar with is the face-sit, which is also a highly dangerous wrestling move that can certainly kill. I have been aware of its effectiveness since childhood and have always viewed it as the most reliable way to panic, subdue, humiliate and defeat any male opponent. The knowledge that if you wanted to, you could end his life is also extremely empowering and a real confidence boost - Maybe that's why I'm so confident? :0
There are many ways to initiate and execute a face-sit and I would encourage all girls to give it a go. Do you have any practical combat advice for beginners on how to work this move in?
Simply being ready to catch punches in the air should serve well enough... Do we not have reflexes?
DeleteGnome ... I agree. For males having a vulnerable target where it is not easily defended is at best a distraction, as a Female opponent does not even need to hit that target to keep a male confused and uncertain how to defend himself while She goes all out with Her superior reflexes, endurance and flexibility, winning on all suits.
DeleteThe entire male body is weak and undefendable.
DeleteGnome, Not only is there really nothing males can do to stop females from beating us at our own game ... but it's not really "men's game" anymore but a game belonging to the stronger sex.
DeleteHi gnome to elucidate what you are saying further, if someone managed to punch me in the tit, it would hurt inly enough to really piss me off and make their beating and humiliation worse. Any man who gets ball busted goes down for a long time in complete incapacitation its amusing the reaction, though a bit too easy.
DeleteThanks Xaan and I agree about the face sit, I have similar childhood memories and is a smother easily moved in from a pin that is typically called the school girl pin since it is a pin most school girls know. There are numerous ways to secure the face sit from this pin so you need to first throw or put the man on his back and straddle his chest. When you achieve this, your first priority is to control the man and prevent his escape. Widen your knees and ‘sink’ your hips ad crotch into the man. This greatly improves your balance because it both broadens your base and lowers your centre of gravity. It also puts far more pressure on the man beneath you. Typically the man will try and buck you off especially if your initial straddle is sitting over the man’s stomach - just go with his buck to lessen its effect and then sit straight back down with a ‘bottom bounce’ and work your way up sitting right over the man’s sternum, this makes it harder for the man to breathe and more uncomfortable for him. You can also add bottom bounces here to wear him down. It’s also important to force his arms far away from his mid-section keeping his shoulders pinned on the ground using your knees - Almost every escape from this position necessitates that the man will have to lift one or both of his shoulders from the floor, because he will either need to sit up or turn to his side.
This school girl straddle as you know is by itself a very dominant pin. The fact that the man is pinned down flat on his back by you as you sit astride him has clear overtones of female domination. The fact that the man is right up by your thighs and crotch adds further to this exquisitely ;) often in a struggle by the time the man winds up in this pin, you will already have worn him down, and he will not be strong enough to escape. Obviously, for you heavier girls, your weight alone may be enough to prevent him from escaping and may well force him to submit, or to beg mercy.
Now you have the choice you can move move up to the crotch choke, where you press your pelvis (either knees bent hips wide apart or from the splits position) on the man's throat, thereby choking him, just by lowering your weight down. This of course can result in death to the man. Or you can go into the full face smoother the ultimate display of female dominance There is no possibility of a bridge escape and the man can easily be suffocated into submission. And girls can you ever grind and jiggle so that his pain is your pleasure! Ultimate female victory. To really train for this and practise it, BJJ is the martial art where you can refine the technique. Often from the straddle in BJJ you will be taught to go for an arm bar finish, but it’s very easy to not play by these rules so go train go practice and have fun subduing men as only a girl can :D Ace
Wow! thanks Tasha. You just made an old man very happy
DeleteThat's a shame, it wasn't intentional. My intension is to make old men and young alike, suffer by encouraging women & girls to unleash and enjoy their physical potential. Male happiness is not our concern. Tasha
DeleteMale "pleasure" is never really pleasure in the true sense. Only Females seem to be capable of true pleasure. We males experience — at best — a pale facsimile of pleasure or happiness which we pretend is a kind of fulfillment, but is a pathetic remnant due to the stunted male physiognomy. Males are incapable of experiencing anything like the deep and complete pleasure Females have. This is yet another reason we are naturally jealous of the superior sex. Some males express this jealousy as violent rage, other males express it as a condescending reversal ... still, some of us realize that the best solution is to accept our inferiority and simply respect and admire Women knowing that all pleasure simply belongs to Her.
DeleteIf Women have taught me anything it's that there is no male sensory experience which is not far inferior to the Female norm.
Tasha, it's not really a fair way to fight against guys! And what's the point of humiliating us like that? And what if a man was doing such an hold to you, putting his bulge on your face like that? Alexei
DeleteFrankly, a male putting his "bulge" on a Woman's face would be more likely to end up getting his delicate package hurt causing him to freeze up and keel over.
DeleteWho said it had to be fair? Women need to learn to use their natural physical advantages. We they do, they will not just beat men, but beat them easily. yboy is right. It doesn't work for men, you are top heavy and easier to dislodge and your external genitalia make you far too vulnerable. Tasha
DeleteI see where you 're coming from, Tasha. Men haven't been fair with us, so our reaction doesn't have to be fair. On the other hand we have all those advantages, so I assume we don't have to play dirty either. Each woman simply has to choose her way, which may differ to that of others. I think if we wait for all of us to make the same choice, we 'll never choose. Alexia
DeleteGreat article Ace!! I love this move :0 Which I also discovered in childhood and used to great effect. It certainly gives the lie to all those masculinists and male coaches who claim that if we weren't bound by the rules of wresting, then the boys would always win fights against girls. Clearly if this move was allowed along with head- scissors, boys would never win another single match!!! Our body mass is concentrated in the lower body, this naturally gives us better stability and a lower centre of gravity which is what makes a face-sit such a reliable and effective way to neutralise a male.
DeleteThis has inspired me to share my experience & advice, so if I can just add……………
I find that once you're on top of the guy, even just straddling his stomach, escape is pretty much impossible. Grab his wrists and you’re already in a commanding position. This is easier than you might think. Being on top you have much better leverage, he on his back has very little. Force his arms down to the ground using not only the strength in your arms and wrists, but also your core, to execute the schoolgirl pin.
Once his wrists are secured, transfer most of your weigh forward onto your arms to consolidate the pin whilst shuffling your lower body further up onto his chest. As long as you're more than 6st, there is no way he will be able to buck you off. Once you're on his chest transfer your weight back to you lower body, with force if necessary. This will knock the wind out of him and from this point on he will find it very hard to breathe which will incapacitate him further.
At this point fear and panic usually starts to set in as he realises things are not going his way and they are about to get worse. Hold on extra tight to his wrists as he will likely put all of his energy into flailing his arms about in a vain attempt to get free, or to try and strike at you. Again, as you’ve severely limited the amount of leverage and reach that he has, he can’t really do much to hurt you and he certainly can’t get free. So if he does manage to get one or both arms free, don’t panic! Stay put, fend off any restricted blows that come your way, keep your balance and bide your time. Due to the pressure you are exerting by sitting on his chest, his breathing will become laboured and shallow and his oxygen supply will be severely reduced. This means he will tire extremely quickly and in a matter of seconds you will easily be able to grab and pin his arms again.
In desperation he may try to knee you in the back, but you can avoid this by leaning forward to evade the worst of the blows until he tires or alternatively you can lean back and hook your arms under his legs, then sit back up pulling them forward with you. This will completely imobilise him, further reduce his ability to breathe and hasten his fatigue.
Next, shuffle your lower body further up so that you can actually pin his arms with your legs. Kneeling on his biceps “hurts like hell” apparently lol, so if you like, you can indulge in a little torture here. He will still be able to utter the odd word so you can have fun totally ignoring his pleas for mercy. 1/2 Cont….
DeleteNext, Shuffle forward some more and put your knees to his shoulders so he is completely pinned down and imobilised. Apart form the pain & discomfort, he will be experiencing intense humiliation, not only at being overpowered by a girl, but also sexual intimidation at the proximity of your crotch to his face, as he is faced with total femininity bearing down on him. Conversely, this is a thrill for the girl and you might want to take a while to enjoy these moments of having total control over a male that you have overpowered, whilst you delight in his futile struggling and humiliation. A bit of verbal abuse won’t go amiss here, just to add to his torment. This is where he gets to experience real female power and it’s all about power and control. You have taken it, he has lost it. You are the winner!
Once you're done with the gloating, the only thing that remains is to go in for the kill so to speak. Grab his hair tight (if he has any) to ensure he doesn't try to turn his head to the side. If he does try that, give his face a squeeze between your thighs to correct his position. Then shuffle forward off his shoulders and plant yourself right on his face! Our anatomy means that a perfect seal will be formed over his nose & mouth, it will cut off his air completely and he will not be able to breathe in or out.
He will immediately panic and thrash but DO NOT let that put you off! Stay on him long enough to cause maximum distress. You must NOT show any weakness or concern for him. It is really important that you are completely merciless! This attitude towards men is something that comes naturally to many of us, but some girls need a bit of convincing.
Then raise yourself up to let him gasp for air and plonk yourself back down again. Do this repeatedly, allowing him to to fill his lungs with air occasionally. If you really want to be wicked, randomly plonk yourself down just after he has exhaled just to add to his stress. .If you’re in a fight situation, a few minutes of this will be enough to leave your male opponent totally destroyed
Being utterly wicked like this is enormous fun and it will leave him totally exhausted and broken, physically and emotionally. He will never be able to forget what you have done to him, or how powerless he was to stop you. He will have to live with the knowledge that you (a female) could have killed him if you’d wanted to and there was nothing he could do about it! A good face-sit is not only a guaranteed fight winner, it will also snuff out a male ego for good! Wether as bedroom play or in a real fight situation, face-sitting is the ultimate weapon we have to assert our dominance! Tasha
Wow Tasha, you know your stuff! Love it!! Suze
DeleteSorry but I am not willing to spend 10sec or more on a man. Quality time with actual humans is much better than wasted time with objects. A split-second KO punch is what I think of as "the ultimate weapon" for women.
DeleteOMG Tasha that is terrifying! Has my wife been talking to you? Bazza
DeleteThanks Tasha - Spot on!!!