Tuesday 3 June 2014

Feedback required!

Guys and Girls

Since starting this blog we have had nearly 20,000 page views, but astonishingly few people have chosen to comment on anything. If you find this blog interesting or helpful, then please let us know by asking a question, starting a discussion or share a real life experience even if it just a private message. That way I can get an idea of what people want to see on the blog. All public comments are moderated by myself and rest assured no trolls get through the net....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi I love this blog, keep it up! the information about how all females can be amazons is fantastic!!
    I saw this article the other day that feminists in 1949 predicted that women would be a race of Amazons by 2000
    Obviously this hasn't quite happened but I think it's entirely biologically possible that this could (and should!!) become reality at some point if social manipulations of masculinists (and some women) can be shown up for the drivel that they are :)

    1. Well, they hurried up a bit too much, but you can't call them off as entirely wrong. Nobody can actually know exactly when this equal footing will appear and when humanity will start seeing proper results from it, but there are people willing to head for it, so there is indeed hope:) Thank you for the link anyway.

    2. I think it should of happened but social and cultural factors are still occurring to prevent this. It has now been shown that women's bodies contain natural concentrations of human growth hormone up to 120 times the levels of men;
      quoting from the article," in a nutshell, growth hormone causes things to grow, hence the name. And how exactly does growth hormone cause things to grow? Through several different mechanisms including: Increased protein synthesis (increases muscle), Increased lipolysis (decreases fat)...In other words, growth hormone supports and initiates growth of tissue in the human body in many ways and can decrease adipose tissue as well. Optimal levels are generally considered to be beneficial for athletes."
      Thus giving more evidence of the natural biological superiority/advantage in-built in the female body!

    3. Aha, interesting:) That adds up to the technical advantages I have explained in a previous article on this blog. Thank you for your contribution once again:) Keep up that great work of yours:) Ah, and sorry for the late reply.

    4. I actually opened the link to breakingmuscle and it claims that testosterone can also be beneficial for women, though without ever explaining in what way...


    5. Six months later, no explanation.


  3. yes your articles on technical advantages are excellent, so many people are ignorant of the make up of muscles and how women when they train have stronger denser myofibrillar muscle while mens are composed more of sarcoplasmic non-contractile muscle cell fluid resulting in reduced strength compared to the female, its nice to see someone explain it so clearly and easy to understand. :)

    Also love your knowledge that the generally accepted aphorism: testosterone builds muscle, estrogen produces fat, does not fit. There is now such a huge body of scientific facts which prove female superiority. I think deep down all women know they are superior, but at the moment the chance to show it is still rare.
    However there was an excellent scientific study by the university of alberta which really impressed me they put a group of women and a group of men through a strength training regime where all participants male and female also had the same diet/nutrition as well as training program. The results were quite spectacular, after 6 weeks while the guys had an impressive strength gain of 27% the women's strength under the same conditions had increased by 38% and extrapolation of the results showed that while at the start all the women were weaker than the men, in just over a year the weakest woman surpassed the strongest man :)

    1. Progress is always a nice thing to see:) I am also happy to see that you fully understand my article about women's technical advantages:) It can be deduced by many sides that women tend to respond better to power training. The most reliable side is one's real life though. I would know nothing about all this if I had not been lucky enough to see a cousin of mine work out when I was 4. I would be nowhere. What about you? What are your sports? How did you start? How are you doing now? Somehow you sound very strong to me...

  4. Perhaps people find it difficult to comment? a known problem with BlogSpot; http://www.tech.spoilertv.com/2012/05/troubleshooting-comments-for-blogger.html

  5. Hi Xaan,

    I think this is a great blog, I admire strong, independent, superior women a lot and I love reading the articles posted here.

    Strong women have always fascinated me since I was a teen and I like hearing/reading about them.

    I've read that you liked the end of octopussy, and I must say that it is also the favorite bond scene for me. The way these women invade a fortress guarded by men. girlpower, women rule.


  6. Hi this is something that might interest you, I know who my monies on ;) - women set to take on men in medieval jousts:
    Expect to see the women dominate this, especially if you consider that 3 years ago samantha swords dismantled every man one by one to win the world longsword fighting championship. She was the only woman in the tournament and her victory over the men was emphatic
    and this is not new http://www.rejectedprincesses.com/princesses/la-jaguarina ella hatton defeated every man going on horseback and on foot in the 19th century in both sword and knife fighting https://martialartsnewyork.org/2015/03/31/colonel-thomas-monstery-and-the-training-of-jaguarina-americas-champion-swordswoman/

  7. Thank you anonymous for the women-to-take-on-men article. The last line in the article says it all.

    Asked why it had taken English Heritage so long to include women, a spokesperson said: “In everything we do we strive to be historically accurate and of course women wouldn’t have participated in jousts in the past. However, the jousts were for the best of the best, and now the best includes women.”

  8. I'm really glad This blog is here. You are doing something very brave and, I think, ahead of its time.

    Presenting female physical power as an inevitable and natural reality is something that may be misinterpreted by some as nothing more than some kind of fantasy or even a fetish. But you are going beyond that and making it clear that this is a cultural revolution in the making, and you are not alone.

    I think most people are probably afraid to comment because the subject matter is very difficult for them — they are probably conflicted. You are talking about overturning their realities, challenging their long held notions. And this blog is presenting ideas that may seem outlandish to some even though they are perfectly logical.

    it just shows that there's still a long difficult for the Amazon woman to fight. But be aware that there are growing numbers of Amazons and growing numbers of males who believe in their cause.

    I appreciate the opportunity to participate in the conversation.

    1. Hi yboy, Glad you like the blog and appreciate your contributions to it. We are so heavily indoctrinated in patriarchy that seeking the truth can seem to be outlandish, but there are plenty of people like me who have always doubted and questioned the conventional wisdom that espouses male superiority. People who wondered how, if boys are supposed to be superior to girls, then why do girls always do better at school and why did every mixed fight they ever saw end in a female victory??

      In the internet age, this process is easier. Knowledge, new ideas and inspiration are more accessible than ever and this means that whilst patriarchy has been bred into us for centuries, it will not take centuries to reverse it - it could be done in one or two generations.

      Female supremacy is both a fantasy and a reality at the same time. the reason it is a fantasy is because it is an ideal that appeals to alot of people, but it is not yet openly accepted by our society. Nevertheless it is a very real and just simmering under the surface waiting for the right moment The good news is that there is nothing to stop any individual girl from adopting an Amazon lifestyle today - this can be done within the parameters of our conventional society and as more and more females start to see the benefits of such a lifestyle we will move seamlessly into a female dominated society - the sweetest victory ;)

    2. Yes, Xann, the internet age has brought plenty of opportunities for societal change, enabling people of like mind to share thoughts and ideas. I was thinking about the irony that a technology so associated with males coukd actualy be instrumental in ending patriarchy, that I almost forgot that, like most things men take credit for, the internet was actually the product of feminine genius …


      … the deeper one digs, the more evidence there is for females being the brains behind the men who got the credit. As more women use the tools that they have created to rediscover their power, how could it not result in victory for female dominance?
