Thursday, 22 November 2012
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Upper body strength
Men usually have bigger, more muscular upper bodies than women, but does that mean they are always stronger??? Not so according to the clip above where a cheerleader humbles a big tough football guy. This is not an uncommon occurrance judging by the hundreds of other similar clips available on the internet. Also in my own experience, whenever I've seen girl vs guy armwrestling, the girl always won. If guys are supposed to have such an advantage in upper body strength - how is it that girls win arm wrestling matches so often and with such ease too?
Anyone have any experiences to share???
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Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Another male ego bites the dust...
I've often heard it argued that girls only do well against boys in the lower age and weight classes and that after puberty it's a different situation entirely. For the most part that seems to be the case, but I think it is more to do with the fact that girls tend not pursue their chosen sports much beyond the ages of 15 / 16 which is a crying shame.
However things seem to be changing. There is growing evidence to suggest that more girls are taking their sports more seriously these days and are more inclined to continue competeing in the upper age groups and weight classes. There are certainly more clips emerging on the internet. Below is a good example. Not sure how old the competitors were here, but both look to be over 16, so it just goes to show that boys don't necessarily overtake girls physically after puberty - something this guy seems to have a hard time accepting....
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Friday, 19 October 2012
Awesome Roxy
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Monday, 8 October 2012
Amanda Leve
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Friday, 5 October 2012
Can a 14 year-old girl take down a US marine? Watch this...
Friday, 28 September 2012
Leading the charge
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Women's technical advantages
Continuing to fulfil my promises, I 'll now analyse what technical advantages women have over men and how they occur.
First of all, it's a myth that "men are stronger". They just look bigger. Keep in mind that size isn't everything. Actually, the strength of a muscle is calculated with the following multiplication: size*quality. So, what is muscle quality? It's the pureness of the muscle mass. Testosterone has a big disadvantage that has an effect here: it is fat-friendly. So it attracts fat cells as it flows through the body, but these fat cells often can't get past all the gaps, so they stick in between the muscle fibres. And this is how the muscles get to look bigger without becoming stronger. This also explains why "pure testosterone" is, as I said in the doping article, a myth, as far as it goes for doping. And apart from all these, there also is that experiment a team of Swedish physiologists did, which proves that the female hormones actually protect the muscles (contrary to what masculinists scream all over the planet). They found a man and a woman of the same age, same height, same weight and same muscle mass percentage and told them to armwrestle. Not only did the woman win, but the man's bicep got ripped in two! The contestants were also wearing a special piece of hormone-monitoring equipment, which proved all the fat-friendliness of testosterone, while also showing that estradiol is a thinner liquid than testosterone, so estradiol not only keeps fat out of the muscles, but it also lubricates the muscle cells a lot more efficiently, which is why women can handle heavier training, while men often have to deal with muscle injuries (ruptures etc). But, no matter what your gender is, it is good to keep in mind that everything has its limits. Even the best cars break down at some time. Just like this, even the clearest muscles can't take any kind of training. How will you deal with this? Listen to your body. Plan your training according to how you feel your muscles. If you set your targets too high, you are at risk of a muscle injury. If you set them too low, you won't progress as fast as you can. (Yes, I understand that not every single girl/woman has or can buy the equipment needed for measuring hormone ratios... But if you have such equipment, keep in mind that, the more female your ratio is, the heavier the training you can handle with no problems.)
Proper sports though aren't all about strength, are they? Don't worry for this, girls! We have more advantages than just the ability to gain more strength (which in fact is just the tip of the iceberg). A very important advantage of estradiol is its conductivity. And if you wonder how this helps, I may remind you how our nerve system works. Or did you remember already that it works with electric signals? And exactly because these signals aren't very intense in any case, it's very important that we have estradiol which lets us enjoy a more efficient transportation of nerve signals (they travel much faster and do not have that much loss, compared to what happens in men). The better speed helps us react faster (training helps this even more by making the muscle cells more elastic and therefore the muscle more flexible, that's also how we are more flexible than men, in case you wondered) and the better signal end quality helps accuracy, which is extremely important if you want to perform difficult techniques or just aim very accurately (both things are essential in certain sports). A well planned training schedule also helps a lot with technique, because strong muscles that haven't surpassed their limits are very easy to handle when accuracy is more important than strength (i.e. a pass in football).
Many people think that strong athletes are artless, or technically advanced athletes are weak. Well, this is wrong, especially for women. Some strong men have no technique, I 've seen it. Some weak men are more accurate than these strong men, I 've seen it too. But there also are many weak men with no real technical skills, while most women do a great job combining strength (or the margin to gain it) and technique. One of the most important reasons for these differences in the ability to combine these two things is a thing we call "skeleton geometry", or more politely, "body infrastructure". This basically has to do with how the joints fold. The scientists still haven't found the exact reasons, but the more female your hormone ratio is, the straighter your joints fold. And this is a lot more important than it might sound. If you paid attention to physics lessons when at school, you should remember the lever law. Taking the bicep as an example, the lever is the forearm, the pulling force is the bicep's strength and the movement base obviously is the joint. So if the joint folds straight, the pulling force is applied vertically to the base's axis, so it sees no angle resistance, therefore the bicep's strength is fully used and the bicep itself doesn't have angular frictions to face against the arm bone it sits on. Do not get confused with this though. Most men's joints look good with bare eye, but they always have that slight inclination which may not be easily visible, but puts quite a big hurdle against men's muscle efficiency, which mostly affects accuracy though, as those angular frictions don't let the corresponding muscle work as it should, even though the muscle owner might not sense them.
Another technical advantage we have over men is our better breath system. Men's lungs are sometimes bigger but always much less efficient. Science hasn't figured exactly how this happens yet, but again the more feminine you are, the better you do. So it's not a miracle that the worst female football players cover more distance per match than the best males. I 've never seen a male football player cover more than 12,5Km, nor have I seen a female football player cover less than 14,5Km. Well, this (at least) 2Km gap isn't a result of some weird coincidence. (Note that I am comparing pros with pros. Amateurs aren't trained correctly, especially female amateurs, who are used by FIFA for nothing else than communicational reasons. Sad thing is that some of these female amateurs are labelled as "pros", just so that people don't discover the real professional football. This is also why the real professional women's teams have no internet sites, nor does their organising authority, which is named Women's UEFA but is totally irrelevant to Blatter's and Platini's advertisement companies. I 'll explain more on this at some time.)
Another technical advantage I mentioned above is flexibility, and I also explained how it occurs. I don't think I need to add anything on this topic. Just one name: Chloe Bruce. I think she's a good example of female flexibility. Her signature move (Scorpion kick) isn't doable by men.
And from all these, there is something else that occurs. A properly trained woman can and will run faster than any man in the universe. The straight joints help the most with speed, but the better muscle control is also very important, while the lubrication given by estradiol to the muscles helps maintain great speed for longer without weird pains. Ah, and as I mentioned pain, we also have better pain thresholds. This has been proved because pain can be measured, and childbirth pain isn't "a different kind of pain", so if a masculinist tells you otherwise, you can go scientific on him.
Apart from all these technical advantages of ours, we also have two mental advantages over men. Concentration skill and sense of discipline. Neuroscientists haven't figured out how the concentration skill ends up about 3 times better in women than in men, but the difference of skill itself has been proved multiple times. On the other hand, you 'll see that women's teams give out a more solid image than men's teams, and this totally has to do with the sense of discipline. While a male football player will go for dribbling everyone and scoring a goal at all costs, a female football player will quickly assess the situation and do something that actually makes sense and perfectly fits what the team's trainer has asked for in the dressing room.
If there is something you 'd like to add on this topic, you can leave comments. Thanks.
First of all, it's a myth that "men are stronger". They just look bigger. Keep in mind that size isn't everything. Actually, the strength of a muscle is calculated with the following multiplication: size*quality. So, what is muscle quality? It's the pureness of the muscle mass. Testosterone has a big disadvantage that has an effect here: it is fat-friendly. So it attracts fat cells as it flows through the body, but these fat cells often can't get past all the gaps, so they stick in between the muscle fibres. And this is how the muscles get to look bigger without becoming stronger. This also explains why "pure testosterone" is, as I said in the doping article, a myth, as far as it goes for doping. And apart from all these, there also is that experiment a team of Swedish physiologists did, which proves that the female hormones actually protect the muscles (contrary to what masculinists scream all over the planet). They found a man and a woman of the same age, same height, same weight and same muscle mass percentage and told them to armwrestle. Not only did the woman win, but the man's bicep got ripped in two! The contestants were also wearing a special piece of hormone-monitoring equipment, which proved all the fat-friendliness of testosterone, while also showing that estradiol is a thinner liquid than testosterone, so estradiol not only keeps fat out of the muscles, but it also lubricates the muscle cells a lot more efficiently, which is why women can handle heavier training, while men often have to deal with muscle injuries (ruptures etc). But, no matter what your gender is, it is good to keep in mind that everything has its limits. Even the best cars break down at some time. Just like this, even the clearest muscles can't take any kind of training. How will you deal with this? Listen to your body. Plan your training according to how you feel your muscles. If you set your targets too high, you are at risk of a muscle injury. If you set them too low, you won't progress as fast as you can. (Yes, I understand that not every single girl/woman has or can buy the equipment needed for measuring hormone ratios... But if you have such equipment, keep in mind that, the more female your ratio is, the heavier the training you can handle with no problems.)
Proper sports though aren't all about strength, are they? Don't worry for this, girls! We have more advantages than just the ability to gain more strength (which in fact is just the tip of the iceberg). A very important advantage of estradiol is its conductivity. And if you wonder how this helps, I may remind you how our nerve system works. Or did you remember already that it works with electric signals? And exactly because these signals aren't very intense in any case, it's very important that we have estradiol which lets us enjoy a more efficient transportation of nerve signals (they travel much faster and do not have that much loss, compared to what happens in men). The better speed helps us react faster (training helps this even more by making the muscle cells more elastic and therefore the muscle more flexible, that's also how we are more flexible than men, in case you wondered) and the better signal end quality helps accuracy, which is extremely important if you want to perform difficult techniques or just aim very accurately (both things are essential in certain sports). A well planned training schedule also helps a lot with technique, because strong muscles that haven't surpassed their limits are very easy to handle when accuracy is more important than strength (i.e. a pass in football).
Many people think that strong athletes are artless, or technically advanced athletes are weak. Well, this is wrong, especially for women. Some strong men have no technique, I 've seen it. Some weak men are more accurate than these strong men, I 've seen it too. But there also are many weak men with no real technical skills, while most women do a great job combining strength (or the margin to gain it) and technique. One of the most important reasons for these differences in the ability to combine these two things is a thing we call "skeleton geometry", or more politely, "body infrastructure". This basically has to do with how the joints fold. The scientists still haven't found the exact reasons, but the more female your hormone ratio is, the straighter your joints fold. And this is a lot more important than it might sound. If you paid attention to physics lessons when at school, you should remember the lever law. Taking the bicep as an example, the lever is the forearm, the pulling force is the bicep's strength and the movement base obviously is the joint. So if the joint folds straight, the pulling force is applied vertically to the base's axis, so it sees no angle resistance, therefore the bicep's strength is fully used and the bicep itself doesn't have angular frictions to face against the arm bone it sits on. Do not get confused with this though. Most men's joints look good with bare eye, but they always have that slight inclination which may not be easily visible, but puts quite a big hurdle against men's muscle efficiency, which mostly affects accuracy though, as those angular frictions don't let the corresponding muscle work as it should, even though the muscle owner might not sense them.
Another technical advantage we have over men is our better breath system. Men's lungs are sometimes bigger but always much less efficient. Science hasn't figured exactly how this happens yet, but again the more feminine you are, the better you do. So it's not a miracle that the worst female football players cover more distance per match than the best males. I 've never seen a male football player cover more than 12,5Km, nor have I seen a female football player cover less than 14,5Km. Well, this (at least) 2Km gap isn't a result of some weird coincidence. (Note that I am comparing pros with pros. Amateurs aren't trained correctly, especially female amateurs, who are used by FIFA for nothing else than communicational reasons. Sad thing is that some of these female amateurs are labelled as "pros", just so that people don't discover the real professional football. This is also why the real professional women's teams have no internet sites, nor does their organising authority, which is named Women's UEFA but is totally irrelevant to Blatter's and Platini's advertisement companies. I 'll explain more on this at some time.)
Another technical advantage I mentioned above is flexibility, and I also explained how it occurs. I don't think I need to add anything on this topic. Just one name: Chloe Bruce. I think she's a good example of female flexibility. Her signature move (Scorpion kick) isn't doable by men.
And from all these, there is something else that occurs. A properly trained woman can and will run faster than any man in the universe. The straight joints help the most with speed, but the better muscle control is also very important, while the lubrication given by estradiol to the muscles helps maintain great speed for longer without weird pains. Ah, and as I mentioned pain, we also have better pain thresholds. This has been proved because pain can be measured, and childbirth pain isn't "a different kind of pain", so if a masculinist tells you otherwise, you can go scientific on him.
Apart from all these technical advantages of ours, we also have two mental advantages over men. Concentration skill and sense of discipline. Neuroscientists haven't figured out how the concentration skill ends up about 3 times better in women than in men, but the difference of skill itself has been proved multiple times. On the other hand, you 'll see that women's teams give out a more solid image than men's teams, and this totally has to do with the sense of discipline. While a male football player will go for dribbling everyone and scoring a goal at all costs, a female football player will quickly assess the situation and do something that actually makes sense and perfectly fits what the team's trainer has asked for in the dressing room.
If there is something you 'd like to add on this topic, you can leave comments. Thanks.
Saturday, 15 September 2012
The Tales of Amazonia - Episode 1 The Gunrunners
The year is 2112, the battle of the sexes is over and a new breed of female reigns supreme. The male resistence has been smuggling firearms into Amazonia from rebel held territories. The Amazons must find and shut down the supply route...
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This is a first draft extract from the pilot story Gunrunners. Trying to get a new version into production. Please leave comments / feedback so we can gauge interest levels...
The New Amazon Nation
The year is 2099, the dawning of a new millenium and a new era - the modern world's first true matriarchy - The New Amazon Nation...The battle of the sexes is over - and guess who won?
"Once woman defeats man physically....she has it all"
"Once woman defeats man physically....she has it all"
Are girls really the weaker sex???
We are all brought up to believe that girls are the weaker sex, but isn't this just a myth created by centuries of social conditioning??? It's a widely recognised fact that girls mature physically way ahead of boys so for virtually all of the school-going years, girls should be stronger. The fact that school sports are so strictly segregated helps perpetuate the idea that sports are something that boys should take seriously but girls shouldn't. Are things changing though? Girls certainly seem to taking up sports in greater numbers and in sports like wrestling girls are now allowed to compete against boys and it's actually quite common for the girls to win.
Could this be the key to changing our beliefs about feamle physical capabilites? Not so long ago it was considered not worth even educating girls - but now look, they are out-performing boys academically by greater margins ever year. Could the same thing happen in the physical realm? Will a change in mind-set and lifestyle result in females maintaining their physical strength advantage through to adulthood in the future? Females are relative newcomers to competative sports and they seem to be narrowing the gap in performance with males at an alarming rate. The future looks like being a scary place for males....
More girls are showing the boys who's boss
There are plenty of blogs out there with a so called "Amazon" theme, but most of them are written by well meaning older ladies and they feature mostly poetry, ancient artworks and wistful musings about the so called "Power of Women"and that's all very well if you want to indulge in that sort of thing, but to be honest - it ain't gonna change a damn thing for women today. If women are going to reach their full potential, we will need to face up to modern day realities and that means squaring up to men on all fronts - including physically, otherwise we will forever be held back. You cannot demand equality whilst accepting that you are physically weaker - and proceed to do nothing about it!
Archeological finds over the years have shown evidence that women were once as big and strong as men - if not stronger. They hunted and went into battle alongside men and against them. Since then the course of nature has been perverted and female have been conditioned and bred to be weak, pathetic and totally dependant. This has to change if we are to advance.
The New Amazon Nation is a radical new blog dedicated to the physical empowerment of girls and women. It is aimed at encouraging them to think differently, get to grips with their physicality and make a real change to the balance of power.
With all the other advances women are making, it is clear there will come a time when we will reign supreme and embody the sprirt of the ancient Amazons. There are plenty of hurdles and barriers in the way, but when you consider the advances women have made in just the last 100 years - there is no reason to suppose that we won't overcome them all....
Have you had any real life experience of this new breed of kickass girl? Perhaps you are one? Please leave a comment...
Archeological finds over the years have shown evidence that women were once as big and strong as men - if not stronger. They hunted and went into battle alongside men and against them. Since then the course of nature has been perverted and female have been conditioned and bred to be weak, pathetic and totally dependant. This has to change if we are to advance.
The New Amazon Nation is a radical new blog dedicated to the physical empowerment of girls and women. It is aimed at encouraging them to think differently, get to grips with their physicality and make a real change to the balance of power.
With all the other advances women are making, it is clear there will come a time when we will reign supreme and embody the sprirt of the ancient Amazons. There are plenty of hurdles and barriers in the way, but when you consider the advances women have made in just the last 100 years - there is no reason to suppose that we won't overcome them all....
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