Saturday, 15 September 2012

The New Amazon Nation

The year is 2099, the dawning of a new millenium and a new era - the modern world's first true matriarchy - The New Amazon Nation...The battle of the sexes is over - and guess who won?

"Once woman defeats man physically....she has it all"


  1. Unlike what happens with men's domination, what the future is bringing will be irreversible, as we have the scientific proof on our side. Nothing can keep men on top now. Their natural position is under us and some of them already know it:) So let's teach it to those who don't.

    1. Knowing you in person, I do see how much of a punch your words have. This blog is beautiful, thank you for introducing it to me. Keep the fight up!

  2. Eh, we also won in football yesterday. Wanting to test myself at coaching, I called some little girls from the neighbourhood and had them play against boys of about the same age. It was a truly astonishing experience for me to see how easily the girls understood tactics and effectively used them against the boys! As a result, my team created lots of chances and controlled the game flawlessly, not letting the boys have a single shot! And as a result of this, we comfortably won 3-0 (half time 1-0).

  3. Well that comes as no surprise to those of us in the know. I've heard you explain before how girls can wipe the floor with boys when it comes to football. Of course, no official body would sanction a girls vs boys match for fear of the truth coming out. Interesting that you were able to prove your theories with such confidence. Girls need to have their superiority over boys pointed out and proved as often as possible when they are young so that they stand a chance of carrying the right attitudes into adulthood...

    1. Yes, that's why I really wanted to have that match as a trainer of youngsters. It was a neighbourhood match but I think it did the job, apart from helping me see some things on my own game as a trainer. The girls did an outstanding job blocking the boys' attacking game and on the other hand counterattacked very fast and accurately. This 3-0 was too small for their image on the field. It was unfair on them. For this reason we are now planning a revanche.

    2. Update so that gnome mage also knows: The rematch happened and the girls won 4-0 with the same great ease, although the opposition was different this time and approached the match more seriously. Now the girls keep asking for more matches like this. They have started to love football in general (they go to watch women's matches). I feel I 've done something wonderful:)

    3. Funny how we always think the only reason we can lose to females is by not taking them seriously. Then there's the shock of losing the excuse of not caring as girls continue to dominate boys no matter how hard they try!
      In one on one matches, the boy is always outskilled, outclassed, or outmuscled by the girl. But team sports don't help the situation any more for the guys. Girls continue to beat boys in all the same ways, but they also work better as a team.
      As soon as the girls get ahead, it's over. Boys get flustered and blame each other while girls continue to confidently play together until the inevitable female victory is reached. There just seems to be no hope for us in any kind of match against girls.

    4. Teamwork is one of our very strong points. Hellfire Queen clearly states that her team of girls showed a very good understanding of the tactics she wanted to use. Football is the No1 sport of teamwork and this showed a lot in the two matches she describes here, as the girls understood the tactics and played as a team. Boys on the other hand tend to call themselves names such as Cristiano Ronaldo. Surprisingly accurate, but not in the way they intend to be. Constantina

    5. You're right Constantina, teamwork is one of many strong points girls have in sports. And yes, the original post did say the girls understood strategy very well. I should have acknowledged that girls are superior mentally as well as physically when it comes to football, instead of making it seem like the boys were responsible for their defeat.
      Great example too. Boys always want to be the star. But if they're facing a team of girls, there's no chance of them leaving a positive impression.

    6. Constantina in fact makes a point of how teamwork is absent in boys. I watch football, I know how selfish Cristiano Ronaldo is, I understand why Constantina chose that specific name as her example of boys' selfishness. Results are affected by both sides, not just one side, so both genders are equally responsible for girls' wins over boys.

    7. I think the basic responsibility for girls' wins over boys belongs to nature. We didn't choose which gender will have each natural advantage. Constantina

  4. Confidence works deeper in women, so it's easy for confident girls/women to work as a team. Therefore, the woman's ego is expressed more like "I will be the one to help the team win", rather than like "I will get all the lights on myself, screw the team". See the difference? It's huge!

  5. Hey Xaan not so sure you are right when you say world’s first matriarchy – there is a huge body of evidence which confirms the widely prevailing belief in the historical existence of countries, districts, and islands dominated by women (there is actually more evidence for amazons than there is for the hun nation for instance!) A famous quote says that history is written by the victors. With Amazons it is like reading a history of cats written by mice. Mice do not know a great deal about cats, and what they do know tends to prejudice them.

    Patriarchal male societies are petrified of Amazons. To them the idea that a woman possesses much greater strength and ability than a man is terrifying (The declared statements of athletic prowess from the ancient historian Orosius (as well as Mallory and Homer) are well within our definition of "superhuman" feats of physical prowess – female warriors who can move 200 Kg logs as if they were twigs). So despite their reputations as not only fierce and talented combatants, Amazons were constantly bested by their male counterparts and either killed in battle or abducted for marriage. Which is funny because despite being conceived as a people to be feared above and beyond any normal human adversaries’, it seems that patriarchy likes to say whenever they fought against the Greeks they lost. Yeah right, as if!
    Yet there exists the most abundant evidence that instead of such great victories over the amazons by males, in fact the opposite happened. I have been away on holiday to turkey famous for being the heartland of the amazons described by Homer (Amazons seems to be a generic name for any tribe or group of superior female warriors). In parts of Turkey (and many other places around the world) Amazons are not considered a myth - to many Turks they are a very real part of their heritage. In Samsun by the black sea they have reconstructed an Amazon village which you can visit, giving you the opportunity to observe the prehistoric times and History of Amazons who they consider the most fearless, powerful warriors in history that pretty much ruled the known world and terrorised male societies for a thousand years :) And it is awesome – like going home! I totes recommend going! Some info about the village here

    Real accounts of their battles are awesome, often outnumbered against male armies with superior weaponry they destroyed the greatest armies of men with a preference to punish in a melee of hand to hand combat - one account uses the simile of hawks killing flocks of doves, leaving no doubt Amazons were brutal “who holds them and rips out their entrails with hooked claws while blood and torn feathers float down from the sky” The lack of weaponry indicates how intrinsic to their being there physical superiority was – they sometimes fought with their barehands just to prove their ability to do so. In ancient warfare normally melee is the single thing a good commander will bend over backwards to avoid at almost any cost. But this is where the amazons thrived they would deliberately close to close-quarters. At extreme close range It becomes on close range almost impossible to use the axes. So they fought with fists and feet. - ferociously strong they would tear men physically apart as the hawk to the dove

    The Amazons are said to have enslaved men into their tribe as prisoners of war for purposes for mating purposes and menial tasks. Killing them later when they had passed their usefulness. The men in the sex slave prison in the Amazon village certainly looked a sorry state! lol

    So if you go to turkey, check it out Amazon village Samsun Terme #mankillers #girlzrule #amazonsrock xx>>xy. Ace xD

    1. Hey Ace - yes you are absolutely right, I should have said "The Modern world's first matriarchy" as matriarchies have clearly existed before....I will change that. Sounds like you had a very interesting trip to Turkey? Our Ace researcher is also an intrepid traveller?

      I must admit I've never got very far in researching the history of Amazon warriors. you can end up going down some blind alleys and I've always found it a bit hit & miss, never really sure how to distinguish myth from historical fact and never quite sure of the geography either. I guess I have always relied on an instinctual belief in female superiority first and then cross referenced it with historical accounts of warrior women. Wether it's depictions of female gladiators in ancient Rome, the discovery of Norse burial chambers containing weaponry and the remains of very tall females, or the aforementioned Amazons of the ancient Mediterranean. There is something about them all that has always made a certain sense to me and when I sat down to put together the blueprint for my modern Amazon concept I found it very easy to cut and paste pretty much all of the principles of Amazon life from the various historical accounts that I had read and make them work in a modern day setting. Of course modern technology if anything makes this process even easier. Modern Amazons would still keep captured males as sex slaves and they would still only be interested in having female offspring. But now we can imagine that in the future, advances in medical science would make this process far more efficient and less reliant on chance. This would work in the Amazon's favour. The male population would still have to come from somewhere, that's why the Amazon society would preside over a more conventional society....conventional but still female dominated.

      I have written some draft stories that reference the principles of Amazon life, like the fact that Amazons in training fight against captured males to hone their fighting skills and these will at some point be included in the graphic novels. Thanks for all the info On Samsun it sounds amazing and I'm impressed that they have gone to the trouble of recreating and preserving this piece of history. At the very least it proves there is a bona fide precedent.......

  6. Every male knows the truth of Female superiority. Most males are deeply troubled by their secret knowledge and do everything possible to suppress it. Some of us are able to understand that our maleness is nothing to be proud of but we can be useful to our superiors. The future must be Female or our world will be doomed by male bungling and testosterone driven destructiveness.

    Those medical advances cannot come soon enough which will ensure that there is only a small percentage of males remaining to be used purely for their seed, until an even better way becomes possible. Parthenogenesis may eventually emerge in human populations. Some believe it already has begun.

  7. I'm intrigued. In this new Amazon nation, are females allowed to kill males. I mean would it be legal?

    1. Self-defence is legal, whatever it takes. Like it or not, a woman does not attack without provocation. Offensive and destructive behaviours are a male trait.

    2. I have a sneaking suspicion that proving self defence will be very easy for any female in an Amazon court of law. JJ

    3. Not easier than necessary.

    4. Who provokes women? Men.
      Who makes noise? Men.
      Who starts fights? Men.
      Give us a break.

    5. I think it depends on the circumstances. One can imagine that if an ongoing state of war existed, that all men and boys would remain legitimate targets. As this war would involve the entire population, not just specific armies it is difficult to see how the victorious female side would punish one of their own. Also, I think it would be likely that males would lose certain rights under Amazon rule (they certainly should) because a male life would rightly be considered far less important than a female life. Thyra

    6. Right. So women can just claim that men provoked them, so they deserve everything they get?

      Wow Thyra that is scary. Thanks for the insight on what women have planned for us. JJ

    7. We don't make empty claims, JJ. The victim card is a male trait. Also, Thyra isn't referring to a fixed plan. She only assumes what would happen if an ongoing state of war existed. By the way, men are to blame for all wars. Male aggression and destructiveness is responsible for all the bads of the world.

    8. Sure you would make empty claims. If you wanted to beat up a guy, you would just say he tried to rape you or something and you'd be believed. Hell it's pretty much like that now so what would it be like with an all female authority??? I have no doubt in my mind that women would literally be able to get away with murder and I'll bet the female readers of this blog are rubbing there hands with glee just thinking about it, just sickening JJ

    9. You 're wrong, JJ. We don't start fights. We only finish them. Just obey and respect us and we won't go hard on you. As long as you insist on starting fights with us though, we will enforce the corresponding consequences. We do have the right to defend ourselves, even if it isn't fully admitted.

    10. That's where ur wrong. Girls are getting so damned cocky now and starting to start fights with boys more often which they usually win. I have first hand experience so don't try and tell me otherwise. They are emboldened by girls increasing victories in high school wrestling and a general media culture that always has to show women in kickass roles. They know they can't lose, if they come of worst they can just cry victim and everyone will believe them and hate on the guy. JJ

    11. "Proving self defence will be very easy for any female in an Amazon court of law"

      This assumption you make proves that you don't understand how much more judgemental we are than you. We 're not going to "win the war at all costs" like you 've been going ever since the start of history. We 're not like you. We have all the natural advantages in our favour, so there is nothing we have to cover up like you do with your male weaknesses.

      "You women would love nothing more than to be able to kick the shit outta men, even kill them and get away with it"

      In this (second in number) assumption you fail to consider your lack of effort in understanding us. You prefer to think we want to take over the world just for laughs, as it hurts you to admit that your gender has done them shit.

      "Sure you would make empty claims. If you wanted to beat up a guy, you would just say he tried to rape you or something and you 'd be believed. Hell it's pretty much like that now"

      Except it isn't. Society's default belief is that the woman "is definitely lying". You 're living proof on this.

      "I 'll bet the female readers of this blog are rubbing THEIR hands with glee just thinking about it, just sickening"

      An unprovable assumption, followed by a negative adjective. Moreover, what we do is not your business.

      "Girls are getting so damned cocky"

      Or perhaps we 've started to stand up for our rights, which are constantly under attack by fucks of your kind.

      "Don't try and tell me otherwise"

      By trying to dictate what we do, you go against our rights and totally deserve the beatings you get.

      "a general media culture that always has to show women in kickass roles"

      Seriously now, is Gina Carano more recognisable than Chuck Norris?

      "they can just cry victim and everyone will believe them and hate on the guy"

      Wrong. Nobody (except some "feminist" pretenders) hates on guys. Those "feminist" pretenders are just counter-marketing tools of patriarchy, to make people believe that women with self-respect are "stupid femicunts". I suspect they actually are men who pretend to be women. My gender doesn't need the dirty methods of weaklings. We 're winning fair and square a war started by YOU. Enough said.

    12. Dear JJ
      "Once woman defeats man physically....she has it all"
      read it and weep

  8. The arrogance of you women! impossible to argue with, like playing chess with a pigeon, you think your so clever with your intellectualism, and so tough now you take up sports and physical training, but you never really answere JJ questions and observations. Ignore them JJ I know what your saying, and don't worry men will keep control in the end, no matter what Paula says with her glamorizing misandric attempts at intimidation. and emasculation. Alpha male
