Saturday, 15 September 2012


There are plenty of blogs out there with a so called "Amazon" theme, but most of them are written by well meaning older ladies and they feature mostly poetry, ancient artworks and wistful musings about the so called "Power of Women"and that's all very well if you want to indulge in that sort of thing, but to be honest - it ain't gonna change a damn thing for women today. If women are going to reach their full potential, we will need to face up to modern day realities and that means squaring up to men on all fronts - including physically, otherwise we will forever be held back. You cannot demand equality whilst accepting that you are physically weaker - and proceed to do nothing about it!

Archeological finds over the years have shown evidence that women were once as big and strong as men - if not stronger. They hunted and went into battle alongside men and against them. Since then the course of nature has been perverted and female have been conditioned and bred to be weak, pathetic and totally dependant. This has to change if we are to advance.

The New Amazon Nation is a radical new blog dedicated to the physical empowerment of girls and women. It is aimed at encouraging them to think differently, get to grips with their physicality and make a real change to the balance of power.

With all the other advances women are making, it is clear there will come a time when we will reign supreme and embody the sprirt of the ancient Amazons. There are plenty of hurdles and barriers in the way, but when you consider the advances women have made in just the last 100 years - there is no reason to suppose that we won't overcome them all....

Have you had any real life experience of this new breed of kickass girl? Perhaps you are one? Please leave a comment...


  1. My experience of kickass girls is really on an intellectual level. Girls are more evidently confident, whereas guys are apologetically self-effacing. That's a generalisation, but I find it to be true. Girls are more likely to make humourous comments that reflect notions of female supremacy; they make comments at the boys' expense but they do it with a sense of fun. And they beam with a certain gender-based pride. As a guy, I find this new-found female confidence to be intimidating to my socialised ego, but another level, I like a world where the females reign supreme!

  2. I've been on the receiving-end of kickass girls on several occasions. I'm talking about physical encounters, rather than intellectual, which is of course, at the most basal level. Whilst disturbing at the time, I've since come to accept it as the natural order re-asserting itself after millennia of male repression. Something beautiful, to embrace, rather than resist.

    1. i know the feeling when i was beat by a female,it wasn't the first time either..females are so empowered now..and we men are now the weaker sex,i accepted that many years ago.

  3. Very well said. Although I don't think I am the right person to call myself a "kickass girl", I know I do have the physical qualifications for such compliments. I play football (the one played with the feet) and tennis, practice Okinawa Kara Te and do lots of power training. As far as it goes for sports, I always find males to be the easiest opponents. I never fail to beat them, not even a draw, while there have been examples of females making me suffer big losses.

    If all this makes you guys/gals see me as a "kickass girl", this is fine with me, thank you. But if it doesn't, I won't try to convince you that it should.

  4. The question at the end is the question for me! Of course I am not going to brag about myself. There are tons of examples I can give of incidents I have witnessed, where a male ass is kicked by a girl! I particularly remember an 11-year-old girl who almost got robbed by a big guy, but on the last moment she struck back and saved the day! In another incident, some other big guy gripped a teen girl's arm with the intention to rape her, but the girl took advantage of the grip to get him down and trap him between her legs until he yelled for help! And there are lots more of this kind of examples!

    1. Welcome to the blog and thanks for your valuable contributions!

  5. Hi, great blog, I'm glad I stumbled on it.

    My first experience with "kick ass girls" was when I was 13-14 years old and witnessed a fight between 3 women ( I think they were in their early 30s ) and a couple of guys who were harassing them. I was rooted to the spot, didn't know what to do. I wanted to help these girls but I was only a teenage boy and no match. But then to my surprise these girls didn't need women and easily turned the tables on those guys. Up until then I believed that women were weak, gentle but now I witnessed with my own eyes that women can be very tough and strong. Now that I'm older, I can honestly say that it was a life changing experience for me. That fight unnerved me for months, triggered so many mixed emotions but in the end I loved what these women did. At the age of 16-17 I considered girls to be superior and wanted nothing more than to be with a superior, strong woman. That's why I felt so lucky when I met my wife. She is into martial arts and worksout almost daily since her teens.

