Monday, 8 October 2012

Amanda Leve

Due to the original video being deleted from Youtube, here's another showcasing the talents of Amanda Leve

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  1. The girl is awesome indeed! Her win is a totally normal result, given how fine her muscle quality is, for example. The man isn't much bigger, so Amanda's far superior quality comes hard in play and, along with the signs of a tough personality she gives out, gives her the win. I don't know much about grappling, so I can't make any comment on her technique, given though her quality, she must have done well there too...

    1. she only wrestles smaller less skilled males....typical woman.

  2. This further endorses my hypothesis re. female grappling ability through ergonomic body-design. A low centre of gravity, flexible hip-girdle and protected internal genitalia means that control in the "guard-position" is much more effective for women. From then on it is merely a waiting-game until a submission opportunity presents itself.

    @ TheHellfireQueen: have you ever considered taking submission-grappling classes to enhance your fighting skills?

    1. No, I haven't considered getting into grappling, since striking does the job very well, against men at least... You know, I am of the 1-0 logic. Which means that, in fighting, I don't care about pleasing the potential spectators. All I care about is to do what suits me and take the three points. I write stereotypes on the oldest of my shoes. If at some time I see the need for grappling skills, I 'll take the corresponding classes. But for the time being, I see it pale.

      As for "merely a waiting game", say this for football and you 'll certainly get kicked in the butt by some trainer... You know, eating up time is not so easy as it may sound. It has its art, just like any other aspect of the sport. Playing with the clock can even be harder than trying to rush a game...

    2. In grappling, the longer the match goes on, the more tired the male gets, as females have greater endurance. So she can hold him between her legs whilst he struggles and wastes energy, trying to escape. It is then easy for her to choke him out, or break his arm.

    3. Yes, what you say is correct, as men have much less room for stamina, so if the woman isn't much less trained than the man, she will find it easy to win how you suggest.

    4. she only wrestles smaller less trained teen boys....Never grown men who might be larger or more skilled....try that.

  3. Just wanted to post this quote from the comments section on a different clip - just about sums it up...

    "Women's legs and hips are the reason they are coming on so strong in sports like this against men. They always have had strong lower bodies, and only until the last 15-20 years after title 10 and the gym craze where they are catching up in upperbody strength have they actually been able to effectively compete. So when you add in most cases, stronger lower bodies and almost to equal upperbodies, the competition is on for who is the stronger sex. I have had many hours of fun wrestling gals."

    1. I remember reading this, but not sure where... Anyway, since it gives a rather accurate image of the scenery, thank you for posting it here:) Girls will be happy to see it:) I only want to add that we can indeed OVERTAKE men in upper-body strength.

      To all girls reading this: Give your best! You have more room for strength all over your body than any man could dream of!

    2. The human body can be symbolically seen as a football team.

      For the woman, the legs represent the defence line. Once the opponent gets trapped in, escaping is practically impossible. The torso represents the midfield, the line that holds it all together. The arms represent the striking line. Finally, the head represents the trainer of the team.

      For the man, everything represents the striking line. Males just want to attack, as if defending is an action worth of shame.

      Any questions?

    3. Nicely put. It is logically correct to say that the legs are like the defence line, due to all the strength we have there. The torso does represent the midfield, not just because it's in the middle, but because a strong torso will actually do a good job connecting the defence with the attack. And yes, the arms do represent the striking line because of the maneuvers they can pull off and catch the man unaware. You are totally right about men as well. They go all-out attack, always. They have no sense of tactical behaviour, you know.

  4. So, no...I won't belittle the young lad. He did the best he could. Didn't look too angry or anything after the loss and took it like a gentleman. Now what if this was on the street and a guy tries to rape a girl like her with her stregnth and skills. More rapists would be caught on the spot and go to jail and when they get out will think 4-5 times before attempting another rape. ALL girls should be like this one..gorgeous AND strong and tough!

    1. Yes, that's true. A well trained woman leaves no luck for the man, no matter how trained he is.

  5. Absolutely! Girls don't have to be victims if they don't want to be and that is the main reasoning behind this blog. If just one young girl reads this blog and decides to get to grips with her physicality and one day fights of a rape attack - then it will all be worth it. Girls really can have it all: Brains, beauty and brawn - they just need to believe!

    1. I saw once a seemingly skinny girl fight off a thief (he tried to steal a supermarket bag she was carrying). I did expect her to fight, I was thinking "Come on, use your brain!", while I myself was ready to go help for the case she had trouble, but I had nothing to do since I saw how she outmuscled him... I felt dazzled at first, but then I realised how normal the result of the encounter was. Her thin looks deceived me at first, but as I further noticed her, I realised that she has a well worked body, so her strength should be no surprise to me. Come on, all girls, you will avoid the victim's role if you try to!

    2. When I see a seemingly skinny woman I could expect to see much less fat layers on her arms and a hint of some visible arm muscle. But most gilrs today have small arms but still have the fat layers around the muscles and you see no visible muscles. They flex to show a bicep and there's no movement in the arm. Just looks like they are just bending their elbows. If a girl is slim then she should show arms that reveal the muscles and should be toned like steel cables. These are rare girls indeed. Your "seemingly skinny girl" you say fight off the thief was one of those rare girls. How did she fight him? Kicks or punches or both. Some girls would scratch with their nails which is futile.

    3. I said she outmuscled him. It probably was some wrestling move. No hair-pulling, no biting, no scratching, no bitching around like that. She knows her stuff. She ended up holding him in what looked to me like a submission, if I have got this right. But the juice is, she kept the bag safe without having to "fight" like a sissy bitch. Sorry for the French words, but I just had to use them.

  6. They appear about equal in muscle size in their arms but her legs are clearly more developed than his toothpicks. As we know equal sized female and male muscles means no hope for the male. It plays out here in a boy getting totally crushed. he's smart enough to tap out before getting badly hurt.

  7. With respect sir, no amount of military training or experience will save you from the power of girl thighs in unarmed combat. Pipe down, you would not stand a chance against Amanda or any other trained teenage girl...

  8. He doesn't even know what he's talking about. A lady is not a blindly obedient woman. She actively owns her life and can own men's lives too when necessary.

  9. You have to train to be competitive in any combat sport. Are you suggesting the girls train and the guys just choose not to? If you want to subvert the rules of the sport - fine, that can work both ways and girls or "bitches" as you call them will still come out on top.

  10. This is for all sports, not just combat. The lazy woman loses to the trained man, the trained woman however kicks his butt.

  11. Obviously, you have not played "all" or "any" sports.

    1. Obviously, you don't know what you're talking about. Training is more important than gender you freaking sexist.
