Friday, 19 October 2012

Awesome Roxy

Roxy really puts this poor lad through the mill. He does well to survive her triangle choke, but she gets him with an armbar submission instead. The boy is tough....but the girl is tougher...

Feel free to join the discussion....


  1. Even though I am no expert at wrestling, I saw the girl making some major mistakes. Yes, she won the match, but hey, let's not cover everything under the results' carpet... What's more, she has too weak legs for a girl. She must become a lot stronger. She actually can.

  2. Felt sorry for the poor guy...totally outclassed. But until men start realizing that a strong woman doesn't mean a masculine person or on steroids but she is also just as sexy and beautiful as other women, we will not improve women's status. Men keep saying "I don't like strong women" and go out and impregnate some weak helpless small female who has another baby girl just like her while the naturally strong girl doesn't get to have children. (I know SOME do but the vast percentage will be passed over as mates because the wannabe "macho alpha males" won't give them the time of day."

    1. I agree. Unfortunately, despite the gym revolution in recent years, most people still associate physical strength with masculinity and think that it is un-feminine for a girl to be physically strong or capable. Even worse is the fact that women are as much to blame for this ridiculous attitude as men are. It needs to change and it is changing....slowly. Athletic girls and women ARE beautiful and sexy and hugely attractive to all but the most immature and insecure males...

    2. Well, some men have started to realise that women were meant to be the athletic gender, given how nature planned things. I know some men as wise as that. But from this point to a fully balanced world, there is a distance. And I am determined to do anything it takes to help the world cover it. Through all my life since I got to know what a workout is, I have been trying to convince more and more females to work out and be as strong as they can. Not saying this to brag. I just feel it as my lifetime duty. And I am sure there are more girls out there who think like this. Else I wouldn't turn to the internet for help, would I?

    3. Females might not have been intended to be THE athletic gender. Look at lions and tigers and bears and chimpanzees, etc, etc. The males are all larger and stronger than the females. But to a degree. Humans seem to be 2-1 in strength qualities. This need not be so. We have the idea of the rugged man going off to hunt and fight enemies. That leaves the females home alone or with only a few men to guard for them? I think nature intended the female to be quick and strong and able to fight for herself. What would she do in case a predator came upon her while she is picking berries? What if a man from the enemy tribe came upon her and wanted to kidnap and rape her? Alhough men can have a somewhat greater strength advantage, I bet the female was intended to keep agility and quickness mixed in with her degree of strength. But as it stands nowadays, men have bigger denser bones, thicker skulls etc. This makes for the ability to house denser, bigger muscles and when it wouldcome to blows, the nam's bigger arm and hand bones vs her smaller hand and arm bones vs his thicker skull vs her more delicate skull makes for a bad fight for the girl. But what about Mrs Neanderthal? SHE compared to today's woman would have had thicker skull, denser bones, bigger muscles and could punch harder than today's normal woman. (Neanderthals were not gorila like humans. They could pass for modern humans on any city street but would be noticably more rugged.)

    4. Well, I think I 've answered this. Men weren't meant by nature to be as strong as women were meant to be. Men just took up hunting, fighting etc etc due to wanting to show off (it has been scientifically proved that men have a much bigger tension to show off, so maybe that's why women in basketball don't "slam-dunk") and get to pick their girl on their own, not caring about what SHE wants. Not caring about the "little" potential of her being smarter and taking under consideration way more substantial factors. Not caring about the total good, but only for their own "good".

  3. Here I 'd rather say she took the win "with the shirt".

  4. the superior sex wins again!

  5. wow she really dominated him. lucky guy

    1. anyone know if there are other videos of her?
