Friday 10 April 2020

Bambi & Thumper

These two have featured in many a discussion on this's a mini documentary...


  1. The way the scene should have ended was for Bambi and Thumper to keep the overwhelmed and beaten James Bond under water until he has nearly drowned and then drag his almost lifeless body out of the pool. Before he can recuperate they strip him naked and chain him securely and put him in a cage where he will spend the rest of his life as their training dummy.

    1. I would even have accepted the rescue of bond from a humiliating drowning by the arrival of Felix and co armed with guns. That would be believable and go with the plot.
      Maybe for Bambi and Thumper to escape from jail in a later Bond adventure and he gores up aginst his female adversaries again for more beatings.
      But at the time it was too risky I guess to fully admit girl power with the prominence of radical feminism at the time and the growing strength and success of the cell 16 movement feminist female martial artists who were street fighting vigilantes totally turning the tables and taking away the ability of violence perpetuated by men on women - beating up men who bully women. seeing this happen to bond too inspirational for girls, too radical for hollywood

    2. I like the idea of Bond having to be rescued, since he was clearly done for otherwise and was at the mercy of the Amazons. Sure, the movie could not end with Bond losing, but still ...

      We are seeing more Females portrayed as superior to males in more recent movies, and male 'heroes' being saved by better, stronger Women.

    3. How Bond got the better of them at the end lacked all credibility and gave a sour ending to what would otherwise have been one of the first and finest realistic depictions of female power in a movie

    4. I agree anonymous, these girls had bond completely beaten and it was ridiculous how he turned the tables in that pool. Even if he managed to push them under water, I think it's should have been pretty easy for at least one of the girls to escape from that hold. A more realistic end would have been if bond was rescued by the others with Bambi and Thumper as the victors. But that was probably a too radical ending of the fight scene. I'm pretty sure that they would make different choices nowadays and that they would let the girls come on top.

    5. We all know that's what really happened. The movie only shows the "official" version of events that was fabricated to protect Bond's reputation.

    6. Hi yboy, I must admit that I don't know what really happened. Can you tell me more?

    7. I can't say I know personally, but I would say that the only reason they made that scene in the first place was to open the door to the fact that a vaunted male hero could be shown to be unable to defend himself from a Female opponent and bring it to its logical conclusion — with his demise — and take it as far as they could.

      Of course, given the times when the movie was made, bond had to magically overpower both Women just as he was about to drown. But everyone watching the movie could see that if it were a real life situation, he would be a goner.

      Remember the scene begins with Bond getting a kick in the junk! That had never happened to a male hero in a mainstream movie berfore

    8. Also, even if we can't prove it really happened, there's no doubt in my mind that Trina Parks, who played Thumper, could have easily demolished Sean Connery by Herself.

  2. Indeed it is ridiculous to see how Bond totally dominated during all the fight by these two amazons manages in the end to get the upper hand.
    It is obviously irrealistic .
    But that is Always the same in all action's movies !
    The hero with 0.01 % of chance to win …. wins Always !!!
    On the other hand, it proves how already we recognize in the 60s and 70s the danger of Amazon women in the fight for a single man!

  3. A similar scene is the fight between Wolverine Vs. Lady Deathstrike in the X Men 2 movie. She has him completely beaten. She is stronger, faster and more lethal, but somehow he manages to win by grabbing an adamantium spigot and injecting it into her just as She is about to finish him off. But She could easily have stopped him doing this since his movements were slow and she could see what he was about to do. Again, he cold have been rescued, perhaps by an X-Woman, who may have been able to stop his Female opponent where he was too weak to do so.

  4. Is there any contact email to suggest possible posts/news stories?

  5. I remember my pants felt funny when I watched this as a child for the first time. It was arousing and incredibly emasculating at the same time. Even now it's uncomfortable for me to watch. I've long accepted that little girls are stronger than little boys and teenage girls are stronger than teenage boys, but a grown man being abused by women, the paragon of virility James Bond no less, still makes me feel funny.

    And it's not just a script. The scene is only unrealistic in the final copout. There's no way James Bond wouldn't have been drowned to death. Even either athlete on her own would have destroyed slow aging Sean Connery. These were real amazons. Lola Larson was a gymnast (and we all know how incredibly strong female gymnasts are) and Trina Parks was a dancer and a karate black belt. Just watch their athletic bodies, especially Lola's. You can tell she's not holding back when she's scissoring Connery, she's really enjoying it, and Connery is really panicking in real life.

    1. Totally agree that Connery was really panicking during that scene. And it says something about how thongs have changed that 007's magically overpowering the two powerful young athletic women just as he was about to be drowned by them could be taken seriously when the movie was made, but no one would shoot that scene that way today. Bond would have been rescued by a female agent and sent to the hospital.

    2. Millions of boys had their first boner watching this scene. Although they had to cop out with that ridiculous reversal, in retrospect this was a big break through when it comes to educating males about amazons. The scales fell from their eyes and nothing ever was the same.

    3. I saw the movie when it first came out. I can recall the gasps from the audience with that first surprise kick and seeing 007 double over in agony. No one had ever seen anything like it in a mainstream movie. It was indeed a shot across the bow of patriarchy to see such a confident male icon brought to his knees so easily by a "mere" Female. As the scene progressed there was stone silence in the theatre. I suspect a lot of the audience were secretly aroused. Everyone knew the ending was a cop-out, but the truth was already planted in our minds.

    4. How do you know what everyone knew? Silence can be interpreted in many ways per case. You aren't necessarily wrong, but you aren't necessarily right either. That silence may just have been like the fanatics' silence when their team is losing. I agree that the ending was a cop-out, but one could argue that the opposite wouldn't fit my narrative on genders - I know I am right, but we are not having this talk face to face. There is nothing I can use here to prove myself. Being is vastly different to proving. Maybe this is why they thought they 'd get away with a cop-out ending, which they may have even done, regardless of them not deserving so. Remember, Hollywood is absolutely sexist and stuck to the past. We can safely tell third-age men aren't suitable for running it. Money doesn't make people more capable. It just uncovers its owners' inner quality. Money mustn't decide who runs what. The women of film industry need to stop crying and start taking initiative just as men would be encouraged to. It won't somehow make them masculine. It will just win them the fight against sexism.

  6. how it really should have ended
