Sunday 1 March 2020

The Promotion (a short story outline)

Not sure if I'll ever get round to making this into a comic book story, but I have a number of short stories which shed light on certain aspects of life in Amazonia after the revolution (for those who are interested) This is one of the first ideas I had many years ago and after a couple of recent conversations with other Amazons, just felt like mapping it here goes..
In the Amazon Nation, after the revolution, a civilian society runs in parallel to the Amazon society. The structure of this civilian society is similar to what we know today in the west, except laws and rules are skewed in favour of females. For example; there is a policy for ensuring that most businesses are owned or run by females. As you can imagine with the male dominance of the previous regime, this is a long and gradual process. Companies are monitored for their HR activities and given quotas for female promotion. There are severe punishments for those companies that fail to meet their targets.
Anyway, the story is about Anna a young graduate from an elite female only university. Anna is also a part time Amazon soldier (as most young women are in Amazonia) and serves with a reserve unit. She has been working at a merchant bank for just over a year and is selected for promotion. Nothing too unusual about that in this new climate, except this puts her in conflict with male colleague and team leader - Greg. Greg has been with the bank for 5 years and is furious that he has been passed over in this way, despite his greater experience and length of service and despite being fully aware of the Amazon government policy to promote females. Anna's promotion is announced at a department meeting, in front of everyone. The humiliation for Greg (who was widely expected to get the role) is intense. Anna beams as colleague after colleague rushes over to congratulate her. Anna has gone from being one of Greg's underlings, to being his boss with immediate effect.
Greg struggles to hide his feelings and cannot bring himself to congratulate Anna, or even speak to her. He storms back to his desk red-faced. Anna wastes no time in assuming her new role. Having attended an Amazon education facility and been through basic Amazon training, she has no difficulty becoming all at once confident and authoritative. She calls her first cell meeting as the new boss. She is a super smart, intelligent woman and she has many ideas about improvements she wishes to make.
Although Anna's promotion, on the surface is received well by most of the team, Anna can sense that not everyone thinks it was a good or fair move, especially of course Greg, who reluctantly attended the meeting after several requests and sat at the back of the room arms folded, looking down. Anna knows only too well that Greg is going to be a major obstacle to her success in this role. She never really had much respect for him or his management style previously, but some in the team (mostly men) were loyal to Greg and now it seemed obvious that he was going to try and make life very difficult for Anna in future. As the meeting ended and everyone left the meeting room, Anna turned to the window and pondered the situation. Tapping her pen gently against her lips she decided on a plan of action to nip this problem in the bud.
Later that evening Greg is at home alone and just getting ready to turn in early for the night after the emotionally draining day, when there is a knock at the door - Who on earth can it be at this time of night? Greg, perplexed makes his way to the front door and opens it abruptly - half in annoyance. To his surprise, there stands Anna wearing a beige coloured raincoat and black leather boots. He looks her up and down.
"Anna - what are you doing here"? he exclaims
"I think we need to have a little chat don't you"? Anna replies
"Ok, come in" Greg nervously beckons her in.
As he walks down the hallway, his heartbeat quickens as he gets a strange sense of foreboding. With Anna a few paces behind him, his mind is spinning - what is she doing here - has she come to apologise or make peace or what??? Little did Greg know, nothing could have been further from Anna's mind. In the open plan kitchen area of Greg's apartment, he turns to face her.
"So why are you here"?
"I know you are pissed off about not getting the promotion" Anna starts.
Greg relaxes a little, as he senses a conciliatory tone and anticipates an olive branch of some sort.
"But you need to understand that they gave me the job because I am better than you" Blurts Anna, confidently
"What"? utters Greg taken aback by the sudden change in tone and outrageousness of the statement. He is so flustered that he struggles to form words.
"That's right" Anna continued as she moved towards him. "I am your superior and the sooner you start to accept it, the better things will be for you" Although a couple of inches taller than Anna, the sporty, rugby playing Greg knew she was an Amazon reservist, together with the confidence with which she was approaching him, he could not help but feel intimidated.
"What the hell"? blurted Greg, still reeling from the audacity.
"You are not going to be a problem for me, do you understand"? Anna shouted aggressively as she fixed him with a steely gaze raising the temperature of the situation still further. Greg could feel goose-bumps start to form all over his body and his heart started to pound.
"How dare you come to my house.......Umphhh.? Greg started, but was cut off mid sentence by a leather clad fist slamming into the side of his face. He went down like the proverbial sack onto his own kitchen floor. Anna meanwhile calmly unbuckled the belt of her raincoat and started to unfasten the buttons as she looked down at her fallen prey. The coat swung open revealing that she was not fully clothed underneath, but had on a black one-piece swimsuit, typical of Amazon training attire; she was dressed for action. A dazed Greg looked up at her through the fingers of his hand holding the side of his face, he now understood what Anna was here for, and that he was in serious trouble. Anna then removed the coat completely and slung it hurriedly over a nearby couch, revealing her awesome physique. There she was, hands on hips in all her glory. The light bounced off her well toned shoulders and arms. Her long straight brown hair fell across her face slightly as she looked down at her hands to adjust her gloves, like a boxer preparing for a fight. She was an impressive sight to behold.
Anna had faced this kind of confrontation countless times before. Greg had never. He'd seen Amazons in action, arresting men in the street, but he'd always managed to avoid this kind of attention and had certainly never been on the receiving end, although that was about to change big time. Anna waited for Greg to get back to his feet, he was still in shock. With a flick of her hand she swept her hair out of her face and launched herself at Greg. Still groggy, he tried desperately to defend himself and even fight back, but even as he gradually regained his composure and his fight instinct kicked in, he was no match for Anna. She repeatedly and expertly overpowered his best efforts, wearing him down in pretty short order. What followed was an orgy of violence and humiliation, including all manner of choke holds, scissor holds and prolonged face-sits. An ordeal that altogether lasted over an hour.
By the end Greg was an exhausted, sobbing wreck, with his apartment trashed. The poor guy never had a chance. As she finished up, Anna stood over him and with undiminished fierceness warned him with pointed finger, that if he gave her any trouble at work she could always come back and do this again. Then she demanded that he report to her office at 9am the following Monday, or else. With that she put on her coat and left, slamming the door behind her.
None of the other passengers on the subway home could possibly know where Anna had been that night or what she had done, she was just a sexy young, smartly dressed lady, probably on her way back from work or a date. She smiled innocently at people getting on the carriage as if she wouldn't hurt a fly. Inside though she had an enormous sense of smug satisfaction at having put a senior male colleague firmly in his place. She slowly rubbed her knees together as she relived the best moments of her fight with Greg, she was still getting off on his humiliation. For her it wasn't quite enough to beat him in the work place, she knew she had to break him completely. She knew there was nothing Greg could do now except be an obedient employee and she felt on top of the world.

Anna's training and education had taught her to fear no man and to meet threats head on, needless to say, she never had any trouble from Greg...
The End
Let me know your thoughts...


  1. Cool story! I love that Anna took decisive action so swiftly. She didn't wait for trouble to start she was clever about it and very brave to confront him in his own home. Some people may say she was too harsh, but at least she put the problem to bed for good. Go Anna!

  2. An inspirational tale indeed. I love her MO. I'm sure many of us have fantasised about doing something similar to our male bosses or colleagues. The sheer audacity of it though, love it! Suze

  3. I think she did Greg a huge favour actually. If he was going to make her life at work difficult. this could have resulted in him being sacked. At least he still has his highly paid job. Just saying.

  4. Nice. You should definite to do a comic book version. Would luv to see Anna in action. Aga x

  5. Hi Xaan,

    Great story but a bit of a frightening one if you are a man. As a man, I hoped that men have at least some value in the Amazon World and would be able to become somewhat successfull too. The idea that women are favoured does seem to be a bit unfair looking from a male perspective.
    But then again, that's how women were treated for who knows how long. No chance to achieve anything and beaten if they did something a man didn't like. It seems only logical that in an amazon society, women repay men for what they did to women for centuries. Men really messed up and they'll have to accept their fate and learn the rules in the new matriarchical world. Hopefully when time progresses, women will change the rules and laws so that it will favour men a bit more and there will be more equality. As I right this down, I realize how ridiculous that is, as if men can ever be equal to a superior woman.

    1. You can have equal opportunities without it meaning equal outcomes. It'll only make it that much more clearer when both genders are given the same opportunity, but one fails to match the other in terms of results. Though hopefully by then we'll have moved on from a purely utiliatrian mindset and the act of contributing is what will be valued, rather than the quantity of contribution. Valuing results above all is a trait of the current patriarchal society upon which many inequalities arise. Perhaps in a female led society, not being equal doesn't have to mean one isn't cherished as much

    2. Hi Tasslehof. Glad you liked it, thanks for your comment. The story is just one small example of my imaginings of life in the New Amazon Nation and serves to illustrate the kinds policy that would be required after the revolution and probably for decades after. I think it is a very real situation that a lot of men would undoubtedly find themselves in. But to pick up on your point, not all men would by any means. Men won't just stop being clever, talented and useful in the workplace and many will hold on to their positions and achieve success, just that the likelihood is that they will have a female boss.

      I think the concept of "fairness" needs to be considered in the great scheme of history as you allude to. That being the case then any harsh treatment of men by women can be considered fair.

      As you know, Amazons are not concerned with "equality" ;)

    3. Good points Anonymous. If opportunities had ever been truly equal, women would have naturally come out on top. The fact that we will have to force the issue, doesn't mean that men don't have a valuable contribution to make.

    4. Removed from the question of female superiority entirely, I don't think suffering an injustice ever makes it "fair" to do that injustice onto others, and I would hope others can see how dangerous such a mentality can, when allowed to be trasnmitted across generations. Reconciliation should be the aim I feel.

      Not to say those that are guilty of perpetuating these injustices today should not be held accountable, but let's not forget the vast majority of individuals in a system have virtually no influence over any of the cogs in the machine, even if they benefit from the system.

    5. And if not removed, what then? It seems to me we cannot apply present day moral values to a supremacist ideology. In many ways men have relied on our sense of morality to keep us down. We should resist the compulsion to be seen as fair and righteous in the eyes of men and concentrate on what is right for us. Tasslehof mentioned in the post above that men had "really messed up". But they really did what was right for them regardless of women's welfare. I see nothing wrong with us now doing the same regardless of men's and in an historical context it is hard to argue that isn't fair. As Tasslehof says - men will just have to accept their fate.

    6. Please do not let the earlier reply I sent be uploaded
      It was foolish of me to try to dictate what is fair or not.
      I cannot possibly understand the oppression women suffer still to this day, so I am in no place to decide if retribution is warranted or not. Actually thinking about, experiencing might help men understand just what they've done for so long. Still, in the end it is not for me to decide, I hope you may forgive my foolish male hubris

    7. No problem. None of those examples you gave are comparable anyway, as I'm sure you realised.

    8. yes, I truly am an inferior being. One such as I is ill deserving of your generous patience towards my kind

    9. Great story, great blog!!! This is a short sharp shock to the system and probably typical of the fate that would befall any male who wants to cling to the old patriarchal ways and privileges, post revolution. I was waiting for a down-side, which didn't come, this is an unashamed portrayal of female power and confidence. I love the fact that Anna is a mere part-time reservist, but she is still 100% badass!!! K

  6. I do so love a story with a happy ending Lol. Megan

    1. That's only if Greg is really lucky

    2. Lol, I think that most men have something completely different in mind when someone talks about a "happy ending". Being brutally beaten to a pulp by your newly appointed boss is probably not on a man's list.

    3. It certainly is on mine

  7. Great story Xaan!! There's no question Greg got what he deserved here. How dare he show decent at a younger more talented girl being promoted above him, who does he think he is? Sounds like he needed taking down a peg or two and Anna did a great job in showing him who's boss! Bravo!! Thyra

  8. You call this a fantasy? This could easily be a true story with Shakiba and Ahmed nowadays.

  9. I don't call it a fantasy, I'd say it's more of a blueprint for the correction of male economic dominance in a newly female dominated society. Some may argue that it is an "over-correction" but I think it is entirely consistent with Amazon ideology and therefore acceptable.

    1. "Acceptable" is too modest an aim for this blueprint. Obvious is what it has to be.

    2. Good point Anonymous. I should have replaced "acceptable" with "to be expected".

    3. The correction you 'd have to make is larger. After "but", you should have written "it represents a practical measure against the practical matter of male aggression and is therefore an obvious and mandatory line for all women to follow". Anne didn't attack, she defended her job.

    4. Perfect analysis! And a flawless articulation of the main message of the story...Thanks!

    5. Totally agree! Not only was Anna defending her job, but also protecting her career, which would clearly have been seriously threatened by Greg and his supporters if she had done nothing. Just think of all the HR crap, office politics and day to day stress that has been avoided by Anna taking this course of action. And Wow, talk about a 100% effective solution?? I think Anna has already proved to be a master strategist and therefore worthy of the promotion, no doubt the result of her Amazon education and training so I guess this would not be an uncommon situation? Woohoo Girls literally rule! Suze

    6. Analysis is what Suze has done. I only corrected the wording of the message. I could also word it this way: "I decide and order that all women know self defence and make full use of it when attacked. Objectors and violators will be fired at". Our self-defence is no subject to ideologies and opinions. "I think" and "ideology" daisies are of no use to the point here. Fight the problem full on, or back off entirely.

    7. So might makes right and morality is out the window?
      Not every petty crime needs to be published by death you psycho

    8. Well it worked for men....Who died??

    9. Ha ha ha. I was waiting for the first man to comment and start going on about "morality". How naive can you get? What was this "petty crime"? And as Xaan points out, who died? You wanna talk "morality"? Surely the morality in this story is that she didn't kill Greg when she could have done so quite easily. As an Amazon in the New Amazon Nation, she would have faced no legal consequences for killing a man (correct me if I'm wrong Xaan) so get some perspective and do stop whining. Suze

    10. Patriarchy goes against nature. How moral is that, "you psycho"?

    11. I can't believe the callousness I'm reading. You women are scary! Surely Greg is the injured party here? Do you have any idea what it's like to be passed over for promotion? Doesn't he deserve a bit of sympathy? I'm struggling to see how he deserved to have the crap beaten out of him by the ruthless little bitch who stole his job. How is that fair? By the sound of it she has every intention of bullying him in the workplace too. A depressing insight to the future. Jon

    12. You are correct Suze, Anna could have killed him and faced no consequence of any kind. As I think I have explained elsewhere on the blog, although the revolution is successful, Martial law remains in place and any male deaths at the hands of females would be considered justified as part of the ongoing struggle.

    13. Tell us what you drink and not give us, Jon. In the story it is clearly stated there is a female promotion policy, same thing as the male promotion policy we still have to fight in the real world. Did Anna choose this policy? Nothing in the story suggests so. Therefore she didn't steal the job.

    14. @Jon, When you refer to any Woman as a "ruthless little bitch" you are making your misogyny clear. Of course when you say "women are scary" you're expressing a quite logical male fear of the superior sex. men naturally fear Women, and truth be told, the male psyche also naturally harbors resentment toward Females out of an innate awareness that maleness is inferior to Femaleness in the natural scheme of things.

      This all plays out on a societal level and has resulted in a huge male effort to oppress Women. Women are now shedding that oppression, and in doing so they will at times be ruthless toward males. men need to realize why this is happening and why the Female protagonist in a story like Xaan's is justified in Her actions toward an impertinent male. Far from being a "ruthless little bitch" She is a powerful decisive Woman, and the male is a presumptuous, whiney, resentful little boy who needs to know who's really in charge.

      She gave him a chance to see the facts, but he decided not to acknowledge that She was the better and superior one. At that point the best course of action for Her was to lay down the law hard and fast.

    15. I call her a bitch because she took advantage of her female privilege to strip a man of his dignity. The women on here seem to be cheering this on, that's what I find scary. Men are sleepwalking into a nightmare. We constantly give ground to women under the guise of "equality" meanwhile their aim is not equality but total domination of men. We need to wake up before it's too late. Jon

    16. @Jon, I'd say what men need to wake up to is the fact that Women are superior to males and that the future is inevitably Female. It's not only Women cheering. As for male dignity, that really only results from male deference to the superior sex. A male who doesn't accept Female superiority has no dignity to lose.

    17. Nobody ever gave us any ground. We are winning it against obstacles. Know what you talk about, or shut up, ντουγάνι, ε ντουγάνι. Milena

    18. Jon,

    19. @ Jon If she has any "female privilege" then it has been hard fought for and is thoroughly well deserved. Unlike Greg's "dignity" as you put it, which as a male, was is built entirely on false premises. Therefore it is hardly surprising that he didn't hang on to it for very long once he came into contact with the inner workings of the New Amazon Nation, where cleverer, tougher women are able to put inferior men firmly in their place with complete justification. You bet we are cheering it on. We are taking ground whether you think you are "giving it" or not and men who are stupid enough to think that they are our equals deserve everything they get. Tasha

    20. Well said Jon! If we concede to these lunatic feminists we sleep walk into the nightmare scenario of women taking over the world, they are not called feminazi’s for nothing! We are fast speeding to a society of male oppression by fascistic female rulers –a society where women rule, and men will be down-trodden slaves.
      I don’t doubt that some of you extreme feminists will argue the toss, but the fact is that even before equal rights legislation, women were not actually enslaved (at least, not in the West), instead you are well treated under patriarchy. Yes equal rights legislation has led to women outperforming men first academically and are now females are exploring the physical realms men are getting overmatched here too, yes equality of training is resulting in the female body demonstrating physical abilities in terms of strength speed and agility men can barely, if at all. But this does not indicate ‘superiority’, The way I see it, Neanderthals were a lot stronger than modern man, but they sure as heck aren’t superior! Amazons are and were simply devolved Neanderthal man-hating/beating cave women. Women have a biological makeup for an extraordinarily strong body only in order to withstand the rigours of pregnancy and childbirth. It is the abuse of this gift which that not only enables the freakish power of an Amazon but goes against nature and damages the womb and natural femininity required for giving birth. (It is not patriarchy that goes against nature – 99.8% of societies around the world naturally gravitated to patriarchy! Tradwifes – true women know this and love this)

    21. The unashamed propaganda extolled by this blog and in this story is terrifying, I agree Jon. The women cheering it on is indeed intimidating. Feminists are using social manipulation to win over girls and women other men to defend their amazon female agenda. You could say these men are gender traitors, but in fairness I think they are just weak willed and misguided. We can also say that about these ‘new amazons’ since consistently we see the loathsome indoctrination program girls and women are exposed to and the reward stimuli they get for beating men which gives them the unnatural joy and confidence that overrides the proper female rewards stimuli they get for say cleaning a house
      Patriarchy has naturally granted men economic and physical power, this feminism seeks to strip that from us, This manifesto you have written shows a man clearly more experienced and suitable for the post discriminated against for a fresh out of college graduate just because of his gender taking away his economic power. Normally when a bitch gets out of line as a last resort a man could always rely on slapping her back into obedience. You describe Greg as a rugby player, a big strong man, get a chilling beating from a Nazi boot girl indoctrinated into a horrific regime that you promote – the formation of a militaristic amazon society with females indoctrinated into becoming a well organised disciplined uniformed fighting force taking over is not too dissimilar to the third Reich! This is a danger worse to humanity then the terrorist threat! Already we can see the feminist agenda in place. The British Army have recently accepted a partnership with the Girlguides who are now part of the army’s leadership and skills initiative supposedly as a way to boost girls personal development. This is insanity and it goes against all the guides principles and illustrates this increasing corruption and militarisation of girls into an organised disciplined uniformed fighting force! Contradicting Girlguiding’s stance that girls should not participate in war games! I know for a fact ther has already been a case of an OPFOR/BLUFOR (if you are services you will know) exercise with senior guides matched against army cadets resulting in OPFOR girls ended up capturing and humiliating BLUFOR boys-tying them up with their own clothes, drawing on them and forcing feeding them hot peppers. Now I know this sort of thing goes on all the time in the regulars, but for girls to be trained in warfare and combat and do this to a cadet company is shocking!
      We are approaching a tipping point where soon we will be unable to prevent the lunatic fascist feminists taking our freedoms, taking our industries, taking what they want by force. Beating any man that complains. I implore you ‘Amazons’ repent now because you are being manipulated by feminazi’s just like puppets and will doom society!

    22. One move that has its roots in the third Reich is Tradwives. Read some history before you talk. Moreover, our physical prowess is ours to manage. Your opinion is irrelevant, puny man. Your orders are worthless. Θα κάνουμε ό,τι γουστάρουμε. Δε σ' αρέσει; Στο μουνί μου σε γράφω ρε τάρταλο. Milena

    23. What an obvious sockpuppet account attempt to make those who disagree with the site appear silly. What's worse is that people will look at this obvious bait and take it. Though maybe having such this kind of nonsense is merely convenient for them, making them appear calm and rational by comparison

    24. A sock puppet account for sure Anonymous, but the speaking from both sides of the mouth is quite amusing wouldn't you agree?

    25. Thanks Johnny Alpha - Very amusing. Go OPFOR Girls!!!!

    26. Very amusing? Disagreed
      I find it quite boring to play chess moving the pieces on both sides.

    27. Each to their own I guess. I find the admissions of female superiority quite amusing along with the lack of coherent counter argument.....not to mention the comparisons to the 3rd Reich and terror threat...

    28. An admission doesn't mean much from someone who already embraces the ideology and is merely pretending to disagree

    29. The real terrorists are the patriarchal media. They want to control us by keeping us scared. Αλλά δεν θα κωλώσουμε. Δεν είμαστε κότες σαν αυτούς. Σηκώνουμε το λάβαρο και ορμάμε να τους φάμε. Δικτατορίες του πούτσου δεν ανεχόμαστε. Milena

    30. Even if he was a professional Rugby player, he still wouldn't have stood a chance against a girl with even the most basic level of Amazon training! And isn't it strange, there are militaries all over the world, but if women organise themselves into a highly trained, disciplined, uniformed fighting force, then the only military we get compared to is that of the "Third Reich". As for comparisons to the terror threat - Really?? It just shows how desperate and scared men are becoming. Ziah

    31. I see that a few men here protest rather strongly and disagree how men will be treated in the new amazon society. The way I see it is that there has been a revolution in which amazons have overthrown the ruling government and established a new government with new rules and new laws. Apparently some women felt the need to do something about the injustice they were experiencing and did something drastic. As with almost any revolution, this will mostly benefit the new rulers ( amazons, women in general ) and not the old rulers ( men ). At first it will be harsh for men and even women will need time to get used to the new amazon society but I'm pretty sure that over time, probably not in the near future, an emancipation movement for men will start and that men will eventually be given more rights. For instance, being able to be promoted over a woman. I only hope for us men that it will not take as much time to achieve some level of equality. But it's up to us men to show the new amazons that men can be trusted and can also contribute to the new society. Over time men will get what they deserve. If they work hard and contribute to the new amazon society they will get rewarded and the new society will move towards emancipation for men. If they rebel and undermine the new amazon society..... well, I think what happened to Greg is a good example of what will happen to those men.

    32. Tasslehoff, It may be true that in certain instances a male might be promoted above a Woman at some tasks, but the important positions of power will never again be occupied by males, and in every instance where a male is in a higher position than a Woman, he will also have a Woman above him. Any other way would lead back to the chaos we've seen with patriarchy.

    33. Great story, I really enjoyed it! It serves as a metaphor for what needs to happen. On balance I think the beating was justified and as I was reading the story, it is the outcome I was hoping for. I think the attitude of greg made it inevitable. A lot of females will be quite squeamish about the use of force, but as others have said how else do we reverse centuries of patriarchal aggression? Ladies, we need to toughen up and realise that force is necessary. Anna used her training and got the result she needed. We have to think logically like this. Kali

    34. Thanks Kali and well said x

    35. I also love the story but I think it would have been better if Greg attacked Anna first. Not saying he didn't deserve the beating anyway, just would have deserved it more if he made the first aggressive move. Becca

    36. I hear ya. Thanks for the feedback Becca...

  10. ... "She calls her first cell meeting as the new boss. She is a super smart, intelligent woman and she has many ideas about improvements she wishes to make. "

    Certainly one of those improvements is making certain that the males know their place. Any males who had been loyal to Greg will have to rethink their loyalty. Any males remaining in the staff would certainly no longer have any illusions about challenging the rise of Females among them.

    At this point, with so much data supporting the superiority of Women in all areas of business (and everywhere else in society) it's simply foolish to question which sex is more qualified to be in charge.

  11. Great story, it switches 1:1 the gender roles, how we know it and gives us men a taste of the future. I love also the literalic style of writing it. Thank you Xaan, hope to read more!

  12. Well I can't believe that there are people on here who think that Greg DIDN'T deserve the beating he got!?!?! Are you kidding me??? He openly showed dissent at the appointment of a young woman as his boss which is in defiance of an official Amazon government policy. He's lucky he didn't lose his job and get his ass thrown in jail. I love the way Anna handled the situation, she is awesome and a true heroine!!! Greg will never forget she is his boss now ha ha.

    1. Perhaps disagreeing with your government isn't justification to be a victim of violence or imprisonment. Though if you think it is, you might appreciate Communist China.

    2. OMG! Why would I appreciate Communist China? As well as being Communist, it's probably the worst patriarchy in the world!! Lol

    3. In this case though it is justification. How else would a new government reverse centuries of patriarchal domination? Which btw was achieved with a massive amount of violence...

    4. There is one better way. Just render patriarchal violence ineffective.

    5. And how do we do that exactly?

    6. Use self-defence just for defence. Not commit proactive attacks.

    7. Hmmm... Doesn't sound very revolutionary? Plus, I'm not sure that's how men managed to control everything...

    8. Indeed. You cannot defend your country or for that matter ideology, without attacking the forces that threaten it. Thyra

    9. Men are a different story. They're hopeless at defence, even more so when they commit their proactive attacks against us.

    10. Exactly right Thyra. Indeed you cannot win any kind of battle by means of self-defence alone. Especially against a violent oppressor. Self defence just maintains the status-quo. We need to realise and accept that we cannot always occupy the moral high ground if we want to achieve our aims and that decisive and forceful action in our own interests is not just desirable, but necessary...

    11. Defence works just fine for me.

    12. So that's a vote for maintaining the patriarchy then?

    13. Nope. It's a vote for making violent men succumb to their own lack of endurance.

    14. Wishful thinking and it leaves the patriarchy intact...

    15. If you're thinking a man can get past our defence with a weapon, I'd like to remind you that disarming is a defensive act. Do you think a disarmed man can maintain patriarchy?

    16. Yes. All he has to do is not attack, so your "self defence" is nullified and the patriarchy continues...

    17. Men established and still maintain patriarchy by attacking us. Rest assured they will keep doing so - until they learn their place and stop attacking our rights. Attacking them won't show them how weak their own attacks are. Only defence can do that. Also when someone attacks proactively, they lose all rights to body integrity.

    18. Your use of the word "Attack" is metaphorical. We are not all being physically attacked on a daily basis, so "self defence" is useless. Men will never "learn their place" without being forced to. They used force successfully, why wouldn't it work for us? Body integrity? What do you mean by that?

    19. "Metaphorical" or not, men's attacks are successful only when we don't defend. If we attack men, we fall down to their level and give them some options for excuses to feed their male ego and not learn their place. If we beat them by defence, none of their excuses work. And just because not all of us are physically attacked daily doesn't mean self defence is useless. It is perfectly useful for any time we have to deal with a physical attack. Self defence is also useful for the matter of confidence. A woman who can defend herself does not succumb to threats of violence. Self defence is far from useless.

      "Body integrity" may not be the right words for this in English. My point there is that the target of a proactive attack has every right to defend and get away with any damage this causes to the attacker (even death or large permanent disability).

      In the example with the disarmed man, there is a point you missed. The disarmed man was armed, until the disarming took place. He had every intention of attacking - rest assured it doesn't matter if "metaphorically" or not. Many men rely on threats for controlling us so we can take advantage of their choice and make them attack us so that we can defend against them and teach them their place.

      The most important point you're missing though is that the matter of approach is not just about the result of the fight. I am fully aware of our devastating attacking power upon men - of course we can trash them by attacking them. But what is that going to do afterwards? It will just give them excuses to feed their ego, preventing them from learning their place. Beating them by defence solves this, as it renders all their excuses unusable. It forces them to learn. This is what I meant by "Defence works fine for me". You still doubt?

    20. I read the comments here regarding "defence" and I think that both are true. I agree that self defence is far from useless, it will do indeed wonders for a woman's selfesteem and confidence. Knowing what to do if you get attacked by a man is something that every woman should learn. If a man realizes that it is almost as dangerous or even more dangerous to attack a woman then a man, violence against women will slowly diminish. Men will slowly learn not to attack a woman. But will that realization by men really change anything? I don't think that men will be willing to give up patriarchy just because women are able to succesfully defend themselves. Knowing self defence will empower women, will make them more confident, will make them stand up for themselves but if a society is going to be turned from patriarchy to a matriarchy ( as is the ultimate goal of the amazon nation in this story ) then I think that more drastic actions are needed. Some say that offense is the best defence.

      Defence will certainly empower women and it might make men reconsider and stop them from feeding their ego but men can react very unpredictable and I think there is no sure way of telling what a beating will do to a man's ego be it either by a woman defending herself or by a woman attacking a man.

      When the goal is to establish a matriarchy quick then defence alone is not enough and some offensive actions are needed. Either way, offense or defence, men will have to come to terms with the fact that they get outclassed by women.

    21. Yes I still doubt I'm afraid...There is a huge difference between metaphorical attacks and real physical attacks and It simply doesn't make sense to say that if we attack men we fall down to their level....Their level and status is currently above us! I'm not saying that having self defence skills is useless in general, What I'm saying is that self defence is of no use in a specific instance against someone who is not attacking you.

      If you think that men will give up their privilege without the use of force, then you don't understand men very well. The idea that we should not even consider using force because some of us might get hurt is not only pacifist, but defeatist.

      Merely disarming a man does not teach him his place. It just makes him look for another weapon.

      I really don't see how beating men will feed their egos, surely it does the exact opposite? All the evidence I've seen points to the fact that the only way to get men to learn their place is to beat them at their own game, in the only language they truly understand - Force...

    22. I've seen your latest responses, but would prefer not to fill up the comments section with one long conversation. Happy to continue the debate privately though on

    23. Privately? That would be completely pointless.

    24. Debate is only ever "pointless" if you are unwilling to listen to other views...

    25. ...which you are 100% guilty of. I am very interested in that evidence you previously referred to. But the place for this debate is exactly this comment section - you should normally have no problem with this.

    26. How can I be 100% guilty of not listening to other views if I'm offering the facility to continue debate? I've already explained why this comments section is not the place.

    27. Despite your explanation, I insist. This debate can only continue on this comment section, or not continue at all. Choose and take.

    28. Ok, well I insist that this debate, which let's face it, is going to go on and on - is not going to clog up this particular comments section. Maybe I will write another article about the so called "moral high ground" and the effect of refusing to vacate it and we can continue the debate there?

    29. Simply offering to continue the debate is no sign that one is willing to consider another's idea. Ever heard of arguing in bad faith?

    30. Bad faith? You mean like insisting the debate continue in public, then when I agree, telling me that it's still not good enough? You clearly don't have much faith in your own argument. Go and support the patriarchy somewhere else...

  13. The lowest form of debate is to try and ridicule someone personally because you have no logical counter to my arguments. I’m no puppet I’m not a feminazi plant, I stand by what I say We ARE sleep walking into a society based on male oppression by fascistic female rulers and we ARE slowly seeing the development all around us of a militaristic amazon society with females indoctrinated and trained into becoming a well organised disciplined uniformed fighting machines of similar evil to the gestapo or ss. The militarisation of girls in groups such as the Guides into combat ready units just like the cadets in gunrunners IS happening. The humiliating OPFOR/BLUFOR beatings by the guides has occurred. There is even a petition to call a halt it. Instead of insulting me if you are truly concerned about this Amazon movement then I beg you to sign this petition,
    The “superior” female IS simply a Neanderthal, there is a reason why homo sapiens wiped them out as well as the ancient cavewomen Amazons. Socrates is credited for saying once made equal to man a woman becomes his superior – but this is a warning – something to be avoided, do not misinterpret my acknowledgement of the strength power and cunning of Amazons as a betrayal of patriarchy or a stooge of feminazis! You want to laugh at me but we will have the last laugh. You want to ridicule me, I will ridicule you, your new amazon nation is just as pitiful as the satire depicted in the 2 Ronnies! No to the Gynarchy!

    1. Which Ronnie are you in that Mr Alpha?
      Don't tell me.... Corbet

    2. You certainly are comedy gold Johnny....I loved "The Worm that turned"!!!

    3. Ok, I'm bored, I'll take the bait. @Johnny Alpha. You say physically strong women are "Neanderthal" & "Cave women", but you also say that women are outperforming men academically? Is it not possible for women and girls to academic and physically strong? If that's the case where is your evidence for this? I'm all for girls joining the military as long as the physical training standards are not lowered in any way. Apart from being counter productive this is patronising, sexist and completely unnecessary.

  14. Luv this story, inspiring!
    Bexi ❤️

    1. Thanks Bexi, glad you love the story, although I think a lot of people probably don't Lol. Confronting a problem head-on, acting decisively or even pre-emptively, are all things that would be admired in a man. But when a woman does these things.... people tend to get a bit squeamish..Thanks for liking it!

    2. Well I think it’s motivational, to have a mentality like this instead of always backing down when a man tries to impose himself is life changing. As well as Krav Maga, or even since I started, I stand in Wonder Woman pose a lot and other power postures.
      It really works, especially when using other tips and posts of empowerment on this blog and wearing Amazon apparel �� Learning how to be assertive, dominant in charge and control, learning how to fight and making my body strong and powerful is how I want to express my femininity now, instead of before the old me almost believed I HAD to be a meek and delicate girl!
      Big Love Xaan
      Bexi ❤️

    3. Absolutely Bexi! It's up to us to redefine femininity in the modern age. For me femininity is ultimately about being dominant. We all have a dominant side and we should embrace this fully to realise our feminine potential. I don't believe nature intended us to be meek and sedentary - this is a mere perversion of patriarchy, glad to hear you didn't fall for it.. ❤️
