Monday 4 February 2013

The Right Perspective

The following is an article I found somewhere on the internet (can't remember where). I saved it a while ago and read it again recently. I couldn't help thinking that this girl has the right perspective..... Comments please - (unless you are a troll or a marauding misogynist, in which case don't bother).

Many guys today think strong girls are more attractive and girls realize that. Many guys dream about girl who can beat them in an equal contest of strength and skill, this is something deep inside any guy in the world. Men are yielding to this and this is causing them to desire to be defeated physically by the female as well. That is where a lot of the female wrestling fantasies within men are coming from. Do you know why?

In 19 century women were forced to lighten up on their levels of
Intellect, because males started to turn on smart women .In 20
century women became more liberated and financially independent. Guys
become turned on successful and liberated woman .Now in 21 century
it seems that the “Barbie” look is out and guys prefer strong sporty girls and females today are becoming more comfortable to build
muscles and strength. More and more television shows and films have strong female characters.

The results:
A Female teenager in the past would rarely think about a fighting a
boy, but now she isn't afraid, because these shows tell her not only
is it possible to beat a male, it's probable. These shows tell her
the boys lost out to “girl power”! Guys actually like it that way and
girls like it that way too.

Girls are becoming more aggressive and guys are becoming more submissive. Guys just waste their times for fun, drinking, playing computer games, watching movies and TV….They just cant stand the pressure ,they just cant handle problems and take responsibility, so girls are taking charge in school, sports, workplace, marriage… The female dominant nature still lies dormant in many women and it takes a male's submissive nature to draw it out. But as young girl become more successful and more aggressive in the classroom and in the business and sports world, women will more readily embrace their dominant persona and will gladly accept and even demand their male partner's submission.

And now society is evolving into a female dominant society. Women are
starting to take charge, and men desire to submit to the female.
The Genie is out of her bottle and males can't put her back in.

Lots of men aren't even aware of that side of themselves or if they are, they feel it's somehow wrong to acknowledge it. Guys are becoming submissive. Girls are defeating them more and more in equal contests of strength and skill, especially one that involves as much body contact like wrestling. This breaks down barriers and helps a man discover his true sexual nature. They
get to maximize their capacity for sexual pleasure and the men find that, if they are true sexual submissive, their pleasure is vastly heightened as well. Girls are becoming bigger and stronger with each passing day - Sure a taller, heavier male is stronger than a smaller female opponent, but when the sexes are of an equal size, the female is usually victorious.

As new millennium girls are proving superior in school and colleges, the next generation of women will never know a world where males were assumed superior. They will look around them and see the increasingly absurd anachronism of men in power. Young boys are already confronted by the concept of female superiority. Besides learning about studies that conclude women are superior, they are painfully aware that they are out-matched by girls their own age. Males are already being conditioned to accept the female as superior. It will have a profound impact on society.

Anyway fragile male egos are taking a whipping. The 3rd Millennium
belongs to women. We are going to take over. It's on the cards.
Ps; I bet you turn on right now!


  1. Lots of truths in here. I 've noticed all these facts mentioned in this article and am just glad to see that some other girl, somewhere, has also taken notice of them. I only have one correction to make. I don't think we 'll ever need to DEMAND the upper hand. At least I just naturally get it. No need to demand anything. Let's be positive on this, we are bosses by definition. Dot and dash. All we have to do is to PROVE it. Any questions?

  2. but dont you think its a bit dangerous for girls to fight with boys? i remember this girl at my school got into a real fight with this boy and the girl ended up having to go to the hospital. it was pretty scary to see how defenseless the girl was against a boy. so idk if its a very good idea to encourage girls fighting guys. ofcourse theres exceptions but im just speaking in general. im trying to get strong so nobody can hurt me like that myself. training in mma currently.

    1. One could argue that it is more dangerous for girls not to fight with boys - especially when you consider all the crap women have to put up with from men their whole lives, simply because of the inherent and ever-present threat of violence, however overt or subtle that may be. It's not really about encouraging girls to fight necessarily, in the first instance it is about encouraging girls to get to grips with their physicality so they are equipped to deal with violence or threates of violence against them. This in turn will boost their confidence and allow them to enjoy life and relationships on an even footing (at least) - I wouldn't say that is too much to ask?

      I wouldn't encourage any girl to tackle a guy unless she was supremely confident in her physical ability. It is unfortunate that the girl you saw ended up in hospital, but she obviously wasn't ready. I don't advocate deference on the part of the male either. If a girl initiates physical contact then the boy has every right to hit back. But don't assume that the boy necessarily always has the advantage. Of all the real mixed fights I've seen, the girls always won, sometimes it was because the guy wouldn't hit back, but more often it was because the girl was simply stronger and tougher.

      Great that you're training in MMA - it will do wonders for your strength, your physique and your confidence and you'll end up taking a whole lot less crap in life as a result....

    2. Xaan placed it well. Being great at fighting doesn't mean you necessarily have to fight everyone you see. But there is a big distance between this and the correct use of your skills. Plan your training carefully so that you get the most out of your potential without running the risk of muscle injuries for instance. And don't hesitate to use your skills when this is needed. Not being arrogant is good, but it's not good to be afraid either. This is our point here. Hold a balance.


    Another example of a very strong female.

  4. Wow, the author of this article nailed it about the psychological pressure we feel as a gender. We simply can't bear it, we get badly bent under all that pressure... Women are stronger, tougher, better at taking responsibility, I think they MUST take the steering wheel of this world and lead us all out of this crisis of ideals. Only they can do it. Men did them salad, as we can see now...

    1. Crisis of ideals... Neat description of the scenery. Very well placed.

  5. For the time being, most girls are stuck in ancient stereotypes and haven't seen their potential. Extremely few girls know from experience that a female foot can pull a shot of 300+Km/h, but it is possible indeed, while the male foot has taken so careful training but can't surpass the 120Km/h barrier... From there and on, I just know that strength and fitness make beauty, so maybe that's why what you describe comes so naturally... Any questions?

  6. Again another great article, in which I recognize so much

  7. Very good article! As a male, I totally subscribe to it. Men in power certainly will be an anachronism in the future.
    Xaan, months after months, every time you publish an article, you show how strong women are, and how they outmatch men, physically. Reading your profile's introduction, you write you're a female supremacist, believing that females are naturally superior to males, in every way. So, women are meant to be the dominant gender, and have to put back males as the weak sex to their right place. Many women as new Amazons prove they can beat males easily, and have stronger bodies by nature. In that figure, men are only pretending to be strong, but in reality are no match for women, and far weaker. Sometimes, males egos are crushed when they realize how weak they are, and outmatched by women, even smaller or younger. As a wrestler, I've experienced that, numerous times. Until I had to face the truth: men are not able to win against women. So, I have a question: when women will really aware of their power over males, and when they'll be able to dominate as the strong sex they are, what kind of society would you think as the best? Would it be a matriarchy, and what place would have men in it? I wish to know how you see the organization of that new society. Thanks a lot!

  8. Here's some data: in Australia boys are 30 % more likely than girls to be overweight. That goes up to 55% in Spain (which might help explain why that girls football team absolutely demolished all their male opposition) and 65% in Mexico. Boys have less drive and discipline than girls, both in their studies and physical exercise. That makes them hide in their rooms paying videogames, eating unhealthy foos and feeling ambivalent about female domination, while girls hit the gym with unvbelievable grit. So when they do have to face girls in sports they're not only shorter and have less muscle quality, flexibility, etc, but they're also fatter and have less muscle mass and stamina. The natural female advantages accentuate with the increasingly diverging lifestyles and this only contributes to further discourage them from trying to compete with girls in any field. That's why boys are also running away from higher education. They're running away from humiliation.

    Another interesting piece of data: Young males are 100% more likely than young females to die of Covid. It seems coronavirus preys on the weak.

    1. Coronavirus is a hoax. About the rest you're right.

  9. Hello there, new here. Just stumbled upon this blog from a link on Deviantart, and I'm loving it! As a male who's long since accepted the objective inferiority of males and the undeniable superiority of females in all spheres of life, I just wanted to say that not all males are delusional about their "superiority." There are males like me too, so please don't bunch us group us with the rest of our delusional brethren!
    Also, kudos on creating and maintaining such a great blog, you can definitely shut down WITH FACTS any moron male who still believes he's better!
