Friday, 2 December 2016

100th Post - Octopussy...the inspiration

Hello dear readers. To celebrate 100 posts on this blog, it seems appropriate to feature the film clip that was the major inspiration for it. I will never forget seeing this in the cinema for the first time. This visualisation of girl power had a huge impact on me. To see women fighting with men and beating them so comprehensively in a mainstream movie was both shocking and exhilarating at the same time. My heart was pounding as we watched an army of scantily clad women totally destroy the male palace guards. We'd never seen anything like this before. The fact they were wearing sexy, revealing outfits made the whole thing that much more exciting and pleasing to watch. There was no doubt that these fighters were female, but they were stronger and better at fighting than the men. Their skill grace and power was overwhelming, the men had no answer for it and were crushed easily. Despite the devastating display of physical dominance, the women looked beautiful and feminine throughout. This of course went totally against the grain of what we were used to seeing. This time women were in  a different role and although initially surprising, it felt good, it felt right to me. For the first time I was fully engaged in an action sequence in a film. 
As we left the cinema, me and my friends were all buzzing and energised by what we had just seen. As girls our collective egos had just been boosted through the roof, I felt invincible, superior and in a strange way like I had been freed. I also had a wonderful feeling that the truth had just been revealed, not only to me and my friends, but to all the boys and men in the audience too. They would now have to accept the idea, that women CAN beat men up and they must be hating it ha ha. I was so inspired by the effectiveness of the graceful acrobatics that I just could't wait for my next gymnastics lesson...I also started fantasising about using some of the moves I had just seen on certain nasty boys at school and maybe one or two male teachers...

For years this scene has stayed with me as a genius bit of film making. There has not really been anything quite so effective since and although it was just one scene in just one film, I always had the strong conviction that there was way more milage in the concept....

Please share your thoughts and memories of Octopussy....

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Disarmed & Pwned!

Another macho soldier finds he is no match for the speed, skill and strength of a trained female....even with a firearm... He is part of a small rebel unit made up of elite soldiers - remnants from the national guard routed during the revolution. They are on a mission to probe the territory of Lataka, which is now under female rule. She stalks him through the forest and when he becomes separated from the others, she bravely tackles him. She knows he is armed, but as an Amazon, she is supremely confident in her physical ability. A furious struggle ensues, she quickly separates him from his weapon and overpowers him. He is strong, but she is stronger and she finishes him off in the most humiliating way possible.

Monday, 8 August 2016 if it were needed, of female superiority.

Watch how the female vaults higher (from a lower base) than her male counterpart...

There is no denying female gymnasts are better than male gymnasts.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

A true account.....

The following account was posted on the recently defunct "Experience Project" website. A forum where people share all kinds of real life experiences. As more girls join up with boxing and kickboxing gyms, this kind of incident is becoming more and more common...

I recently had a kickboxing match at my gym with a girl and I lost. I'm very disappointed in myself and feel really embarrassed. I lost in front of my kids and girlfriend. What's upsetting is this girl is new to the sport and she's only been training for a month and I've been doing this for years. What's even more embarrassing is this girl is 18 yrs old and I'm 36 she's half my age. We had a three round exhibition match at our gym I was supposed to just spar with her and correct her in the ring however in round 1 I walked right into one of her kicks and it floored me! I got up too soon and I was still wobbly legged and everyone at the gym was stunned and I didn't have my legs under me yet that she caught me with a second kick to the face and I fell again. This time I took the full 8 count and she almost finished me off in round 1 I had no choice but to retreat and back petal and clinch to survive the round. It was embarrassing my two children who are close in age to this girl had looks of disappointment on their faces. Luckily I was able to regain strength in my legs after the break and I came after her in round 2 no longer was I trying to teach her I was trying to beat her! But she played it safe and fought a smart fight she backed up and got on her bicycle for the next two rounds and avoided my power. We took it to a decision and I lost by a score 28-27 round 1 was scored 10-7 in her favor because of the two knockdowns but I took the next two rounds 10-9 & 10-9 however that first round killed me! When they raised her hand and announced her the winner the look on my children's faces were that of disappointment and my girlfriend stormed out upset. Even though I won 2 of the 3 rounds Briana (girl that beat me) won the fight because of the two early knockdowns. After the fight I shook her hand and congratulated her. But ever since this happened my kids don't want to go back to the gym and neither does my gf.

Monday, 21 March 2016

Barbara Carrera....One of my favourite Badass Bond girls

Very Disappointing....And just not true Raymond....

 A subject close to my heart - Tennis: You would think that with the incredible progress women have made in the sport in the last few decades, that it just wouldn't be possible to hear or read opinions like the one shared by Raymond Moore CEO of Indian Wells recently (excerpt below) but unfortunately there are always those who allow themselves to be passed by when it comes to women's progress and those who deep down believe that women shouldn't really be doing sports anyway - the real tragedy is that ignorance of these characters doesn't seem to prevent them from gaining positions of authority. I'm not so much angered by these comments as disappointed. The man has made a fool of himself  with these ill-judged utterances, but for him to proffer such ignorance without a thought for the thousands of girls around the world dreaming of a career in Tennis or their parents who sacrifice so much to make it happen is completely irresponsible. My advice to female tennis players? Disregard this old Dinosaur - the way he has disregarded you!

Prize money has been equal in the men's and women's game for a while now - quite rightly so. Whatever you may think of women's tennis the fact is that Grand Slam tounament prize money in general is derived from ticket sales and the women's and mens draws have the same number of matches - When you buy a ticket, you buy it for a date or time and a specific court - you don't know which players you will be seeing and the likelyhood is, that you will see an equal number of male and female players in action - therefore the prize money needs to be equal.

You can argue that the men play best of 5 sets and women only best of 3, so there is a disparity and I have some sympathy with that view - however I would say that those limitations were set by the powers that be, a long time ago and it is now time to encourage the women players to start playing best of 5, after all there is no physical reason why they shouldn' there? In the meantime I still support equal prize money as both men and women players give 100% within the parameters set out for them.

"In my next life when I come back I want to be someone in the WTA, because they ride on the coat tails of the men," Moore said. "They don't make any decisions and they are lucky. They are very, very lucky. If I was a lady player, I'd go down every night on my knees and thank God that Roger Federer and Rafa Nadal were born, because they have carried this sport. They really have."