Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Gender loyalty and the Sisterhood...

I have mentioned this in passing in other articles and comments, but would like to go into a bit more detail on what it means and why it is so important for the Amazon movement.

You may be familiar with the phenomenon of the “xoxo” or “xx” e-mail sign off that came to light a few years ago where females in senior positions in companies & organisations would use these symbols as a covert way of saying to each other “I’ve got your back”. Whatever the situation, I will do everything in my power to help you as a woman. Not sure how it started , but this is a very real and very significant move against patriarchy

I have always observed that females make far more effective teams because women have a natural tendency to look out for each other, whereas men (in an all male situation) have a natural tendency to look out for themselves as individuals. I believe it is this fundamental difference that is the foundation for a successful female dominated society

If we think about it, I’m sure we can all remember experiences that illustrate this. I recall several occasions at school where the PE teachers thought they would have a bit of fun by pitting teams of boys against teams of girls at certain tasks or games (tug of war being a notable one) and to many people’s surprise, the boys total embarrassment and the teacher’s amusement….. the girls always won! Of course at that age we as girls were just more physically capable than the boys anyway, but the other differentiator was our instant and instinctive ability to work together as an effective team whilst the boys, already disorganised and beset with competing egos struggled to get their act together, got frustrated and as a result, succumbed pretty quickly.

One of the more high profile areas where we see gender loyalty in action is the world of high school wrestling in the US. I have read many accounts and there have even been one or two posted on this blog which detail the support female wrestlers have received from females on the opposing teams. This ranges from offering words of encouragement, to sharing info about the male opponent, to openly celebrating when the girl beats their own male team-mate!! I have to admit, there is something completely outrageous about this. Girls blatantly flouting the conventions of team competition to help fellow girls - but I love it!! It seems like these girls have instinctually realised that the ongoing battle between the genders is far more important and significant than the competition between the opposing mixed school teams. Without any direction from above, they have decided by themselves to help and root for fellow girls. even though this might mean that their own team loses. This instinct is so important.

We should all try to assess the strength of our own instinct for gender loyalty. I for one can say that if my own son was facing a girl in the ring or on the mat, I would be rooting for the girl to win 100%. Not that I would make this outwardly obvious, I would of course cheer my son out of respect, but this would be subterfuge, as secretly I would be willing him lose to the girl, even at the risk of him getting hurt. This might sound like a shocking admission to some, but to me it seems perfectly natural and I don’t feel any guilt about it. My belief in female supremacy goes way beyond family loyalty. I think that’s how it has to be. I know I’m not the only one, there are other examples of gender loyalty cutting across family ties.

I was recently contacted privately by a girl who’d read the blog and who wanted to tell me her story. She didn’t want to post the story herself, so I won’t reveal too many details. A top gymnast with a full trophy cabinet, she decided to switch to Judo at age 14. Her brother, 5 years her senior was already a black belt. He must have felt uncomfortable about his switch, because he began to taunt and bully her, telling her she could never succeed in a man’s sport. Well that of course was like a red rag to a bull, so over the next 2 years she trained really hard with the intention of challenging her brother one day to prove him wrong. Well that day came and with the approval and support of her mother, the 16 year-old girl challenged her 21 year-old brother one evening in the family home, after he’d returned from a Judo session.

With the mother looking on, the two siblings locked together in “mortal combat” Expecting the fight of her life, the girl was astonished  that in just under 2 minutes she had submitted her black belt brother! The girl then consolidated the win with a victory pose. She ripped off off his black belt and held it aloft, whilst standing over him with her foot pressed down firmly on his throat. The mother took a photo for posterity, something they had planned together beforehand to make sure the brother could not deny nor forget the experience. Talk about confidence?

There is a lot to love about this story. Certainly something prescient about the mother’s confidence in her daughter’s ability. The mother was clearly keen for this contest to take place. She wanted her daughter to win and knew that she would, despite her being 5 years younger and with many years less experience. Furthermore, the mother was perfectly happy to show favouritism towards her daughter over her son, despite the risk of a family rift - that’s true gender loyalty.

I firmly believe that this female instinct to support each other in the face of patriarchal domination, will be decisive in the battle of the sexes. It makes a female dominated society of the future ...inevitable and we can all do our bit. How gender loyal are you?


  1. As a male, the idea of my own female family members or perhaps a female lover delighting in my defeat at the hands of another female should feel like a betrayal, but what betrays me is own male nature and I instead find my sexuality loving the idea of it happening.
    I do wanna say though, I am not a believer in nature, people aren't born one way or another, they're nurtured into what they become. The reason men are so competitive towards one another is not because of biological wiring, it's more so an effect that comes from society only valuing men through their "performance". A man has no worth beyond what worth he can create, nothing inherent to himself. It is a much bigger societal problem that contributes to the higher rates of suicide in men, and I hope anyone can see why it should be addressed, since in the end it's still a human problem that is costing society human lives.

    1. I actually believe in inherited traits as well as environment - so a mixture of nature and nurture. The "societal problem" which you describe of disproportionately high suicide rates for men, is a symptom of our present patriarchal system. A female dominated society would remove the pressure on men to "perform" or "Create value" and they could live happier, more fulfilled lives...

    2. As sappy as it may sound, I think love could free men from that burden. If women decide worth and a woman loves a man for who he is, then he could feel secure in knowing someone appreciated him for what he is, not what he does. Though ultimately, that is far from an ideal solution, as not everyone will find love.
      Anyways, Thank you for the insight. Your wisdom is always appreciated.

    3. Evidently that approach isn't working...

    4. Yes, I me feel quite stupid even proposing it
      Though as of now, it hasn't been properly established on a societal level that a woman's approval is what should matter most to a man. There's also to consider the risk of giving too much importance in that regard to women who can't handle it or don't deserve it.

      Oh well, I alway was more of a will to power kind of guy anyway.

    5. Also forgetting this offtopic little side note of mine (sorry for it), I think the girl's brother was also really lucky to have what had happened to him. I think his relationship with his sister will probably be much healthier now he can acknowledge her as superior and will no longer be burdened by being so defensive of the sport to which he's dedicated. The mother is also teaching him the valuable lesson that it is normal to lose to women and even expected. The initial shock might be hard to stomach, but perspective can be gained from it.

  2. hmm... how gender loyal am I. Apparently not very loyal at all because I think I would feel perfectly fine in a matriarchal world.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I believe just as there is a Female instinct for Women to support each other, especially when it comes to fighting against patriarchy, that there is a male instinct to be subordinate to Women and support them even over other men.

    males are trained by patriarchy to fight against their instincts because enough males are just not strong enough emotionally to accept male inferiority to Women as normal. But the moment you accept the fact of Female superiority over males you can only be truly loyal to the superior sex.

    Women have never really lost sight of Their instinct for Sisterhood, but for men, 'brotherhood' has always been a tough act to sustain. I think men can only really be 'brothers' in inferiority.

  4. Woah, I'm a 21 year old male black belt Judoka, did she really beat him that easy!? :o

    1. There are more details of the story (that I'm not at liberty to share) which make me believe it is 100% genuine. Apart from that, I have heard countless accounts both on the blog and in private of experienced male fighters in various different combat sports being defeated by much younger, less experienced girls. It would appear it is not an uncommon occurrence...

    2. She was a gymnast with a full trophy cabinet. Have you not seen the Katelyn Ohashi video?
      Check out Nia Dennis too, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Uw2feLb00c

      These young women physically outclass any man with consummate ease. https://youtu.be/d3UA85yJJko?t=31

      21 year old black belt or not, of course he was no match for her
      She would be 10 Dan level physical ability without even learning any Judo moves. The thing that strikes me is how male brashness sometimes leads to lack of confidence in girls – she waited 2 years before challenging him, when after learning the rudimentary Judo moves for 2 months would be all it takes for a female gymnast to beat any man, and she would of beat him then.
      She did it to her brother who is just like you, so chew on this Mat, she can beat you up to and not even break a sweat

    3. Spoken like someone who has never learned any martial art. No one's winning on 2 months of experience against an expert. There's admitting to female pΔ₯ysical superiority, and then there's being silly like this.

    4. That shows how much you know. Have you read the post "A true account" which features the testimony of a 36 year-old male Kickboxer who was knocked out by an 18 year-old female beginner? And that's just one example, privately I have heard many others....I tend to agree with Anonymous, a girl gymnast, or even a former one is likely going to destroy any male in a fight, even if he is a black belt in Judo.

    5. right, I forgot she was a former gymnast. Forgive my male ignorance. I am truly foolish

    6. Oh poor diddums, is the sarky chauvinist so butthurt about girl power all he can do is to troll by making dick head statements? We are all so sorry the truisms presented here upset your fragile male ego.
      For a black belt judoka you can’t know much about martial arts either – gymnastics was formed for hand to hand combat - https://www.athleticscholarships.net/history-gymnastics.htm
      “Gymnastics was developed by the classical Greeks in the fifth century BC as a means to develop the muscles necessary for hand-to-hand combat.” Watch and learn as you see these athletes doing their mat work – all it takes is the awakening and confidence to adapt female gymnastic skills to combat sports and yes she would have beaten him and you after 2 weeks
      It’s funny on one hand sexist egotistical men dismiss girl power and gymnasts as something to laugh at, but many wrestlers who get beaten by a girl have and do use the excuse that “it wasn’t fair because she was a former gymnast” as if some way that is cheating.
      Now since you provide nothing to theis discussion except obnoxiousness, act like your other MGTOW pricks and do one. Piss off

    7. Brilliant Anonymous, totally agree. Please consider giving yourself a sign-off tag (Amazon name)?

    8. And also, well done to the new Amazon official Man-beater for destroying and tapping out her sexist bullying black belt brother! may the beatings continue! - Go Girl!!! xx

    9. I wasn't trying to be snarky with noticing she used to do gymnastics, I was just noting it would be the factor that makes the difference. I'm truly sorry it came across that way, but I assure you I don't doubt the young Amazon defeated her brother and would defeat me as well. I beg for your forgiveness

    10. For the sceptical guys: all I had to do against a bigger opponent like him was to exploit my endurance and stamina, keeping him at distance while he tried to attack. When he ran out of stamina, I managed to attack and finished him with a sankaku :) I put up a trap and he fell in it...Fighting is not just physical, but brain too. As a chess player, I had to come to that match with a strategy. Abd it worked :)

      The sister

    11. The physical part of a fight is not just raw strength. You also exploited a speed advantage to defeat your brother. Men are slow, I bet you could tell that during the fight. But... did you know it from before?

  5. When you mentioned the PE classes, and girls teams beating boys teams in tug of war, wrestling, etc, i literally felt like I was just kicked in the nuts having to remember that.

    I remember many instances in our PE classes where the boys were pitted against the girls and to my and the other boys’ dismay, the girls always won. Tug-o-war, push up competitions, dodgeball, you name it. Even had a wrestling tournament for our PE classes, boys and girls, everyone competing against each other, and it was two girls at the end competing for first lol. I distinctly remember our teacher mentioning that every year, its always a girl who wins the tournament. Felt terrible to be a guy in that moment as the guys were just kinda quiet while the girls giggled in amusement. Sucks to be a boy nowadays, when you’re told you’re the stronger sex and then shit like this happens all the time. :/

    1. Can somebody explain this to me? I’m having trouble understanding all of this. How do girls beat the boys all the time? Especially at stuff like wrestling? It’s not right. Girls should be doing dance or cheerleading

    2. Well Aaron, girls and boys are traditionally segregated in sports. No-one really knows why, but I suspect it is to prevent physical contact between the genders and the potential "uncomfortable" situations that might ensue. Some might argue that it is due to a difference in physical ability and they might be right.....

    3. are you implying that girls are physically superior to boys? I know girls usually win when they go against boys but I'm assuming they just got lucky or something. Or maybe girls are just better at wrestling and not the case for other sports.

    4. That's contradiction Aaron. Girls can't "usually win" and get "lucky". Luck, by its nature is more random than that...

    5. Girls are better at all sports, not only wrestling. A female classmate I had at senior high school came with a reputation of boybeating, so to name it. Knowing how true it could be, I made sure to never challenge or even worse provoke her. Some other boys in class however did not behave so well, so I did witness several times how rightfully she earned her reputation. She was even attacked by six boys at the same time and sent them all to hospital in few seconds. Babis

  6. A friend of mine told me a while ago that when she was young there was a girl at their judo club who apparently was really good. At club championships she always became number one. Even beating the boys. But she was a blackbelt herself too, so it's really great ( or scary if you are a man ) that this girl can beat her 5 year older, blackbelt brother so easily. My ex-wife is a blackbelt in karate and I know from her that you really have to train and work hard to even become a blackbelt. You have to show in front of a couple of eperts that you have mastered the required techniques. I assume the same is true for judo, so if this girl is capable of beating a black belt after only 2 years of training, then imagine what she'll be capable of when she continues to train like she did.

  7. Reading some of this reminds me of how I was beaten personally at school by girls as well as several of us boys being beaten by teams of girls. Sometimes in tug of war, other times in various sports, like basketball and such. One time 3 of us challenged 3 girls in a grappling match where the winner would be the person to get the other on the ground first and the 3 of us were beaten by the 3 girls. At that time, physical strength would have been roughly the same for girls and boys, but even later, in my teens, I was beaten by a girl who weighed a lot less than me. I think it was mainly because she was more fit than me and didn’t run out of stamina as quickly. She pinned me to the ground and pressed her knee against my chest, causing me a lot of pain.

  8. My first experience competing with girls was in high school. It was a “friendly” Wrestling exhibition with a girls team from a nearby girls school. I was from an all boys school. They were hoping that the guys could teach the girls and help them improve.

    At first, the six of us boys (juniors) were so confident and cocky thinking we’d go easy on the girls (sophomores) but as the matches went on, we kept losing. I only had one match during this event, where I faced a shorter but kind of stocky girl and I lost to a grapevine pin. Although I had more upper body strength than her, I couldn’t prevent her from spreading me out. Most of the other guys were pinned and one lost on points. Towards, the end when we realized the girls were thrashing us, we started wrestling really aggressively using all the brute male strength we had. But the girls won and we boys had a humiliating defeat in the end.

    I can remember hearing cheers for the girls and some laughs at us boys. It was so humiliating. Every boy ran off as fast as we could in shame after their matches.

    In the boys locker room we sat there red faced and humiliated cussing the girls. I had a strange tingly sensation at my groin at what just happened. At first, disbelief, then anger and shame. We were all close to tears. Our boys school would be laughed at for quite some time after that.

    1. What happened to your all-boy school is normal. Girls are a lot stronger than us. You even assume you had more upper body strength than the girl you wrestled? Either she went easy on you or you just assessed her wrong. Babis

  9. This idea of gender loyalty is an interesting one. As a male I have to say I would always root for my daughter over a guy in any competition.
    However beyond that I do find it starts creeping in.
    I have mentioned before how I ended up on this site after being choked out, in a BJJ tournament by a woman who did the same to several other of my male teammates. I started to do some research to see how common this was, which lead me here. Only to find out that it was not only common but increasingly so. In our gym we had almost all males and two females who were not really that committed so I had a distorted view, and an underestimation of what women were capable of.
    Recently we had several women join who were much more into it. They have been rapidly rising up the ranks and one young woman, who came in and showed great promise a little over a year ago is now beating pretty much anyone who rolls with her. She is an ex college swimmer who not only has great strength and flexibility but seemingly unlimited stamina as well.
    Anyway, while I consider my self very open minded, I have say I started resenting these women as they got better and better. The one I just mentioned started defeating guys who had years of training. The other women seem to feed on it. As one gets better they all do. I am at the point where I know I am going to lose to the top one and have a 50/50 chance against the others, despite having a lot more experience. I hate to admit it but in a couple months those odds will be a lot more in their favor.
    I guess my whole point is that these women are feeding off of this Gender Loyalty. For myself and some of the other guys we are finding ourselves pulling harder and harder for the other guys, but when they are defeated we all feel a little defeated.

    1. Great comment, thanks for that Brad. Yeah gender loyalty is not so strong in guys. I think men will always back their own offspring, regardless of gender and again this goes back to the self interest thing, but it does kick in at some point.

      It sounds like the few girls at your gym are doing what we here on this blog are all about. It's great to hear that one of them encouraged the others to up their game. By now they are probably committed to beating every guy in the gym and they may not even have discussed this in so many words - they will all just know. Beating a guy in any physical contest and thereby achieving something that you have been told your whole life is impossible, is the most amazing feeling and it becomes addictive. Be in no doubt, the main reason they are there is because they love beating men and once they get their first taste, there is no stopping them.

      Do you notice them actively support each other and celebrate each others victories over men?

  10. The physical defeat of a male by a Female is a thrill for males because it represents the triumph of the best part of the human species over the lesser part.It's natural for males to support and empower Females over males because we innately know that's whats best for the future of our species. The only reason all males aren't able to do this is due to patriarchal brainwashing.

    Patriarchal brainwashing happens because there is a percentage of males who — due to the inherent male instability — cannot accept their place and must do everything they can to squelch the superior sex. Over time this effort has become less and less successful, and more males are rediscovering our natural appreciation of the power of our superiors.

  11. I feel a bit sorry for the brother, cause losing to a girl is one thing, losing to your sister (younger, too) is another. A loss against a family member will hunt you forever, since her presence will forever reminds you. Also, I hope the picture is exposed, as a proof of his conquered manhood. Lovely story by the way, thank you for telling us.

  12. Thank you Xaan for reporting my story. You made me a wonderful surprise :) I really appreciate it, as the other posters who were confident about my ability :) Yes, it was a great experience to me, altough it happened many years ago

    The "sister"

    1. Any other female superiority validating experiences since then? How'd you relationship with your brother go from there?

    2. Hi. Experiences? Well...In the dojo, of course. And then with an ex-boyfriend who asked me to grapple. But this one was not really competitive. :)
      My brother at first was really humbled and tried to hide it, but he stopped training after that episode. Now we are in a better relationship, although the power balance in our relationship totally shifted at my side :)

    3. A shame to hear he stopped training. Just because he can't defeat women doesn't mean he can't be a good make judo praticioner

    4. You are most welcome and thank you for sharing it with me...

  13. Ok, this blog post has been forwarded to my whatsapp chat of the dojo, seems that it's making a lot of outcry. Seems that the person who forwarded this post knows well at least one of the protagonists of this story (which is a one hundred percent true account, by the way).
    I have to say that I am a woman, I consider myself a feminist, but I cannot understand the glorification of a similar attitude. It's right for a girl to show her value on the mat and so challenging and tapping out her older brother fueled by male ego was not wrong, but I really cannot justify their mother's reaction. Taking a picture? We are talking about a figure who should have the role of educator inside the family. Does emasculation counts as education? I don't really think so. I understand the girl, who was provoked and who was just a little more than kid at the time, but the mother has no excuses. So I would like to ask to the owner of this blog what there is to love so much about this story? I'd say that too many radical feminists tend to confuse empowerment with misandry.
    Ps: a true champion doesn't need to humiliate or rage on the beaten opponent; this is not the spirit of martial arts.

    1. Well, perhaps you could tell us what is the nature of this "outcry"? I mean, who is crying and about what exactly?

      What on earth is wrong with the mother taking a photograph of the event?

      I think the mother acted perfectly in her role as "educator inside the family" A very important lesson was learned that day, by both siblings. What makes you think it was "emasculation"?

      The girls was 16 years old and knew exactly what she was doing. The mother has no excuses for what exactly? You make lots of accusations, but where is your reasoning?

      I love everything about the story - what's not to love?

      I'd say too many protagonists of patriarchy are actually women who consider themselves "feminists" albeit unwittingly.

      This contest wasn't about the "spirit of the martial art" and has nothing to do with being a "champion" either...

    2. Every time a so called feminist gets triggered for reading that a sexist man gets his ass handed to him I can't do anything but laugh. My brother deserved that treatment and I am not sorry.
      Oh, Xaan knows all the details and I can swear that she avoided some details to make look the female revenge a bit softer ��his humiliation was much worse than that!

      The sister

    3. we'd love to know more of those details

  14. So, taking a picture of your daughter standing on your son with a foot pressed on his throat is not emasculation? Is that education? What did they do of the photo?
    I don't think that punishment has something to do with feminism. So what I have to do to be considered a true feminist? Be happy to read about every male who is humiliated?
    The brother already had his punishment, losing the match.
    And someone up there wonder why he left the training? Boys are fueled in their egos by patriarchy, but the motto "hit one to educate 100 of them" never worked for me. My 2 cents, again.

    1. How can we know for sure it was a"punishment" for the brother? How do we know he didn't enjoy the outcome of the match? Or that he didn't taunt his sister with the full intent of giving her reason to humble him? There's just too much we can't know as outsiders to the situation

    2. No, not necessarily. She is just celebrating her win, remember he had taunted and bullied her beforehand - you're fine with that I suppose? Btw, what is the female equivalent of "emasculation"? What would it have been if he'd won and done a victory pose?

      I agree feminism isn't about punishment, but I'm certainly not going to criticise any girl who celebrates when she achieves something she's been told her whole life is impossible, especially if it's at the expense of a male ego. You can if you like, but you can't be a true feminist and shill for the patriarchy at the same time.

      If you are a true feminist you should probably be less concerned with stroking and preserving the destructive male ego and give a bit more encouragement to your sisters who crush them...

    3. At first I would indeed say that a mother shouldn't take sides and love her children equally but that said, there is so much we don't know about what led up to this match. We are just outsiders and can only speculate. What I read here is that according to the "sister", he deserved what happened to him. If that is true then he must have done quite a lot in the past that triggered her to retaliate. Maybe the mother was also powerless to stop his behavior and therefore was happy to see that her daughter took matters in her own hand. But then again, that's only speculation from my part.

  15. Tasslehoff, this has nothing to do with motherly love, believe me :)
    He is loved as I am

    The sister

    1. Did the incident affect his relationship with his mother if even temporarily? Did he eventually come to understand or appreciate what she did? is the mother also a believer of female superiority either before or after the fight? Did the brother's attitude towards women change?

    2. In the first times yes, the relationship was affected by the incident because I managed a way to force him to face the proofs of his defeat anyday since that day on. I don't think that he ever "appreciated" the results, but he learned to cope with that. Yes, his attitude toward women definitely changed.

      The sister

    3. Maybe in time he'll be able appreciate the opportunity he had to be made aware of his own inferiority under the superior sex.

    4. I think it's a great accomplishment that you were able to defeat your older brother after only two years of training. You must be really talented and I think it's great what you did. There wasn't that many information in the article but was it really true that your mother showed favouritism towards you over her son? and that he quit judo because you defeated him?

    5. Hi tasslehoff :) thanks for your kind words. Our mother was happy that I have won the match, but that doesn't mean she loved us in a different way. He simply deserved a lesson for being too cocky and for not valuing women as we deserved. He didn't stop immediately after the match, his presences in the dojo became thinner and thinner...A year later he definitely gave up his training.

  16. And you? are you still into judo? do you still train? If you do you probably beat most of the boys at the dojo.

    1. Hi, yes, I still train but years ago after gaining my black belt in judo I switched to Brazilian jiu-jitsu and do crossfit, too. This match with my brother happened many years ago, I am almost 30 now :)

    2. wow, very good. I think it's important to be able to defend yourself. If you are now a black belt in judo and also an expert in Brazilian jiu-jitsu then you probably are more than able to defend yourself. And being strong from crossfit probably also helps a lot too. Thank you for sharing your experience, I think it's great what you did as a young girl.

    3. I strongly disagree with the "emasculation" concept. Once upon a time in combat (gladiators, but even many centuries after) the winners were allowed to celebrate their victory over their beaten opponents as they wished. Foot on chest was a classic, or even taking a trophy from the loser as a memento of the battle, so I really don't see why this girl shouldn't press her foot on her brother's throat as a display of superiority. For me, once you have won, you have the right to celebrate in the way you prefer. It's a shame that politically correct and a naive concept of sportmanship spoils this, because it would be cool to see these celebrations in official competitions. I would like to ask to the blog owner if she agrees with me on that.
      I know that for the loser may be worse, but the fight happens even to amuse the crowd, and the crowd often wants to see the loser humiliated. That's the real nature of fighting contests. This is something that almost nobody admits anymore, but it's true. So I say kudos for the girl for her achievement, victory pose included.

    4. Exactly right Margaret! I particularly dislike the cynical use of the term "emasculation" in this case in an attempt to diminish and smear the girl's victory. If she had been male and beaten the older brother, nobody would describe the older brother as having been "emasculated". Apparently you only stop being a man if your conquerer is female - ridiculous!

      My other problem is this: What is the female equivalent of "emasculation"?? I mean, what if the older brother had won and done some kind of victory pose - what would that have been? The fact is that there is no word for females being physically humiliated, certainly not in common use and sadly, it's because physical humiliation of females by males is considered so "normal"...

    5. Yes, true Xaan! Plus, I noticed that, as a proof of the fact that the crowd wants to see the loser humiliated, the matches that ed with a very humiliating submission are the ones enjoyed the most by the audience. For example, spladle submission (banana split) or crucifix submission. I am talking about male vs male contests, which I have assisted in person. The crowd literally explodes when the loser lose badly. So I guess we may have made some steps forward in technology but our animal instinct - when it comes to fighting contests - it is the same of the romans in the colosseum. We simply have to accept this and allow victory poses in official matches too, a foot on chest/throat/face is like saying "I beat you, you are my prey". Implicit aspects of the outcome of a fight, but this politically correct society is too hypocrite to make them come at surface.

    6. Noisy people are not the best examples of humanity.

    7. The concept of "Emasculation" has the underlying connotation, that men are the "stronger gender", and so, when we are defeated by women, we are losing not only the fight,but also our masculinity. This stereotype is deep in our male mind and the female victory pose over our body is also a great symbol for crushing this myth, the ultimate humiliation for us men. I think most of the women know this very well, and I could imagine the girl celebrated her victory pose not only for her and her mom's pleasure but also as a demonstration of the triumph of female power over male weakness.

    8. Axel, That's a very apt description of 'emasculation' and the mythology surrounding it. Indeed the entire mythos of patriarchy is built upon the false notion of male superiority, especially in physical power. For a male to be defeated physically by a Female is therefore the ultimate emasculation. All the more reason for Women to proceed emasculating males.

  17. I think what most people mean when they use the word "emasculation" is the subversion of the supposed male superiority and the unbareable sense of humiliation the male loser feels after that illusion of superiority collapses when confromtred with the reality of actual female superiority.

    1. Thank you. You could call me a female supremacist.

  18. Any body notice through stuff like twitter and facebook profiles just how many women seem to be about now who lift weights, don't take no shit from any one and are generally really forward and dominant ?.

    Has any one also notice just how big and powerful many younger women are looking ?. Seen lots recently who have very detailed and strong looking upper body's, but still look like women...but wow there thighs are insane looking. Huge, powerful and if they ever got any male stuck between them, the male would KOed very quickly. We all know women's thighs are one of there strongest parts of there body, but now with access to modern training methods, diet and an even chance of competing and training with and against men....there quickly surpassing us.

    Where will it end up ?, in my view women are far outpacing men in society especially in the west. They will likely dominate most areas like work, leadership etc in the next decades....and thus will be in a far better position to advance there own chances of pushing on, as they will be the ones having the final say.

    Can easily in the not to distance future see women taking over most mainstream sports, out performing males in running and the like, and breaking our records. Male running is at a peak, women have still a long way to go.

    Amazing times, and seeing so many feminine female powerhouses around right now, is both humbling and quite scary for us men. We know we have been pretty awful with how we haver treated women through history, looks like there gonna have the final say.

    Women beating and forcing males to submit in wrestling and mixed fighting is fast coming, in about 2-3 decades it will not be seen as unusual, apart from us being taller and heavier, we have no other advantage left.....

    1. Yup, it's happening dude. Men are going to be in a very bad position one day soon. Women are taking up things like cross-fit and combat sports in greater numbers and this is not just to keep a slim figure to please their boyfriends, oh no, women are seeking to compete directly with men and they are preparing for dominance and they are rightly being encouraged by blogs like this. You're right, female thigh power is already insane. Most girls have thighs like body builders to start with. All they have to do is learn how to use them, train their upper bodies a bit and they will be more than a match for any man, no matter how tall or heavy he is. I can well imagine armies of trained girls totally crushing armies of men. The New Amazon Nation will be a reality one day and I can't wait!! Suze

    2. Men are not even taller and heavier anymore. Men have a harder time building muscle, so equally trained women get heavier on the scales. Training from early ages also assists in height, so girls who get to take up sports early (and keep the pace up through puberty instead of quitting) end up taller than lazy girls. I know height mostly depends on genetics, but early age training helps somewhat increase physical growth rate.

    3. Charles even us little gals are powerful ��
      Yes Suze!! I have been training Krav Maga 3 years now and never felt so confident and been so toned! I’m exploring a dominant assertive side to me that I never knew existed before. I’ve also been practising my scissors like in the instructions on this blog, I now scissor over 20 stone/130kg (max out on my scales). If I get a man between my thighs, he is dead meat ��
      Well Anon I’m 5ft but was always very active in gymnastics and dance, so go figure! Yes my parents were small and poor eating habits probably didn’t help either, but you don’t have to be bigger than men to be an Amazon!!! Yes, I wish I was taller, I’m never going to physically intimidate a man even in high heeled boots and my black 2-piece Amazon outfit. I am very toned though and deceptively strong for my size and can kick most men’s ass. Short Amazon Girl Power! ��
      Big Love Suze,
      Bexi ❤️

    4. Wonderful stuff Bexi...don't underestimate how easily men can get intimidated when confronted with an Amazon in high heeled boots. I used to have a friend called Melissa, she was about your height and had very muscular gymnasts legs, which she knew just how t show off with her outfits - men were very scared of her! lol

    5. Thanks Xaan, I do love the Amazon look, I have 3 different pairs of boots my 2 piece outfit (more to come) plus some mini skirts and crop tops all in black and black finger and toe nails 2 lol. I would never have dared wearing those clothes a couple of years ago because I was so conscious of and unhappy with my body. Plus, I used to think they would make me feel vulnerable and a target for men. But now I love rocking them, and feel far from vulnerable, partly because I workout hard now and feel fit healthy and know how to fight, when I’m in my Amazon apparel I feel strong powerful in control sexy (in a good way on my empowered terms and not trashy) and invincible it’s like I know I can take on and beat men. It’s amazing the change in mood clothes you feel confident and comfortable in puts you! I almost want to go out and fight men just for the sake of it lol I’ve not noticed men be intimidated by me but I don’t know, maybe they are. They should be ��
      Big Love
      Bexi ❤️

    6. Hey Bexi, me too, it's a look that literally screams power and has men drooling or quaking in their shoes. The best thing is you can put on an Amazon outfit, slip on a little black dress over the top and / or a leather biker jacket and go out on the town. I know exactly what you mean about the feeling...As an Amazon you make the journey from vulnerability to invincibility and it sounds like you've arrived and understand the importance of the combination of fitness and attire and the psychological affect it has on yourself and others. This is so heart-warming to read. I'm sure there is some dude out there who is going to cross you and suffer the consequences soon...DM me for wardrobe tips if you like?

    7. Thanks Xaan yes the power/confidence rush is addisitve (to me anyway)it actually makes me happy in my own skin! Am I bad for actually kinda wanting a dude to cross me and suffer the consequences? �� �� �� I would love to see on this blog more Amazon girlie fashion ideas and recommendations, Amazon (not main stream) health and beauty along with man beating ��
      Big Big Love
      Bexi ❤️

    8. Hey Bexi. Actually you can conceal an Amazon outfit in many ways. The important thing is that you know you are wearing it and get the feeling f confidence and sexiness that goes with it. Would love to share Amazon outfit ideas on here but Blogger is not a very interactive platform and you can't even include photos in the comments. We did have a channel on Discord for a while which worked well before I had to shut it down - but maybe I will do a post on outfits. Yes, "girlie" is a very important concept to retain in Amazon fashion.

      As for the question of are you "bad" for wanting a dude to cross you so you can make him suffer the consequences? Well, some might say so.... but I definitely wouldn't!! It's perfectly natural for an Amazon to have a strong desire to test herself against a male in combat, it's what drives most of us. Just make sure you are ready when you make that decision...

    9. Hi Xaan, these are examples of the sort of clothes I like wearing,
      Are these ok for an Amazon, especially a shortass like me? Xx
      Do you think they would be practical, should I wait a bit until I know for sure I can beat a man up and stop wearing the more revealing ones outside? Would really love your input, I still sometimes suffer from self doubt ☹
      I would really love your input, I so want to get it right ��
      Big Love
      Bexi ❤️

    10. Some fantastic stuff there Bexi. I will do another post about attire soon and include some of these - there was also a cool biker jacket on that last link...the type of modern day Amazon attire that I advocate tends to be practical by virtue of its skimpiness allowing complete freedom of movement. The skimpiness of course means that it is sexy too. I tend to adhere to a few basic principles avoiding excess. For example boots should never have platform soles and heels should be stiletto and no more than 3 inches high. Black predominates but I do like to mix things up and chuck in something random. Have you seen the post about attire? maybe it would be better to have this convo on that post?

      I think you've got to wear whatever you are comfortable in at the time and this can change by the day or even by the hour. As for selecting your male prey? It all depends - do you train with any guys? are you used to the physical contact, sparring etc? In my experience if a girls challenges a guy, it's because she knows she can beat him and it usually proves to be the case. You could always date a real wimpy guy and use him for practice?

    11. Shorter people have less chance for a bodytype that favours grip strength, but less chance isn't always zero chance. As for attire, I agree that we must wear what we want to. Men want to dictate what we wear, but they have no right to do so.

    12. Indeed, but I think that being shorter has lots of advantages in a fight, especially when it goes to ground. Those shorter female arms and legs are usually supercharged with power and can be used more efficiently and to devastating effect on a taller male...

    13. Xaan I agree. There are so many verified accounts and video evidence of situations where smaller females have made a mockery of so called big macho male power, we are seeing this with our own eyes, particularly in the us wrestling such as that 7 grade girl’s annihilation of a bigger older man in the comments below (that really was a brutal one-sided beating of a champion wrestler 18 year old man!). We can also use our very own and much loved (as shown by the overwhelming support and positive comments she has received) ‘sister’ and the play by play of how she established the title of ‘thug animal’ to her critics or ‘highly capable female man-beater‘ – Amazon to the rest of us. She took the fight to the ground on her terms not his using her gymnastics and from then on there was only ever going to be one outcome – male destruction!

      The question is, what makes girls so deadly as fighters whether on feet or on the floor, and why are small girls still above men on the food chain of ground fighting? It all comes down to bodyshape and anatomy. As the commentator above says a smaller person has a grip strength disadvantage but still all too often you see larger men get overpowered in a clinch by a girl especially when it goes to the ground. This is simple mechanics and anatomy. Girls get better leverage because of the female physique; the hour glass shape, wider hips gives better balance, a better base, better ground pressure and the ability to generate greater force from limb length ration and joint angles (scissors are a particular well documented example, Bexi indeed is capable of generating man killing scissor forces of over 130Kg - brilliant Bexi!) because of this smaller girls will always have the natural physical advantage over larger men in grappling (and thus fighting). Time and time again we see girls make men look like fish out of water because men’s builds put them at a distinct disadvantage. Men come up with all sorts of reasons as to why they are losing quite spectacularly, but they need to get over it smaller girls will always have the natural advantage over men on the ground.

      Bexi, for the above reasons I strongly recommend you learn BJJ or some sort on no-gi submission wrestling to compliment your Krav Maga, do not be complacent with you scissor score ability on bathroom scales. If a big stone man gets you on your back in side control or grapevine I doubt you will be able to bench press him of you. There are simple ways of course for a girl to resolve this situation which are easily learnt and executed, but you need to learn them and drill them which is something (I don’t believe) Krav Mage can give you. Good luck on your Amazon journey, great clothes and sense of style girlie! :)

    14. A smaller girl beats the man at grip strength because girl, not because smaller. A taller woman is still a woman and can develop grip strength levels that cause freaking HORROR. Shorter heights most commonly favour agility instead of grip strength. The thing is, a taller woman is still very likely to be more agile than a shorter man. Short or tall, we are tons more capable than men. Let's unite under this.

  19. Maybe I am wrong, but honestly it lools more like a revenge fantasy by a girl who has been bullied by her older brother.....

    1. supposedly there is photographic evidence of it happening

    2. And yes, there is photographic evidence, but it won't be published here out of respect to the brother...

  20. So, which evidence are you talking about? Did you see that picture of the victory pose?? Just asking.....

    1. I don't need to see a photograph to be convinced. It is a perfectly plausible account and I have interviewed the mother...

    2. Hi Xaan, will the interview be published on the blog? We would love to read it. Thanks.

  21. Very cool of the mother to let herself be interviewed by you. If she allowed that, she must support or have sympathy for the cause of the new amazons.

  22. I think that reading the interview would be very interesting. We are curious to read the thoughts of a mother who witnessed the destruction of her older son by her younger, superior Daughter. Especially if she enjoyed it.

    1. Ok. I need to protect anonymity but I'm sure I can publish a slightly edited version...

    2. Update: After further review I have decided that it would be a breach of confidentiality to publish the interview, even an edited form, so unfortunately I won't be able to. Sorry everyone...

    3. That is disappointing, but understandable

  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc_0KY97XdY

    Just look at her powerful body, and the speed and agility and control she has...this is the start fellas, women will dominate.

    1. Imagine what she could do to any man with those thighs.

  24. Why did the last reply get deleted? don't like having opposition that can be easily dismissed?

    1. It could have been easily dismissed, but it wasn't relevant to the thread...It would have been better on one of the threads that are specifically about wrestling...

    2. That was my post and I had the same thought after I posted it here hah. Can you at least tell me which part could be easily dismissed, or should I just repost it in another thread?

    3. right, the comment should be buried in one of those old threads people are less likely to see than the new ones.
      People make comments irrelevant to the threads all the time and they stay, so don't even try that with me.

    4. Well if you were to re-post it on the thread called "US girls wrestling - Some interesting statistics" You might just see some of the evidence to the contrary. As I recall, your comment was big on qualification, big on opinion, but didn't have much in the way of corroborating evidence and posters there might be more interested to take issue with your assertions. Btw, people get alerts if you respond to their comments, so don't worry about it being "buried"...

    5. The opinions expressed were formed from 20+ years of first hand experience in one of the best wrestling states. The evidence you are suggesting is not only a few years old, but also is nearly impossible to interpret due to the format. It has no source and since different states vary drastically in both quality and participation, it does not represent the U.S. as a whole. I understand you don't care about the truth of the situation, but the reality is just as awe inspiring. I was at the first girls state tournament in ohio this year and for the first time I felt out of place at a wrestling tournament... and I loved it! I was moved to tears as the 250+ girls posed on the mat for a picture were met with a standing ovation. They were exited and proud. Not because they were dominating the guys, but because it was theirs. They felt like they were blazing the trail for future girls to compete comfortably in a great sport. And I think that is awesome.


    6. It's hardly surprising that opinions based on experience of 20 + years ago don't take account of the relatively recent rise of female wrestling and the phenomenal performance of girls when facing boys on the mat. The source for the aforementioned article is clearly given on a subsequent post on the thread dated 21st October. Have you actually read it?

    7. 20 years of experience doesn't mean experience from 20 years ago
      Stop twisting his words into something else

    8. Well it must do in part, otherwise why try and make a virtue of it? I'm not "twisting" anyone's words, just pointing out that things are changing rapidly. Girls are smashing the boys and are naturally superior fighters - get over it!

    9. I don't have to get over anything. I'm loving it.

  25. Of course the brother deserved a lesson, yet, being defeated by a younger sister in front of the mother is something that probably will affect his life forever, so I have a bit of sympathy for him. But she did great anyway, and should be proud of herself and her achievement!

  26. Even if you don't want to post the interview to the mother, could you at least give us a summary?
    Thank you

  27. Sorry for the long post, but this is an interesting thought provoking article on a topic that for sure warrants discussing, but while I fully agree with the sentiment, and for a lot of points you are absolutely correct e.g “females make far more effective teams because women have a natural tendency to look out for each other, whereas men (in an all-male situation) have a natural tendency to look out for themselves as individuals. I believe it is this fundamental difference that is the foundation for a successful female dominated society” this is totes spot on as is what you say about girls wrestling, I do however have conflicting opinions on parts this article. I feel the Amazon movement whilst smashing patriarchal oppression and concepts by demonstrating that men are the weaker sex, we shouldn’t forget the nurturing aspect of the feminine divine. Amazon feminism should be about fair equal rights (not to be confused with equality), it is a clichΓ© but I think all moms will agree all genders matter. Yes, absolutely you are correct in espousing and congratulating gender loyalty amongst girl wrestlers who for many years have (and still do) had to fight both on and off the mat to get recognition. I can’t emphasize enough how it feels me with so much pride to see the lessons in female power our girls have imposed onto males. Even now, in order to wrestle many girls still have to be on boy’s teams and so are there to primarily wrestle against boys. A lot of girls take up wrestling only to fight against boys in competition like the girl at 0.50s in here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_8hqDz2Ua0
    Quite openly she says "I want to beat boys up, I like it … being able to take a boy down and make him cry, that's the best feeling ever" and hell yeah they said girls can’t wrestle yet as we can see the boys are getting completely outmatched and it’s fantastic! Unless you are a guy, where I guess due to out dated notions of dainty femininity, losing to girls is bad enough made even worse when they know girls get a kick out of a small degree of hazing and humiliating them. Not to mention more and more girls (justifiably imo) have this attitude. Even junior girls compete against and beat the best senior boys and men! The best example (though of course there are many to choose from) of this irrefutable girl power is probably from last year when a 7th grade girl in her first junior varsity match went up against not only a senior boy, but a grad year 18 year old young man who was the most decorated wrestler on his team just before this match he won silver placing second in the regional championships and had earnt a wrestling scholarship for college. Effectively one of the top most experienced male wrestlers in the country vs a 12-year-old novice girl who actually went up a weight class to wrestle him. Before the match he was laughing at her bragging she had no chance and that he would eat his varsity jacket if she beat him. Unfortunately for him, as experienced as he was, this was his first ever match against a girl and he totally underestimated her. Not only that, she may have just been a kid, but he got her riled! What followed was perhaps one of the most savage one-sided beat downs you will ever see on the wrestling mat. She girl handled him from the first whistle, giggling the whole time – she was having a ball! At parts she is one handed overpowering both his arms – he tries desperately to push her off with both hands but holds them down with 1 hand. She racked up a huge 7-0 lead before ending his misery with a pin. A fantastic demonstration of girl power. This is the match here;

    1. Thanks for the links - most interesting. I may post the match clip just to show that girls as young as 12 can beat full grown men - shame there is no sound.

      To answer your points, I would say that the Amazon movement should be about taking control rather than any notions of equality. I don't think you can reverse centuries of unfairness by being fair, at least not initially. I know many girls find this a difficult concept to deal with, because most feel that the only way to be righteous, is to maintain the moral high-ground, whereas I believe we should do whatever is necessary to achieve our aims first, concern about morals will only thwart our progress. Of course the male gender matters. Males are necessary for the New Amazon Nation to exist - just that they need to be in the right roles and serve the correct purposes. The nurturing aspect is indeed innate for females and the New Amazon Nation would not mean an end to this...

  28. Post continued: He actually got matched against and lost to a further 3 girls before the end of the season – a male champion got flattened by 4 girls one after the other! But what is a shame is that somehow this is considered a poor reflection on his wrestling alone and not just his gender’s! His team ostracized him, people stopped talking to him and went from respecting his wrestling skill to abusing him for loosing to a girl, ignoring the fact that he has beaten just about every dude out there on his circuit, none of his team mates or coaches even would have stood a chance either! So in a way the way his peered have treated him after the match is highly insulting to the girls who beat him too! You have to feel sorry about our culture, the boys these girls are beating up are still the babies of moms!
    And this is what brings me to comment how I do on the other part of your article. I think the brother is the victim here. The brother is an unappreciated young man full of testosterone and emotions probably cuckholded by the strong females in the house hold, while the daughter has been spoiled by the unbalanced attention of her mom. It seems to me that the favoritism of the mom to her daughter has possibly resulted in princess syndrome in the younger daughter and a feeling of alienation and worthlessness in the son. All genders matter and a mom should love all her children equally. A spoilt princess, even if she is an Amazon, is in danger of becoming an egotistical narcist that demands all the attention. Modern girl Gymnasts have evolved from being small and petite into demolition balls of muscle with immense physical power. Add to that lb for lb Female muscles are stronger than men’s, and females naturally have better reflexes, better balance and agility. Put all this into a hormonal teenage girl with princess sickness and you have a very dangerous individual a bona fide man-beater who can physically outmatch even a young buck judo expert.
    When the champion gymnast sister, her mother’s fav turned round and said she was now going to do the brothers thing, his only outlet, Judo, is it not to be expected that he get funny about it and dissed her? Maybe he body shamed the muscular curves of his gymnast sister (who may well have had to cope with this a lot granted since old school gymnastic critics often shame the girls saying it is embarrassing hoe big they have become) , but I think in this case this is the reaction from an ignored child. Clearly his dojo think he was mis treated by his sister (yes one of their black belts getting a one sided beating by a school girl makes them look bad due to societal misconceptions, but she took his belt of him and stood on his throat, that is definitely not the spirit of martial arts or even a justifiable demonstration of girl power like we see in proper organized tournaments, more of a stitch up instigated by the mom (who would have been well aware of which one of her kids is the best athlete and more physically capable). Sorry to say an Amazon is wrong, but in this case the brother needed lifting up not beating down. Sometimes not showing female supremacy and letting males win to make them feel better is justified. I think not in legitimate wrestling competition but in this case I do.
    Sorry for the long-winded narration but I think it needs saying. xx

    1. Hi I disagree with your interpretation of the brother/sister situation! I guess we wont know unless the interview with the mother is published, but the son sounds like a meat head who if he bullied his sister bullied his mum as well. What I see is what looks like a single mum probably terrified and intimidated by her son. You can’t just assume the sister has princess syndrome just because she has won all the trophies and is clearly the more talented of the siblings! Nor can you assume just because she is a gymnast she is built! I did gymnastics for 10 years and am 5 foot nothing and used to feel fat at 8 stone!
      I have nothing but respect and admiration for the sister and how she handled an aggressive bully, standing up for herself and her mum. It strikes a particular chord for me because when I was 16 I had no self-esteem, an eating disorder and was dating a 19 year old boy who was narcissistic manipulative gas lighter and abusive (something the sister clearly isn’t!) with a big time scary temper if I did something he didn’t like. There was a few times I really thought this was it! I would have loved to be able to do to him what the sister did in this article he absolutely terrified me. *GUSHY WARNING* It was at this time I discovered this blog and used to secretly lurk and read it. It made me realise we don’t have to just cry about our lot and accept being victims. This blog gave me the confidence and mental mindset of an Amazon, I found the strength to walk away from him even though I was petrified of what he might do if I bumped into him. I have taken up Krav Maga with a woman instructor (important) and 3 years later, while still a practitioner, I have never felt so strong, confident and healthy. I have beat my anorexia and more importantly I know if I see him again I can and WILL kick his ass! Gender loyalty is important in all situations what the sister did with the encouragement of her mum is amazing! I have no sympathy for that arrogant champion wrestler either, he got the beat down from a girl he deserved, and if she can do it to bog so-called *tough* men, so can lil ole me ��
      Big Love to the sister and all the girl wrestlers beating the boys X
      Bexi ❤️

    2. I think that if the mother acted this way, the brother probably deserved a lesson. We should ask Xaan, who interviewed the mother about the match. Even if she doesn't want to post the interview she could tell us the impressions she had about the issue. We all know how cocky and mean guys can get especially in some occasions. I can't be 100% sure, but the sister had probably good reasons to punish him. Of course, since he was humiliated so badly by a 16 y.o. kid, it's human to feel sympathy for him. But a defeat, for how bad can be, doesn't turn a guilty man into an innocent. But, like I said, only Xaan can answer this.

    3. At this point, asking the mother the permission to publish the interview would be cool

    4. The mother has agreed to allow the interview to be published. I'm not sure if this also includes the photo.

      From reading the discussion though even without the interview it seems clear that the mother acted for the best of both siblings. What is sad I find is the vitriol the dojo has spat out to the sister for the 'crime' of beating one of their top men, even given that his slaughter may understanably have dented their pride, the true spirit of martial arts should be to congratulate the sister on what she accomplished, rather than hares her and call her names, she is after all just a school girl. The brother instead of making excuses should also be grateful for the lesson ha has received and the opportunity to develop onto a better judoka and thus human being

    5. Sure, working on an edited version that will protect identities etc.

      TBH I think the comments purporting to be from the brother's dojo were probably fake. I mean, they didn't appear to be aware how long ago the incident happened or that the brother had quit Judo...

  29. Wow, thanks for the comments girls! Firstly, please don't apologise for long posts...I often despair at the lack of discussion on this blog, so it is a real treat to see some intelligent discussion occurring between Amazons. There is a lot to un-pack here, but I would like to respond to a few points..in no particular order.

    I did interview the mother, but she was not keen on having the interview published and I have to respect that. What I can say though is that there is no question in my mind that this mother loved both of her children equally. The apparent "favouritism" in this particular situation had nothing to do with to do with differing degrees of love. As I explained myself, if my son (who I love more than anything) was up against a girl on the mat, I would be rooting for the girl - a probable stranger that I have no love for. So it isn't about love for the individual.

    I detected absolutely no evidence of a princess syndrome in the girl, on the contrary my impression was of a healthy family environment with a great deal of respect and love between the siblings. I think it was a simple case of male arrogance and conceit coming up against female enlightenment and determination.

    I was most interested in how the mother was so sure her daughter would win the challenge, which on paper looked hopeless for her. She said that there were 2 main reasons. Firstly, she understood that as a gymnast, her daughter's physical conditioning was far superior to that of the older son's, despite him being no slouch. And secondly that she knew the daughter was far more intelligent, with a very high IQ. It would appear that IQ plays a big part in physical domination - interesting!

    I guess it is natural to feel sympathy for the brother, but to my mind this is a compulsion we really have to learn to overcome if we are to advance. Our capacity for empathy and sympathy is something that men cynically use against us. So I would urge you to resist the temptation to feel sorry for the brother. I believe he deserved what he got due to his arrogant and bullying attitude, but even if he hadn't been a bully, I would still have no problem with it. Put simply, any time a female proves her physical superiority over a male, even if it is only to satisfy her curiosity, it is still a positive thing in my book.

    1. So, the girl was not only the best athlete but even the more intelligent sibling. So she beat him both in the brain and the body. How humiliating!

    2. I just wanted to add that it isn't strange at all that iq has a great part of importance when we talk about fighting. Never heard of fight iq?? It's something studied. A quick search on Google could help ��

    3. Yep, complete superiority! Re IQ, I said it was interesting rather than "strange". Plus I'm not sure that General IQ and "Fight IQ" are necessarily the same thing. I mean I can imagine that there are many professors with high IQs that aren't any good at fighting, similarly many people with low IQs that are....

    4. True, they are not the same thing but they are related. Of course, an extremely intelligent person which never had a fight couldn't have a great fight iq point...but if an intelligent person learns the proper techniques, she could use it better than a less intelligent person. Returning to the sibling rivalry: complete superiority, indeed! I wonder if the defeated brother ever learned to get over his sister's total, complete victory over him, or if he still whines and feel a loser. Great story anyway, inspiring and exciting, thank you for telling us :) what this 16 yo gymnast achieved is something epic :)

    5. Thank you Xaan for the clarification. With the further information clearly I was mistaken about the family situation and my impression of the sister is probably wrong (I am sorry for my previous words I said about her if she is reading this). Indeed Bexi’s comment also alerted me to a possible situation that I hadn’t thought of. I now 100% believe Mom acted appropriately and the young sister did a good job of teaching a bully man girl power and putting him in his place. I am still concerned about the action of stripping his black belt and putting a foot on his throat. You just don’t do that! This can however be explained by youthful exuberance and inexperience in martial arts, and like a gymnast’s ‘high five’ expression of victory like her floor routine had scored a perfect ten, an understandable action a teenage girl would do over the stricken body of a man she had not only beaten but by the sounds of it destroyed. A 16-year-old me would have probably done the same if I’m honest, but mom should have stopped it.
      Like I said before I agree about legitimate competition and would also cheer on the girls over my son in a match. But at the same time worry like mad about him getting hurt. It should also stay on the mat, if the same girl, or any girl were to harass my son off the mat then they will have me to answer for! Losing to a girl teaches boys valuable lessons about us which hopefully help to make boys valuable members of a possible female led society. I still think it is a shame that amongst their peers losing to girl is seen as a poor reflection on the individual and not something to be expected because of the gender. Especially considering the frequency of female victory. But that is male egos for you.
      If you have no fight IQ you have no strategy or ability to adjust to your adversary’s attacks, strengths and weaknesses.
      I have to say a big well done to sister, you did it! The girl done good and beat up the man! He had a black belt but still she didn’t find it too difficult, girl supremacy right there! Did she actually rely on any gymnastics during the altercation? xx

    6. The sister is so cool ��‍♀‍ I wish I was a bad ass man beater like her when I was 16, I’m getting there now, only 3 years behind �� �� ��
      Big Love
      Bexi ❤️

    7. Hey no worries, it's natural to make assumptions about certain human behaviours when the picture is incomplete as in this case. I take a different view on the victory pose though. I just find it really difficult to criticise any girl for celebrating a victory of the type she has been told her whole life, through subtle and not so subtle messaging....is impossible. Actually she put her foot on his chest rather than throat - that was a misunderstanding on my part, but it makes little difference to me. I believe she earned the right to celebrate and gloat any way she pleased. I also take a different view on the Mother's involvement, I believe she allowed an important lesson to be learned by both siblings that day - intervening would have left it unresolved.

      I would worry about my son getting hurt of course, but even if he did, I would still feel it was for the greater good. As regards bullying off the mat, I too would want to intervene, but I would act very differently if his bully was a girl as opposed to a boy.

      Totally agree that boys losing to girls are getting a valuable lesson and find it infuriating that these boys are given a hard time by their peers & coaches etc. But this again illustrates the male inability to stick together as a team. It is also disrespectful to the achievements of the girls.

      Not sure if there was a specific use of gymnastics deployed by the girl in her win other than flexibility and strength - maybe she can answer if she sees these comments?

    8. Actually, I jumped him while he tried to attack my legs to take me down. I jumped him legs wide open to land at his back (toe touch jump), so he was giving me his back :)
      This is for the girl who was asking if I used any gymnastics during the fight

    9. Yes what you say makes total sense, I think in the main we are in agreement, as I said earlier a 16 year old me would probably do the same, in fact I would have probably been worse and ground him into the floor with my foot and force him to admit out loud who he was and what his fighting pedigree is and that he a budo (warrior) man was defeated by a girl and that girls rule before stuffing his black belt in his mouth lol
      But that aside knowing the work and dedication it takes to be awarded a black belt, to strip a belt of someone who has legitimately earned it is taboo. However I can see how the mom may have been totally unaware of this etiquette excusing her of why she joined in and allowed the brutal celebration of her daughters wonderful victory over chauvinism, male aggression and alpha man power. A male supremacist was humbled and rag dolled by a girl and girl power. No wonder his Dojo was left shocked! xx

    10. What a brilliant counter to his shoot!!! You effectively bust this move to both defend his attack and offensively set yourself up take his back and he had no answer for it :) https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5e/81/75/5e8175b955cb7a4b77510fd615627859.jpg
      That’s fight IQ with split second timing reflexes and plyometric power coupled with using a gymnastic manoeuvre to which he had no answer! Excellent job “sister” spectacular! xx

    11. Thank you!! Yes I had his back and went to attack him with a rear naked choke. At that point he was already done, but I slipped into a sankaku to finish him :))

    12. ^^^ Girl power right there!!! I love how you used a fundamental move from girl’s gymnastics to set up the finishing moves (you could have finished him with the rear naked but toyed with him to show you could beat him how you want when you want first) and not just defeat but totally trash not only a man in his 20’s but a male black belt in his prime….yes!!!!! Go Girl, Go Girl, Girls Rule!!!! :D

    13. Hi. Yes I could have done it, bit personally I thought that slipping into another hold after he already lost was more humiliating :) it was just to make his defeat more sign. Anyway, if you want we can continue this conversation privately. Ask Xaan my mail, her is on her profile!

    14. Sorry for butting in on the convo, I have to say a girl hitting a toe touch jump in a fight against a black belt man when he goes for her legs is pretty darn rad!!!!
      Were you smiling like the girl in the picture when you pulled the move off?
      “ https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5e/81/75/5e8175b955cb7a4b77510fd615627859.jpg “
      Did it just feel like you were on the mat doing one of your floor routines?
      Was this the point when he realised he was out classed? I bet he didn’t know what was going on! Did he panic when you took his back or try and keep fighting the best he could even though you were toying with him. Don’t mean to be rude but it’s epic what you accomplished! Did you show your school/gymnast mates the picture and tell them about it after? I love the fact that the Judo club were informed about the massacre you inflicted on him and intimidated by it as well. I am awe inspired :)

    15. Hi,thanks for your enthusiasm :) to answer your questions: some friends saw the picture, yes. Yes, he panicked when I got him from behind, and yes, the dojo new because I sent this article to a friend of mine, which knew about this, and she showed around. You can read a woman from his dojo complaining about the treatment one of their black belts had from a teenage gymnast ��

  30. And Bexi - Absolutely thrilled to hear that this blog was an inspiration to you. I 100% agree with you about height. There is no height requirement for Amazons, if there were, we would just be missing out on some of the strongest, most capable man beaters around. Well done on improving your scissor strength! That's all just so good to hear!!! Keep up the Krav Maga x

    1. Xaan you and your blog are awesome, literally changed my life and helped change me from a timid mouse into huntress �� �� I may still look like a chiuha but any man that messes will soon find out I’m a pitbull bitch �� ��
      Big Love
      Bexi ❤️

    2. Hi Bexi. Thank you for the nice words you had for me. If you want we can talk in private, I would really like to.
      Ask Xaan for my mail, she knows the address. Her is written on her profile. Have a nice evening ;)

    3. So good to hear that Bexi - this was always my aim x

    4. Hi Bexi,

      It's great to read that you found inspiration on this blog to take up krav maga. And it's great to read that you are a lot more confident now. Krav Maga is a great way to defend yourself and I think that all women should do that.

  31. Can I ask what did the mom and the sister do with that picture?

    1. I can't reveal that I'm afraid, but it is on display...

    2. Thanks Xaan. That's what I was curious to know. The fact that the picture is on display adds an incredible dose of humiliation to the brother's already painful defeat. Incredible display of female domination here.

    3. Yes, definitely the picture on display is the ultimate humiliation for the brother. I would like to congratulate with the mother and the sister for the spectacular way the established matriarchy in the family. No mercy.

  32. 'Sister' mam, I hope you don't mind, but from reading the comments and accounts I have attempted to put together a description of the match to clarrify it to the readers not familiar with the moves described so they can understand more the important aspects of what happened in the fight.
    I hope you don't mind, please feel free to correct me if I have made any mistakes.
    Humble respect Viv

    The fight starts: What he wanted to do: an aggressive hard macho powerful double leg takedown attack in an attempt to steam roll over her


    With cat like reflexes and agility you would expect from a female gymnast She evaded easily: Technique: Toe touch jump, smooth feminine graceful but with explosive power speed and agility


    This move instantly gives her dominant position and leaves the man unbalanced by his own attack and open to the counter attack – taking his back and the fight to ground whilst applying a RN choke


    He hasn’t the strength to break the choke and the fight could be finished at this moment, but she decides to finish him another way. Loosening up her grip she enables me to try an escape attempt by deliberately creating space for him to get up creating space to breath and allow the blood to recirculate to his brain. He doesn’t see the trap and she slides effortlessly pythonesque into sanuka jime the reverse triangle choke


    It’s over desperately he begs for mercy as his consciousness fades, he was completely out matched by a mere girl 6 years his younger
    Sobbing he looks up at his little sister who has him now pinned to floor with her foot on his chest held immobile by her powerful leg. A satisfied smug smile on her face he begs forgiveness pleading he will never try and bully her again


    A very notable and commendable demonstration of female power and supremacy

    1. Yes, thanks for the summary, yes it's how it went. Since you appreciate so much the achievement I would like to tell you another pair of details, but I can't do it here...

    2. Toe touch jump �� �� �� ��❤️❤️
      Dope Girl Power �� �� �� ��
      Big Love Sister
      Bexi ❤️

    3. It's an amazing feat to use the toe touch jump to counter his attack on your legs. And it's also amazing the way you handled yourself after that. Taking him in a choke hold and then finishing him with a Sankaku. It's already amazing that you are able to beat your older brother that way but him being a black belt makes it even more impressive. You can be proud.

  33. Peoples reaction (including the brother’s Dojo) from learning the Sister used an elementary move from girl’s sports as part of her sequence in the chain to overwhelm and destroy her brother in a fight is interesting.
    All this man’s years of training and dedication to, and skill in, the martial arts meant nothing, absolutely nothing, when faced with a girl who understands how to correctly apply female artistic gymnastics/cheerleading movements in a combat setting.
    Those who know the implications of the Sister’s feat and achievement, know.

    1. I agree with you. The woman from his dojo which commented here above looked absolutely histerical. Instead of being proud for the story of a strong male completely ragdolled and humiliated by a younger girl, she complained about lack of martial spirit. I suspect that her attitude only hides the frustration for understanding the truth: a young gymnast destroyed a judo black belt. It's simple: traditional martial arts mean nothing without a serious physical training. And serious physical training beats traditional martial arts. It's funny to see these black belts with big belly who never lifted weights or had any aerobic training thinking that they are dangerous just for the color of their belt. But this wonderful story of sibling rivalry shows how poor is their illusion. Of course from the histerical reaction of the woman from the brother's dojo I can guess it's not a good advertising for them.
      I would love to read an interview to the brother, girls, what do you think? :)

    2. Yeah, but I think it would be pretty short :) I actually found the supposed indignation from from the aforementioned, so called "feminist" a bit irritating and virtue-signally. This was not an official match in an official dojo, so the normal Judo etiquette simply does not apply. It was a private grudge match, held in private, so all the talk of "martial spirit" comes off as incredibly pompous in my view. That was a gender loyalty fail for sure...

    3. Yes, to be honest, challenging a rookie while you're a heavier, more experienced black belt, is not about martial spirit too. Anyway why you say the interview with the brother would be pretty short? Honestly I would like to ask him some questions. Maybe a double interview brother/sister would make a great blog post, what do you think?? :) we can at least try

    4. Ha, I'm just not sure he'd be all that keen to talk about it...The sister is happy to talk privately though. She has given her permission for me to forward you her e-mail address if you drop me a line on my personal e-mail which I think is on my profile. Maybe you could ask questions to the brother via her? - though I doubt he will be interested. If it's insights you're after from males who had their asses handed to them by females, then there are a few accounts elsewhere on the blog that are interesting or alternatively I could direct them to my long term partner - he knows a thing or two about this subject and the psychology involved?

    5. Hang on I’m a Judoka student of the Dojo you’re all talking about as well, and yes we are pissed about it. The woman you called pompous is far from it. It’s not right you are all dissing on the brother (or our Dojo). He is a hard training courteous and respected Judoka a fantastic fighter who we all look up to. He didn’t challenge her, she waited for and challenged him AFTER a gruelling Judo session. He was burnt out before the match from 2 hours of training!!!! While she was fresh and ready to go, so it was hardly a fair fight regardless of her being a school girl! Gymnastic jumps and stunts aren’t legal in Judo either so that’s just cheating anyway.
      Do you really think the outcome would be the same if he challenged her after her gymnastics class? And though I do accept his sister is an extremely talented and smart (sneaky even - waiting for when he was tired) fighter I don’t like to think she would have been able to beat him or any of our other high grade Judoka's in a fair contest. So lets just put this to bed now!

    6. “challenging a rookie while you're a heavier, more experienced black belt, is not about martial spirit too.” ---Nailed It! A teenage girl too when you’re a full grown man --- well that worked well for him didn’t it, Shame on him, no sympathy for him at all, he deserved everything he got, good on her for her amazing accomplishment, may there be more girls who follow her example!

    7. Just to be clear, it was the sister who made the challenge...

    8. To the Judoka student. As I've previously explained, you have no good reason to be "pissed about it" The last person from your dojo to complain, failed to answer my questions. I didn't't call the woman "pompous" I said that all the talk of "martial spirit" came off as pompous when applied to a private grudge match, held privately. It's not true that anyone on here is disrespecting the brother or your dojo - on the contrary, that would be counter productive if we want to make a virtue of the sister's achievement wouldn't it? I'm sure he was hard training, but as to his character, I think his sister and mother probably know that better than you, but again no-one is singling him out for criticism personally, most men are capable of being arrogant.

      He accepted the challenge despite his "gruelling" session, are you seriously suggesting that this is a relevant disadvantage against a girl 5 years younger and with only 2 years Judo experience?? As for moves that aren't "legal" surely it depends on how they were actually applied and as you weren't there, there is no way you can pass judgement on that - again, this was not an officially sanctioned match. Quite frankly, I think the fact that anyone is sore or "pissed" about this just adds to the appeal..

    9. Xaan, I am S., the mother
      I give you my permission to publish the interview at this point, hoping it will help to clarify some points.
      If you want a confirmation of my identity you can send me a mail, avoiding real names.

    10. Xaan of course it was a disadvantage, many of our sessions are so exhausting all you want to do is lie down after them. He was bullied into the match, and you making a thing about her being only 16 and 5 years younger, this is an elite level gymnast, Olympic athlete standard fitness we are talking about, picking a fight with a poor guy who may as well have just finished a marathon he would have been that tired. It wasn’t fair she really hurt him bad, she’s a cheat. The brother said the moves weren’t legal and I believe him.
      Talking about not answering questions you didn’t answer mine, do you really think the outcome would be the same if he challenged her after her gymnastics class? She wasn’t confident enough to challenge him to a fair contest was she? Acting like she is better than us and who knows maybe she could beat him or me any off the rest of us I a fair contest, but if so why would she never rise to that challenge then? I’ll tell you why because she wasn’t confident she could do it.I sure as hell I like to think we all would beat her under proper conditions
      To say that us being sore adds to the appeal says a lot about you, just because she’s a girl doesn’t stop her from being a thug, she almost killed him for crying out loud! the stuff she did that hasn’t been mentioned on here, yeah we know about it, the girls an animal!

    11. Ok, that may be so, but you can't attest to how tired he was on this occasion can you? I mean he obviously didn't feel too tired to accept the challenge did he? Or is good judgement not a part of Judo training? Could you explain how you think he was "bullied"?

      I think the age difference is an interest factor for most, although I am quite accustomed to hearing accounts of guys being defeated by much younger girls. It does happen and way more frequently than people realise.

      She did not "pick a fight" she challenged him because he had disparaged her and made fun of her efforts to become a capable fighter. How do you know she's a cheat - testimony from the loser? You do realise that that might not be too reliable?

      I won't run from your questions - yes I do believe the result would have been similar after a gymnastics class or even a judo training session because I believe the sister had greater stamina.

      I don't accept that the contest wasn't fair given the greater experience of the brother. We can assume all kinds of hypothetical situations, who would beat who....but it won't change anything. It seems this result is viewed as an affront to your entire Dojo? Hence the vitriol, which is a bit odd in my view. I'm not sure why it can't just be seen for what it is - an unofficial grudge match between two siblings? Of course readers of the blog love to hear about arrogant male egos being crushed but there is no personal animosity toward the brother - seems like a decent guy.

      I do just wonder why girls that win fights against guys are automatically labelled as "thugs"? Wasn't the aim for both to win? Are girls just expected to hold back? I don't know if you noticed but the reaction in the comments is overwhelmingly positive towards the sister and I don't think she did anything wrong. If by "animal" you mean "highly capable female man-beater" then I would agree with that metaphor and hope she wears it like a badge of honour...

    12. I’m just sitting back and eating my pop corn for this �� Everything being said to defend the brother just makes her sound MORE amazing in my eyes! Sister is awesome!!!! ��
      Is it just me or does anyone else think that all I hear from you comes across as desperate excuses as to why he got beat up by a teenage girl? You say she didn’t have the confidence to challenge in a ‘fair’ fight but you don’t sound that convinced that she wouldn’t win under your terms either lol In fact you come across as scared SCARED of her. Deep down you know she beat him square and that terrifies you cos you know if she did it to him, she can do it to you �� ��
      She’s not the bully, she challenged a macho jerk who provoked her and tried to put her down. What a tough guy NOT. And you sticking up for him makes you just as bad. I hope she goes round and sorts you next, you’d deserve it!
      The girls an animal ey? As Xaan says that just means highly capable female man-beater �� �� ��❤️
      Sister do you do requests? I have a dickhead ex needs sortin! �� �� �� ��
      Bexi ❤️

  34. Just my 2 cents: I know that younger girls defeating older guys is great to hear cause they are supposed to have less experience and to be less developed, but how about older women defeating younger men? For me it would be equally - if not more - humiliating for the jock to lose to a middle aged woman. Are there any stories?

    1. Good point! Yes in the New Amazon Nation there is no specific upper age limit for Amazons, it's up to each individual to decide when they hang up their boots. I believe that if a girl maintains a good training regimen throughout her life, she can remain a physical force to be reckoned with deep into her 50s and possibly even beyond. I'm sure there are instances of older women defeating young men in their prime out there in the world of martial arts. If anyone knows of any please let us know or e-mail me privately...

    2. Age is just a number, XX chromosones and bodies developed principally by estrogen and HGH (i.e. women) enable ridiculous lengths of functionality into old age
      An 82 year old Amazon is more than a match for any man

  35. Being labelled as "The hysterical woman from the dojo" is not funny or pleasant. I was just trying to figure out how the mother's attitude could be considered in line with the role of an educator. Regarding me not being on the women side, this is absolutely false. I am happy to recognize an athlete's achievement, and I have no problems admitting that she proved to be the better athlete. But taking a picture with him under her foot was too much. What perplexes me is the fact that even now that she's a young adult with a lot of victories in competitions, surely more important than a private match with a brother, she still feel a inner urge to revive that moment. So maybe their mother instead of calm down the competitiveness and rivalry between the two, put gasoline on fire with her attitude. Just my 2 cents.

    1. Why are we making such a big deal out of a foot being put on someone? A lot of people would find that pretty enjoyable and if they don't it couldn't have lasted that long

  36. He losing his younger sister that is a real tough situation then she has his belt as a trophy and a picture with her victory pose for him it is a losing position in his family.
    This lose can change a life(boys)or mind(men)about her masculinity.
    I am 22age and when i was 16age i losing girls in wrestling 4-5t times and it change me,yes then i interested in this blog or other the same.My point was i wrestle a girl 16age i am 16 too and she was a very strong on my level wrestle girl.She was impressive and she focused me with her eyes and i realized this fight is not normal.(in this tournement the team from the winner became price money)I will really beat her but then 9minutes i never forget then she slammed me bent me and twisted me with no breaks.
    Important thing she has break my win spirit then i was confused then i never feel to win.
    Then she spread my legs to the limit i really feel she enjoyed this then she hold me some minutes in pin position before finished and that in front of over 200 crowds!It was terrible to go shake her hands horror.
    Then i have the same as this brother then in internet it is a article about the fight and i dont want to link because my full name is there.
    They stopped the comments then it was very tough postings and all can read it and when i gave my name with wrestling in google i see my first picture then the girl has me in the very tough pinning position.
    I think it is all my live in internet.
    Some girls said me after this;Will you wrestle me or did you think you can beat me or i will submit you tough time for me.

  37. This boy has become a really tough lesson from a younger girl and his standing in familiy is losing.In moment he feel emasculating but i think the mother and the girl must be fair and give him a chance in a rematch.
    I am active mixed wrestling and always looking strong women to mess and i really losing more then i win but i am not a weak guy but i wrestle women they looking stronger or wrestling experiences.But i start as a 25age men compete a 15age girl/women a sister from a soccer teammate.
    She dominating me i can not do anything a 15age girl handle me on ground it was impressive.I feel humiliating not as real strong men.I have a second wrestling chance with her she beat me next and i must say she was a really really strong girl.This was my start to mixed wrestling sessions.I will say this boy or better 21age men must a chance to fight her sister in rematch.

  38. If the brother provokes her badly enough to get a rematch, I am sure the sister will win again. Babis

  39. Easy work!!! πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’ͺπŸ½πŸ‘ πŸ’„πŸ‘ŠπŸ½πŸ€Ό‍♂️❤️

  40. For the anonymous who posted on July 28: the mother and the sister never forbid him to ask for a rematch, but he never asked. Try to guess why. By the way the match took place more than 15 years ago so I'd say the result is done and dusted right now.
    For the woman who posted on july 19, the mother did not put gasoline over fire, she was a spectator, she would had prefer not to witness the match, but the older son wanted it, the match took place, the older brother was defeated by the younger sister, and mom and sis framed his defeat to make him remember his mistake. Period. Why such a big deal out of that?
