There are now countless examples of mixed combat situations where young men in their prime, get humbled by much younger girls. Many like to point out that girls go through a growth spurt earlier than boys which accounts for this phenomenon and that boys catch up and overtake in the late teens early 20s.
Well the sibling rivalry judo match proved that is not necessarily true and I've always thought that is a woman maintains a physical fitness regime throughout her life, there is no need to lose any of her strength. So it was great to be contacted privately by a reader who's mother had done just that and remained active in Judo well into her 50s. He told of how he had lost serious bouts to her, most recently when he was 25 years old -in his prime.
Another example of an older woman beating a younger guy was discovered by Giovanna (one of our new readers) on a social media site and she managed to conduct a short interview the woman concerned. She has given permission for me to publish the interview, which is an excellent read - Thanks so much Giovanna!
Q: First of all, let me congratulate with you for your achievement. Defeating an almost 30 years old younger man is impressive. How do you feel about that?
A: Thanks! I can't say it came as a surprise. We had several matches in the years and I always defeated my son, this time was just a bit easier, cause he gained weight and became incostant with the training. But I am a 9th dan in judo, so...
Q: I found interesting the fact that you posted the outcome on facebook. Do you think it could be seen as a further humiliation?
A: I think that exposing the losers on internet is part of the game, nothing to be ashamed of. Plus, it can be useful to show girls their potential, and even to make understand to some chauvinists that men lose against women more often that they'd like to think. I encourage girls to expose losers on social media after their victories, so others can read. After the match I told him: "I am going to post this on facebook".
Q: How did the react?
A: Well, he didn't...He knows what I think about that. He was disappointed.
Q: Did you think of taking a picture in a victory pose on him or maybe taking something as a trophy from the match? Like the girl did with her older brother on a post in this blog?
A: I think that the girl did great and I am very proud of her, but this situation was totally different. Like I said, we had several matches and I have always defeated him, so there was really no need to perform a victory pose or taking a trophy from him. I don't condemn humiliation if conceived with an educational intent, but if the guy accepts the defeat, then there is no need to rage further on him.
Q: In a hypotetical match between your son and another girl, would you root for him or for her?
A: I root for sport! If she's better than him, then I'd hope for her winning. Otherwise, I would root for him!
Q: Would you assert that women are superior to men?
A: It may sound a bit unpleasant for some readers, but in my experience I had several proofs of the fact that, yes, women are the superior sex.
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