A Sydney woman has revealed she was “asked to leave” her gym after being told her outfit was showing “so much skin”.
Gabi Goddard from Hornsby was wearing a pair of grey bike shorts and a black crop top on Friday when she said she was approached by a member of staff and asked to go home and “change” before she could continue her workout.
When she asked why, the 27-year-old was told a class of teenage schoolkids were being taught in the same fitness facility and the teacher was concerned about the “children seeing so much skin”.
Angry, Gabi shared a photo of her outfit on Instagram, stating it was a “hot day” and the gym had “no airconditioning on”.
She also shared a screenshot of the complaint she sent to the school where the teacher worked, claiming the teacher behaved “inappropriately”.
“I am horrified that your school has sway over the clothing choices (and freedom to exercise) of an independent adult woman,” Gabi wrote.
“Moreover, your school is perpetuating the values (with real life consequences) that are demonstrably harmful. Namely that we live in a world where 14-year-old boys are given priority over women. Where women are punished for boy’s and men’s propensity for objectifying women.”
Gabi went on to say that her outfit was in “no way gratuitous” and violated “no dress codes”.
“I have worn such outfits at many gyms and never had a single complaint,” she said. “It is discouraging that this particular complaint came from a person charged with moulding our next generation into well-round (sic) adults, ones who respect women and shun rape culture.”
Gabi’s letter quickly caught attention, with her post being shared by well-known feminist Clementine Ford and the Instagram page The Nasty Woman Club.
“This stuff drives me crazy, I wouldn’t want my daughter being told what to wear by a stranger,” one person wrote on Instagram.
“This is infuriating, please tell us how we can support this complaint, I am outraged,” another said.
“I’m the mother of an 11yo boy and I expect no one to change their outfit for his benefit,” someone else added.
Others said they were “mad” and branded the situation “unacceptable”.
Gabi said many asked her why the gym owner didn’t stand up for her, explaining while they “absolutely should have” she was aware the owners had “struggled during COVID” and didn’t feel comfortable saying no to the teacher as it could jeopardise the gym’s contract with the school.
She shared her letter of complaint addressed to the school where the teacher worked. Picture: Instagram/Gabi GoddardSource:Instagram
In it she expressed concern at what the complaint teaches the students. Picture: Instagram/Gabi GoddardSource:Instagram
That is so typical, there scared to see womens bodies because they know the power it has over them.
ReplyDeleteI think the fact that men are aware of that paralizing weakness is one of the things that makes them scared shitless of women. No matter how big and musclebound the man is, a tiny girl can leave him crying and quivering on the floor with a knee to his crotch.
DeleteThe only thing anyone should really be concerned about with the education of boys is that they learn to understand the importance of respecting and admiring Women. Young boys seeing a powerful female body should be told, "You see boys, that's what a powerful human being looks like! Remember that and understand that she is to be admired and honored for her power."
ReplyDeleteFrankly I don't think it was all about how much skin she was showing, but that the outfit so clearly delineated the powerful contours of her body so well. Boys can't help being in awe of the female body but the teacher should have been able to help them put their awe in perspective. The boys should have been disciplined if they couldn't keep their minds on their exercises in the presence of a superior woman.
I can understand the gym owner. It's crisis everywhere due to corona and I can understand that he made a decision based on expected income. But I totally can't understand why a schoolteacher would think that boys would find her outfit offencing. If these boys can't cope with a woman working out then the school might need to consider paying more attention to emancipation and woman's rights.
ReplyDeleteThe first thing I would advise her to do is to sue the school and the other party of that contract for interfering with her rights. If this failed, she would have the option of committing as many murders as she thought necessary for rendering that contract obsolete. Since that contract is used against her human rights, she has every right to react decisively. Crying will not defeat rape culture anyway.
ReplyDeleteI've seen women wear a lot less in gyms and nobody bats an eyelid. and why should they? Who has the right to decide what is "too much skin"? and what is the problem with skin anyway? Not to mention what women wear these days in track and field which is televised. Who can really pretend that a woman's body is offensive? Anyways, she did a good job of defending herself. Peace
ReplyDeleteShe uses good arguments, no doubt, but I don't think they'll be of any effect. The type of men to cause such a mess of an incident don't know how to listen, especially to us, so the first thing she has to do about this is to file a lawsuit. If she wins the trial there will have to be legal consequences against those assholes. If she loses the trial, she gains the right to commit any murder relevant to the matter. Just as one would say "nobody has the right to kill", nobody has the right to hand out orders to a woman. We have to fight sexism off.
DeleteWhat are some ways I can support female superiority on a societal level as a man? I have no woman in my life to serve personally, nor much of an income with which to help finance female supremacist groups. Is there still something I can do?
ReplyDeleteWrong thread this was meant for the open thread
I think the issue here is not so much the skin as the fear a strong female body puts in both boys and men.
ReplyDeleteCompletely agree. They're just afraid to admit it.
DeleteIsn't it rather unfair to presume something so big about them? If you're not even willing to give them the benefit of the doubt in the first place and presume their reasons are actually what they claim they are, then anyone else might as well discard anything you might have to say on the basis you're not admitting the truth. Stop looking down on people so much.
DeleteNo, in this case it isn't. The girl highlights very serious problems with what happened against her and is absolutely right in doing so. There is no benefit of doubt here. You look ridiculous trying to define what we are supposed to do, say or even think.
DeleteYou missed the point of what I said clearly
DeleteI won't be wasting my time with you
DeleteI actually do get your "point". It is that we don't know who those assholes are, so we "cannot judge them". Well, by their attack on the girl's right to free choice of outfit, we can. We don't need to know who they are. We know what they are. They are patrinazis. Your "point" is classic patrinazi trash. Unless you would still support them if they attacked a boy for dressing how he wants.
DeleteYeah dress codes apply to everyone
DeleteI wouldn't want a shirtless guy in my gym.
Do you have to resort to name calling people so quickly?
So you would attack both genders for dressing how they want. That makes you a dress code nazi. Well you know what, dress codes don't apply to me. There even is a gym owner who got to realise this the hard way. I presume you wouldn't like to be next, so I advise you to calm down with your "dress codes".
DeleteShe wasn't breaking any dress codes. It was all about someone trying to 'protect' boys from seeing a strong female body.
DeleteYes I can see I was wrong, I have changed my stance. Please forgive me.
DeleteDress code uniformity is commonplace in dictatorships, so I decide we don't give a flying fuck about it. Several people feel insecure with prominent musculatures around them (not that this girl is the most muscular, but she does exude a sense of strength), I get it. Insecurity however is a form of weakness, fear and an unwillingness to admit those two. I will never obey an afraid weakling that purposedly lives in denial. I wear what I like. I can even wear nothing and go rough at anyone that will dare act against this. Only I hold rights on my body and my way of life. Enough said.
DeleteThis was my first thought, when I read it. Most men have no difficulties with too much "skin of a woman", but they have really difficulties with too much strength of a woman
DeleteExactly. Can you imagine a male complaining of too much visible skin at the beach, on a cheerleader or anywhere else where women have a passive easily sexualized role as opposed to an empowered one? I've also seen males complain that women in track and field wear toom little? Of course that has nothing to do with the display of steely muscles and the extreme athletic ability they display...
DeleteSpeaking of track and field, out of the three mixed long-distance races for boys and girls of 10 and 11 I saw earlier this year, all three were won by a girl. In one of the races girls took 7 of the top 10 places, and in another one they took the top 3 places.
ReplyDeleteI noticed girls were generally speaking more ectomorphic than boys and they seemed more natural runners, gliding forward like "real" athletes, while boys tended to jerk forward huffing and puffing. I wonder if even at that age boys' muscle is less efficient and consumes more oxygen. I also live in a country where boys are 50 per cent more likely than girls to be obese or overweight, so that might be another factor. I remember a boy who was being overtaken by a girl, so he was literally blocking her way getting in the middle so she couldn't run past him, trying desperately to protect her little male ego. I thought it was a sad metaphor for a gender that refuses to admit its inferiority.
Of course, males develop much more slowly than Females, and never really fully develop, remaining in an immature state for life. So at young ages the Female advantage is at its greatest. Males do get larger and use this size difference to hide their inferiority by claiming 'bigger is better' but, as you say @femalesaresuperior, male bullying is a metaphor for the inability of the male sex (in general) to admit its inferiority.
DeleteI agree, the female superiority is overwhelming at those ages and that's why mixed competition and equal oportunities are vital at that stage, so girls become aware of their superiority and boys learn to assume and respect that superiority.
DeleteGirls seem much more eager to fight boys than the other way round, and for good reason. It used to be that boys (and men) would claim that they couldn't fight females out of "chivalry" because it was unfair to the "weaker sex". As we know, it turns out that the weaker sex isn't females at all, and now males are reluctant to go up against the superior sex out of real fear that they will lose badly. The early superiority of girls over boys can become a lifelong superiority of women over males if the playing field is level.
DeleteOf course girls are more eager. They've tasted blood and they're going for the kill. Boys on the other hand are scared. And it's not just wrestling, but also other combat sports as well as football or athletics. Wrestlign just happen to have the most symbolic power, since no other sport gives girls the opportunity to display the boy like a trophy, absolutely immobile and helpless at the mercy of his conqueror.
DeleteThe danger now is boys' parents raising a storm because their boys are being routinely humiliated by their girl rivals and trying to ban mixed sports.
It's typical of male bravado to create the illusion of strength but crumble when faced with real power. Male superiority has always been an illusion, and now that women are not afraid to shatter that illusion, males are trying desperately to use any excuse to avoid the humiliation. Wrestling is the ultimate test of physical superiority in a one-on-one battle of equally matched opponents, but when a male is up against a female of equal stature, the battle is hardly equal, and the superior sex will usually stand victorious over the defeated male.
DeleteThat's why mixed sports are so important. It's the best showcase for female superiority. A male vs a female. Same rules, same weight, same age group. Open to the public. All things equal, the female comes on top. And that's why males and their female allies (some boys' mothers mostly, although a lot of mothers put gender first in their allegiances) fear mixed sports so much. The battle for mixed sports is crucial.
Delete@gnome mage Well said! In a battle of technique, men conveniently hide behind the excuse that the woman was trained better. But even when it comes to a strength battle, as in boxing, grown men routinely get overpowered by their female counterparts. Just last month, I witnessed a 23-year old boy, with a decent physique, getting KO'd by his 20-year old girlfriend. He had to face the humiliation and forced to admit that his girlfriend did beat him in wrestling as well. The power struggle is now no longer a struggle. Women Rule!
DeleteGuys pretending to be cocky seems really funny. They talk trash and flex their inflated muscles only to be rendered speechless and humiliated by the superior female at the end.
DeleteAs far as training is concerned, I've seen even when untrained girls & guys start training in their early 20s, girls pick up the techniques faster and can apply it more effectively.
Agree with your last point though. No matter how hard the men will try, women will put them down in their place!
Even being the strongest man I know of, I haven't "caught up physically" with any of the women. We are the weaker gender, even at physical strength itself. Babis
DeleteThe male definitions of strength are unduly skewed in favor of size. They think they can intimidate women by becoming a gymrat and showing off muscles.
DeleteFemale strength on the other hand is a more balanced approach and the real definition of strength. It is thus surprising for the men when their so-called "strong" specimens are defeated by women, whereas for us, it's just an expression of our strength...
The power of the female body is something males cannot seem to ever fully understand. It seems paradoxical to the male brain that the bulky muscles men have are not superior to women's more compact musculature. We all know the male ego prevents men from seeing things as they truly are. It's one of many flaws of the inferior sex.
DeleteIt's an evolutionary puzzle why males of some species are even larger than females, when the fact is that in most species of life the female is larger and more powerful than males, often by huge margins. "Maleness" has been shown to be little more than an alteration of the primary form of the species. Even when that 'alteration' results in males being larger, it never results in the male being superior or truly stronger.
Males owe it to themselves and to Women to admit and accept their natural inferiority and celebrate the superior sex.
I know. I can prove it with numbers.
DeleteMe: height 1,85/weight 90/leg press 185
My mother: height 1,80/weight 80/bench press 190
My girlfriend: height 2,06/weight 107/bench press 260
All weights and presses are in kilograms. Babis
Oh Babis purlease
DeleteThe women’s heavy weight record (unofficial) is 240 held by Sweden’s Sandra long
Amazingly now, this is only 5.5kg short of the men’s record held by Alexander Ericsson
Considering how quick this narrowed to almost even, women are well on course to stripping men of their world records easily in the next decade
Your mother benchpresses? And your girlfriend is 2.06 m. tall? Not even WNBA players are that tall. Easy with the fantasies.
Delete@Anonymous: much of sport is never recorded.
Delete@femalesaresuperior: Isis the Amazon is 2,16 if I recall right. You call her a fantasy? Babis
That’s actually 2 fair points Babis, Isis the Amazon is no joke and no fantasy and when she wrestled would overpower chokeslam and powerbomb some of the best men wrestlers in the world!!!
I also have to admit on your first point thinking about it I remember a comment on a post on this blog, I can’t for the life of me remember the thread of the post it was on but it actually blew me away, it’s on here somewhere
What I remember it was a clip from the worlds strongest man where they bending an iron bar, and really struggling with it, then there was a clip of an unknown Spanish female bodybuilder bending the same iron bar ridiculously easy before she held a plane by a rope and stopped it taking off!!! I wish I knew where it was it was staggering, and also she was clearly head and shoulders stronger than the worlds strongest man!!
So what you say is possible I guess, it just sounds unlikely- but then so dies a lot of things on here until you see a lot of the time it’s backed up with proof!!
Females are capable of and doing incredible feats of physical strength that we just don’t know about. So maybe your aren’t lying, but you have to admit it sounds bs.
If I said "My father is 2,06 and benchpresses 200+ kilograms" I would be lying indeed. It feels absurd even in quotation marks. Regardless if none of you would call bs on it. Babis
DeleteI have had it myself many a time. Disgusting and so typical of the way a lot of guys think. Im damn proud of my body, and if i want to show it off then i will.
ReplyDeleteFighting girls is pretty tough, not just for me but for all boys apparently. My ex and I used to playwrestle, and the reason I thought she used to win was because I used to hold back. She was pretty slender, and I outweighed her by a good 60 pounds.
ReplyDeleteWhen we broke up though, she challenged me to a holds barred fight and I was shocked that I had difficulty controlling her while she pinned me within minutes. Luckily, no one witnessed that fight and she promised me that she would not tell it to anyone.
My current girlfriend is a bit heavier though much lighter than me. I am afraid what will be the consequence if we ever get into a fight
You are right to be afraid. Avoid having to fight her. Babis
DeleteI'm trying to hit the gym more often. Hopefully I'll get over the fear, though the possibility of having a win is pretty slim. It's frustrating having to put so much effort just to even be considered a challenge by females...
DeleteI do hit the gym a lot too, but my mother is a lot stronger despite her smaller size. She benchpresses more than I... legpress. Women become inconceivably strong if they put the work in. Babis
DeleteGnome, well what you said is correct, though I seem to lose even in 'fair' fights where she stays away from my sensitive area.
DeleteBabis after being handed down defeat multiple times by various women, I have no doubt that my mother would be easily able to get the better of me even though she hasn't seen the face of a gym in last 10 yrs...
They should try bring them to a pole class ππ€ͺπ€£π€£πͺπ½π
Pole dancing tends to attract automatic assumptions. When I learn that a woman does pole dancing, I automatically assume she is stronger than me. Babis
DeleteLol πΈwell you not wrong there Babis babe πͺπ½πͺπ½πͺπ½π πΈ
The mistake people make about the power of the female body is that beauty and grace are not actually compatible with extreme strength. Maybe that's true for males, like when males show off their muscles as a display of 'masculine power', it's usually clumsy and and lacking real style. But Women have the ability to combine their natural physical beauty and grace with power in ways that males are completely lacking. Pole dancing is only one discipline where women totally dominate. If all of athletic events were focused on Female strengths, the whole idea of male physical superiorit would seem laughable.
Deleteπ― facts from yboy again my cute little pipette ππ₯°
DeleteHow are you anyway yboy o havent heard from you for ages? π€π½π π ππ½π€Έπ½♀️π
The idea of male physical superiority is laughable even in supposedly masculine sports, like football. At senior high school there was a girl very keen on pole dancing. I have been shoulder-contacted by her, so I understand grace and femininity come with physical strength, not weakness. Babis
Delete@Polegirl, Thank you Polegirl, I'm well and I hope you are too. Just humbly celebrating the superior gender and Her rise to power.