Saturday, 13 December 2014

When did you realise?

We all have different experiences growing up, but most of us are brought up to believe that boys are stronger than girls and men stronger than women. I realised this wasn't true from an early age as virtually every real life situation that I experienced or witnessed hanging out with my sister and her friends ran contrary to this. They were tough, but they weren't tomboys, they just knew they were tougher than the boys in the neighbourhood and they took great delight in demonstrating it at every opportunity. Even older boys were scared of them. So to me this seemed normal after a while and it is hard to identify a specific point of realisation. I do have some interesting experiences e-mailed to me from guys though and I will post one or two of these...

Does anyone else have any stories they would like to share of when they first realised females were actually the stronger sex?

Click the word "Comments" below to share your thoughts..